Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind – New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective
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Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind
Uwe Meixner
De Gruyter, De Gruyter
, 25.08.2014, BuchISBN: 9783110350746

Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind
De Gruyter
, 2014, Gebundene AusgabeISBN: 9783110350746
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Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind
Uwe Meixner
De Gruyter, De Gruyter
, 25.08.2014, BuchISBN: 9783110350746

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Quantum Physics Meets the Philosophy of Mind - New Essays on the Mind-Body Relation in Quantum-Theoretical Perspective
Corradini, Antonella; Meixner, Uwe
De Gruyter
, HardcoverISBN: 9783110350746
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