Bücher von Thomas Sanders
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Todeszone. die spektakulären Operationen einer deutschen Eliteeinheit ; ein Topagent packt aus
Thomas Sanders
, 2003.ISBN: 3453869249
Zustand: gebraucht; wie neu

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Thomas Sanders
Heyne HC
, 2003, HardcoverISBN: 3453869249
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
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The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 123 / 1993. Numbers 1-4 (January - April 1993). In 2 Volumes. --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): The Azolla-Anabaena symbiosis: endophyte continuity in the Azolla life-cycle is facilitated by epidermal trichomes. I. Partitioning of the endophytic Anabaena into developing sporocarps (S.K. Perkins and G.A. Peters) / The occurrence of SO2-related foliar symptoms on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in an open-air forest fumigation experiment (P.J.A. Shaw, M.R. Holland, N.M. Darrall and A.R. McLeod) / The role of carbohydrate storage and redistribution in the source-sink relations of wheat and barley during grain filling - a review. (Hans Schnyder) / Element localization in mycorrhizal roots of Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn collected from experimental plots treated with cadmium dust (K. Turnau, I. Kottke and F. Oberwinkler) / Wall growth, protein excretion and morph
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1993.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 124 / 1993. Numbers 1-4 (May - August 1993). In 2 Volumes. --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Tansley review No. 46. Wall extensibility: ist nature, measurement and relationship to plant cell growth. (Daniel J. Cosgrove) / Interactions of fungi with toxic metals (G.M. Gadd) / Infection structures of fungal plant pathogens - a cytological and physiological evaluation (Kurt Mendgen and Holger Deising) / Needle chlorosis in Sitka spruce following a three-year exposure to low concentrations of ozone: changes in mineral content, pigmentation and ascorbic acid (Peter W. Lucas, Leena Rantanen and Horst Mehlhorn) / Binding of monoclonal antibodies to vegetative tissue and fucose-containing polysaccharides of Fucus serratus L. (Jonathan R. Green, Christopher J. Stafford, J. Leighton Jones, Philip J. Wright and James A. Callow) / Modern pollen deposition in cave sites: e
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1993.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 125 / 1993. Numbers 1-4 (September - December 1993). In 2 Volumes. --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Tansley review No. 51. Gene expression under temperature stress (Catherine Howarth and Helen J. Ougham) / The role of active oxygen in the response of plants to water deficit and disiccation (Nicholas Smirnoff) / Cells and tissues in the vegetative sporophytes of early land plants (Dianne Edwards) / Tansley review No. 55. Structure and expression of genes coding for structural proteins of the plant cell wall (Matilde Jose and Pere Puigdomenech) / Tansley review No. 58. Plasmodesmata and the supracellular nature of plants (William J. Lucas, Biao Ding and Chris van der Schoot) / Leaf boundary layers (P.H. Schuepp) / Tansley review No. 60. Developmental biology of lichens (Rosmarie Honegger) / Environmental influences on the development of spruce needle cuticles (
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1993.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 126 / 1994. Numbers 1-4 (January - April 1994). --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Rates of diffusion into roots of maize (M.J. Canny and C.X. Huang) / Evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity in a seasonally dry tropical urban environment using three woody perennials (J. Pandey and M. Agrawal) / The phytosociology of myxomycetes (Bruce Ing) / The plant oncogene rolB stimulates the formation of flower and root meristemoids in tobacco thin cell layers (M.M. Altamura, F. Capitani, L. Gazza, I. Capone and P. Costantino) / Tansley review No. 63. Molecular markers in plant ecology (Konrad Bachmann) / Tansley review No. 64. Gene expression during leaf senscence (Catherine M. Smart) / Tansley review No. 66. The current status of the acid-growth hypothesis (U. Kutschera) / Plasmolysis: new insights into an old process (Karl J. Oparka). ...
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1994.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 127 / 1994. Numbers 1-4 (May - August 1994). --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): The control of cell expansion in roots (Jeremy Pritchard) / Fungal endophytes from the leaves and twigs of Quercus ilex L. from England, Majorca and Switzerland (P.J. Fisher, O.Petrini, L.E. Petrini and B.C. Sutton) / The biology of myco-heterotrophic ('saprophytic') plants (Jonathan R. Leake) / Elevated CO2, water relations and biophysics of leaf extension in four chalk grassland herbs (Rachel Ferris and Gail Taylor) / Tansley review No. 70. Signal transduction during fertilization in algae and vascular plants (Colin Brownlee) / Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on woody plants (Reinhart Ceulemans and Marianne Mousseau) / Tansley review No. 72. Secondary metabolites in plant defence mechanisms (Richard N. Bennett and Roger M. Wallsgrove) / The responses of plants to non-uniform s
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1994.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 128 / 1994. Numbers 1-4 (September - December 1994). --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Tansley review No. 74. Control of organogenesis at the shoot apex (Rober F. Lyndon) / Arabidopsis - ist use in the genetic and molecular analysis of plant morphogenesis (Kevin Pyke) / Helper bacteria: a new dimension to the mycorrhizal symbiosis (J. Garbaye) / Comparative investigations of cuticular permeability of conifer needles from healthy and damaged trees (Lukas Schreiber) / Cell differentiation and the cytoskeleton in Acetabularia (Diedrik Menzel) / Solute content and energy status of roots of barley plants cultivated at different pH on nitrate- or ammonium-nitrogen ( Barbara Lang and Werner M. Kaiser) / Changes in gene-expression in response to succrose accumulation in leaf tissue of Lolium temulentum L. (A.L. Winters, J.H.H. Williams, D.S. Thomas and C.J. Pollock) /
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Herold, A. / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. /
Cambridge University Press, 1994.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 119 / 1991. Numbers 1-4 (September - December 1991). --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Mechanisms of action of abscisic acid at the cellular level (Alistair M. Hetherington and Ralph S. Quatrano) / Photosynthesis of tropical tree seedlings in relation to light and nutrient supply. (I. Riddoch, T. Lehto and J.Grace) / Achievable productivities of certain CAM plants: basis for high values compared with C3 and C4 plants (Park S. Nobel) / Apoplastic and symplastic pathways in the leaf of the grey mangrove Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vierh. (Melissa A. Fitzgerald and William G. Allaway) / Tansley review No. 33: Evolution of resistance to fungal parasitism in natural ecosystems (Michele C. Heath) / Tansley review No. 34: The hydraulic architecture of trees and other woody plants (Melvin T. Tyree and Frank W. Ewers) / Fructan exohydrolase activity in leaves of Lolium t
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Lewis, D.H. / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Thomas, H. / West, R. G. / Yeoman, M.M.
Cambridge University Press, 1991.

The new Phytologist. An international journal of the plant sciences. Volume 129 / 1995. Numbers 1-4 (January - April 1995). --- From the contents (mentioned here are just longer essays with at least 10 pages): Gametes with the somatic chromosome number: mechanisms of their formation and role in the evolution of autopolyploid plants (F. Bretagnolles and J.D. Thompson) / Effects of ambient ozone on seedlings of Fagus sylvatica L. and Picea abies (L.) Karst (Sabine Braun and Walter Flückiger) / Auxin action and auxin-binding proteins (Richard M. Napier and Michael A. Venis) / Biochemistry and molecular biology of lignification (A.M. Boudet, C.Lapierre and J. Grima-Pettenati) / Effects of disease in wild plant populations and the evolution of pathogen aggressiveness (Andrew M. Jarosz and Anita L. Davelos) / Ectomycorrhizal fungal succession in jack pine stands following wildfire (Suzanne Visser) / Enzyme activities in isolated root plasma menbranes from a stand of Norway spruce in relation
Tansley, Arthur (Founded in 1902). - Alexander, I.J. / Ayres, P.G. / Briggs, D. / Dale, J.E. / Duckett, J.G. / J.F. Farrar / A.H. Fitter / J.R. Gallon / Mansfield, T.A. / Martin, F. / D. Sanders / Stribley, D.P. / Thomas, H. / Wolfenden, J. / Woodwar
Cambridge University Press, 1995.