Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education – Composing Archimedes' Lever, the Equation, and the Sentence as an Interdisciplinary Unity
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Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education
James H. Bunn
Springer International Publishing
, 2018, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783319834429

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Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education | Composing Archimedes' Lever, the Equation, and the Sentence as an Interdisciplinary Unity | James H. Bunn | Taschenbuch | xiii | 2018
Bunn, James H.
Springer International Publishing
, 2018, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783319834429

Dieses Bild ist kein Original-Foto des angebotenen Exemplars. Abweichungen sind möglich.
Balancing the Common Core Curriculum in Middle School Education
Bunn, James H.
Palgrave Macmillan / Springer International Publishing / Springer, Berlin
, SoftcoverISBN: 9783319834429
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