Design, structure and implementation of image and speech analysis systems - Digital filters, edge detection, image segmentation - Feature extraction from speech signals and classification - Fourier transform, image and speech compression - Introduction to C, C++ - Classes, inheritance and polymorphism Dietrich Paulus is a professor in computational visualistics at University Koblenz-Landau. Since over a decade he teaches image processing and programming languages. Joachim Hornegger is working for Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc. and the director of medical image processing. He is also a lecturer at the University of Mannheim teaching courses on medical image processing, discrete tomography, and 3D computer vision. From the contents: Design, structure and implementation of image and speech analysis systems - Digital filters, edge detection, image segmentation - Feature extraction from speech signals and classification - Fourier transform, image and speech compression - Introduction to C, C++ - Classes, inheritance and polymorphism Bildverarbeitung C++ Programmiersprache Efficient Algorithms Informatik EDV Image Processing Inheritance Mustererkennung Pattern Analysis pattern recognition Program Design programming regognition software development Speech processing Spracherkennung statistical pattern recognition ISBN-10 3-528-35558-1 / 3528355581 ISBN-13 978-3-528-35558-6 / 9783528355586 978-3528355586 Ein ganz großer Vorteil dieses Buches ist, dass die Thematik nicht nur auf einer abstrakten Ebene beschrieben wird, sondern dass im Buch immer wieder die Umsetzung der Aussagen in C++ gezeigt wird. neben einer Einführung in C++ werden die Algorithmen und Techniken immer wieder auch als Programm vorgestellt. Dadurch wird der Schritt von der Theorie - das heißt, dem als mathematische Formel beschriebenen Algorithmus - hin zur Praxis (dem Computerprogramm) durchgängig." Elektronik This book demonstrates the efficiency of the C++ programming language in the realm of pattern recognition and pattern analysis. For this 3rd edition, new features of the C++ language were integrated and their relevance for image and speech processing is discussed. The description of the STL library was extended and STL is now used in many places in the book. The chapters 23 and 24 can now be used to build complete systems and give hints for further extensions.The book is divided into 4 parts. After an introduction to programming and software engineering, the required basics of image and speech processing are given. Statistics and mathematics is explained as required. The second part treats C++ as an object-oriented language and introduces it thru examples. In the third part the examples of the first and second part are combined to form an image segmentation and a word recognition system. All relevant features of the C++ language are thus introduced with direct relation to the tasks in image and speech processing. "Die Behandlung der C++-Konstukte ist wirklich anwendungsnah." Prof. Dr. Michael Schenke, FH Merseburg "// sehr umfassend - anschaulich, klar, gut nachvollziehbar." Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans Peter Kölzer, HAW Hamburg "Dieses Buch werde ich meinen Studenten empfehlen, weil es einen sehr anschaulichen und motivierenden Einstieg in die Mustererkennung bietet." Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Weber, FH Darmstadt Concerning 3rd edition: "This book is a beautifully arranged marriage of state-of-the-art pattern recognition theory and of programming theory and practice. The elegant and thorough treatment of modern aspects of speech and video processing and interpretation springs to life through a multitude of well-designed case studies and concrete examples." Carlo Tomasi, Prof. of Computer Science, Duke University, USA "This book is a must for learners of practical image processing. The examples are well explained and cover the needs of a graduate image processing or pattern recognition course." Laszlo Csink, Prof. of Computer Science, Budapest Polytechnic John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics, Hungary "I am not aware of a book comparable to this one which gives an excellent combination of an account of relevant topics in pattern recognition as well as of techniques for implementing the equations and algorithms in C++. Therefore, the book is invaluable both to students starting in the field and and to practitioners needing a special algorithm and its implementation." H. Niemann, Prof. of Computer Science, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany "// this book has been the perfect source for my students and me. Not only that the reader is elegantly and in a straightforward manner guided to the central points of the theory, but in parallel the authors also make it transparent how to implement the algorithms resulting from the theory." Volkmar Welker, Prof. of Discrete Mathematics, University of Marburg, Germany Bildverarbeitung C++ Programmiersprache Efficient Algorithms Informatik EDV Image Processing Inheritance Mustererkennung Pattern Analysis pattern recognition Program Design programming software development Speech processing Spracherkennung statistical pattern recognition Applied Pattern Recognition A Practical Introduction to Image and Speech Processing in C++ Joachim Hornegger Dietrich W. R. Paulus Bildbearbeitung Bildverarbeitung Grafik EDV C++ Theorie Software-Entwicklung Mustererkennung Spracherkennung Vieweg+Teubner Bildverarbeitung C++ Programmiersprache Efficient Algorithms Informatik EDV Image Processing Inheritance Mustererkennung Pattern Analysis pattern recognition Program Design programming software development Speech processing Spracherkennung statistical pattern recognition ISBN-10 3-528-35558-1 / 3528355581 ISBN-13 978-3-528-35558-6 / 9783528355586