The Beginnings of Printing in the Near and Middle East - Jews, Christians and Muslims
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The Beginnings of Printing in the Near and Middle East - Jews, Christians and Muslims
Dr Geoffrey Roper
Harrassowitz, O
, 2001, BroschurISBN: 3447044179
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The Beginnings of Printing in the Near and Middle East - Jews, Christians and Muslims
Klaus Kreiser
Harrassowitz, O
, 2001, TaschenbuchISBN: 3447044179
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The Beginnings of Printing in the Near and Middle East - Jews, Christians and Muslims
Harrassowitz, O
, 2001, SoftcoverISBN: 3447044179
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The Beginnings of Printing in the Near and Middle East - Jews, Christians and Muslims: Exhibition: Der Frühdruck im Orient: Juden, Christen und ... Bamberg and Staatsbibliothek Bamberg
Lehrstuhl f. Türkische Sprache
Harrassowitz Verlag
, TaschenbuchISBN: 3447044179
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