AI for Cyber Guardians - Revolutionizing Ethical Hacking – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3384176715)Verlag:
In an era of digitization, where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated by the day, "AI for Cyber Guardians: Revolutionizing Ethical Hacking" by Dr. Jane Smith introduces a much-needed perspective into the field of cybersecurity. This groundbreaking book navigates readers through the revolutionary integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into ethical hacking practices, a domain traditio…
Verlagstext: In an era of digitization, where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated by the day, "AI for Cyber Guardians: Revolutionizing Ethical Hacking" by Dr. Jane Smith introduces a much-needed perspective into the field of cybersecurity. This groundbreaking book navigates readers through the revolutionary integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into ethical hacking practices, a domain traditio…
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von BuchWeltWeit Inh. Ludwig Meier e.K.
970 Bewertungen , 99,7% positiv
gewerblicher Anbieter, Neuware
970 Bewertungen , 99,7% positiv
gewerblicher Anbieter, Neuware