Der Vorwurf missbräuchlichen Verhaltens im Insolvenzrecht. – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3428180453)Verlag:
»The Doctrine of Abuse of Rights in German Insolvency Law« The thesis analyses abusive behaviour with regard to insolvency proceedings. It focuses on the strategic use of the restructuring measures of the German Insolvency Code that partly has been regarded as an abuse of law. With recourse to the principles of the doctrine of abuse of rights, the thesis reveals that the invocation within insolve…
Verlagstext: »The Doctrine of Abuse of Rights in German Insolvency Law« The thesis analyses abusive behaviour with regard to insolvency proceedings. It focuses on the strategic use of the restructuring measures of the German Insolvency Code that partly has been regarded as an abuse of law. With recourse to the principles of the doctrine of abuse of rights, the thesis reveals that the invocation within insolve…
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