Moving the Social 70/2023 - Journal of social history an… – neu kaufen
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(ISBN-10: 3837526526)Verlag:
Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements is a multi-disciplinary, international and peer-reviewed journal. It focuses on transnational and comparative perspectives on the history of social movements set in a wider context of social history. It appears twice yearly. During the last evaluation of the ESF Standing Committee for the Humanities (2011), the Jour…
Verlagstext: Moving the Social – Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements is a multi-disciplinary, international and peer-reviewed journal. It focuses on transnational and comparative perspectives on the history of social movements set in a wider context of social history. It appears twice yearly. During the last evaluation of the ESF Standing Committee for the Humanities (2011), the Jour…