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Optimality theory and minimalism – A possible convergence? – Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen

ISBN 9783939469544: Optimality theory and minimalism – A possible convergence?
ISBN 9783939469544: Optimality theory and minimalism – A possible convergence?
1 Treffer in Bücher
Gebrauchtware  gebraucht Neuware  Neuware

Engels, Eva; Samek-Lodovici, Vieri; Grim
gebrauchte Buecher
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Optimality theory and minimalism: A possible convergence?

Engels, Eva; Samek-Lodovici, Vieri; Grimshaw, Jane; Vogel, Ralf; ten Hacken, Pius; Soschen, Alona; Broekhuis, Hans; Vikner, Sten

Universitätsverlag Potsdam

, Taschenbuch
ISBN: 3939469548
flag_common DE vom Händler, Bewertungen 96,5% positiv