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Verkäufer-Bewertung: 100,0% positiv (2 Bewertungen)
dieses Buch wurde bereits 1 mal aufgerufen
neues Buch – Mazze, Roger; Strock – Staged Diabetes Management vergrössern
Preis: 181,81 € *


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* Inkl. Mwst.



(ISBN-13: 9780470061268)
Using evidence-based medicine, this title addresses the prominent issues of primary care diabetes management. It provides practical solutions to the detection and treatment of diabetes, its complications and such new areas as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes and diabetes in children. The text reviews the fundamental basis of diabetes management and then addresses treatment of each type of diabetes and the major micro- and macrovascular complications.
This Revised Second Edition uniquely focuses on advanced technologies and advanced therapeutics. Key changes include: Integration of incretin hormones in the basic pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes; Incretin mimetics and potentiators; Revised clinical decision paths with new medications and advanced insulin algorithms; New section on continuous glucose monitoring.
Staged Diabetes Management: A Systematic Approach, Second Edition, Revised presents a clear set of clinical algorithms consistent with the EASD/ADA recommended algorithms. It provides a means of applying the principles using a proven methodology and one that has been applied internationally.
* Based on the highly successful diabetes programmes for primary care developed by the world-renowned International Diabetes Center in Minneapolis, USA
* Features Decision Paths and Practice Guidelines to facilitate clinical decision making
* Clearly written and illustrated: each chapter may be read alone but complements the others to give a broad view of diabetes care
This title is an invaluable guide for healthcare professionals, particularly primary care physicians, diabetes specialist nurses, and for all those with an interest in diabetes. It is also useful for all Diabetes educators and medical students.
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