Sammelgebiet (Auto-) Biographie (englisch)
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich (Auto-) Biographie (englisch)
- Autobiography of FBI Agent Dale Cooper
- Scott Frost
- 1991
- 39,00 €
- Irish Writers series (36 Bände)
- Verschiedene
- 200,00 €
- Arthur Schnitzler and Twentieth-Century Criticism
- Andrew C. Wisley
- 2004
- 41,50 €
- Plexus – The Rosy Crucifixion Book Two
- Miller, Henry
- 1965
- 30,00 €
- Cooking for Madam - Recipes and Reminiscences from the Home of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
- Marta Sgubin and Nancy Nicholas
- 1998
- 59,00 €
- George Orwell, Fugitive from the Camp of Victory
- Richard Rees
- 1961
- 75,00 €
- Not Yet Uhuru. The autobiography of Oginga Odinga with a foreword by Kwame Nkrumah
- Oginga Odinga
- 1967
- 299,90 €
- Onstage, Offstage - signierte Erstausgabe
- Michael Buble
- 150,00 €
- Doris Day The Untold Story of the Girl Next Door
- David Kaufman
- 2008
- 30,00 €
- The Bronze Moon - A Writer‘s Recovery
- Carthage John Duffy
- 2006
- 75,00 €
- An Unlikely Prisoner (Paperback)
- Sean Turnell
- 2023
- 32,25 €
- The Journal of John Wieners is to be called 707 Scott Street for Billie Holiday 1959.
- 1996
- 100,00 €
- Street without a Name: Childhood and Other Misadventures in Bulgaria
- Kapka Kassabova
- 2008
- 38,95 €
- A Companion to the Works of Alfred Döblin
- Roland Dollinger, Wulf Koepke, Heidi Thomann Tewarson
- 2004
- 128,00 €
- Beyond the Reefs
- Travis, William "Rarität"
- 1959
- 99,90 €
- Stanley Kubrick: A Life In Pictures
- Christiane Kubrick
- 2002
- 34,95 €
- Fortunate Son - signierte nummerierte Erstausgabe
- John Fogerty
- 299,00 €
- 1865
- 30,00 €
- The Fun of it
- Amelia Earhart
- 1952
- 99,00 €
- Famous City Amsterdam
- Marte Visser
- 2014
- 36,00 €
- George Orwell, a Bibliography
- Gillian Fenwick
- 1998
- 100,00 €
- Country Gentleman
- Chet Atkins with Bill Neely
- 1974
- 79,00 €
- Wallace Stegner - man & writer
- Charles Stegner ( editor )
- 1996
- 38,75 €
- My own Story Everest & OYU
- Miroslav Caban
- 39,00 €
- Freedom and unity. A selection from writings and speeches 1952-65
- Nyerere, Julius K.
- 1967
- 33,00 €
- The Sundaytimes magazine Quality Cars
- 1987
- 40,00 €
- Jane Austen - re-issue of the famous biography
- Elizabeth Jenkins
- 1948
- 35,80 €
- Take Me Home: An Autobiography- / John Denver
- John Denver
- 1994
- 35,50 €
- Gaither Pratt -A Life for Parapsychology
- Jürgen Keil
- 1987
- 98,00 €
- Along the way Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez with Hope Edelmann
- 40,00 €
- Suffering without bitterness The Founding of the Kenya Nation
- Kenyatta, Jomo
- 1968
- 44,90 €
- Mr Mkhize's Portrait & Other Stories from the new South Africa.
- Broomberg, Adam; Chanarin, Oliver
- 2004
- 34,99 €
- Johannes Vermeer
- 1989
- 43,00 €
- The Baker Street Irregular: The Unauthorised Biography of Sherlock Holmes
- Mitchelson, Austin
- 1994
- 35,00 €
- From Berlin to Jerusalem: Memories of my youth - Signed Copy
- Scholem, Gershom
- 1980
- 195,00 €
- Toni Cavelti A Jeweller's Life. Foreword by Bill Reid, dedication from Toni Cavelti
- Wyman, Max
- 1996
- 65,00 €
- Saturday Night Peter: Memoirs of a Stand-Up Comedian
- Peter Kay
- 50,00 €
- Memoirs of Pliny Earle, M.D., with Extracts from His Diary and Letters (1830-1892) and Selections from His Professional Writings (1839-1891)
- Sanborn, F.E. (Ed)
- 1898
- 65,00 €
- The Confessions of an English Opium Eater
- De Quincey, Thomas - Illustrated by Sonia Woolf
- 1930
- 125,00 €
- George Herbert
- Eliot, T.S.
- 1968
- 30,00 €
- Unknown Pleasures
- Hook, Peter
- 2013
- 50,00 €
- Go Tell the Mountain - The Stories and Lyrics of Jeffrey Lee Pierce
- Pierce, Jeffrey Lee
- 1998
- 195,00 €
- The personal history of David Copperfield. In three volumes. -- (Komplett!)
- Dickens, Charles
- 1850
- 33,00 €
- Aishabee at War: A Very Frank Memoir
- Aisha Akbar
- 30,00 €
- The World is What it is
- Pateick French
- 31,99 €
- Shell Guide to the Shannon. Incorporating the Shannon Log. Der Majestätische Shannon. Le Majesteeux Shannon. The Lordly Shannon.
- Warne, Frederick and Terry Balfe
- 1977
- 35,99 €
- THE FREAK - Chaplin's last film (Charlie Chaplin) HARDCOVER
- Pierre Smolik
- 39,90 €
- Mitford's Japan. The Memoirs und Recollections, 1866-1906, of Algernon Bertram Mitford, the first Lord Redesdale.
- Hugh Cortazzi(Editor)
- 1985
- 33,00 €
- Football Worlds. A Lifetime in Sport
- Stanley Rous
- 1979
- 60,00 €
- FF Communications ___ Edited for the folklore fellows ___ Vol. LIII ___ Nr. 126 ___ A Bibliography of Riddles
- Walter Anderson - Fritz Boehm - Uno Harva - Knut Liestol - C. W. von Sydow und Archer Taylor
- 1939
- 47,36 €