Sammelgebiet Anglistik
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich Anglistik
- The Cambridge Dictionary of English Place-Names: Based on the Collections of the English Place-Name Society.
- Watts, Victor
- 2007
- 64,70 €
- Das mittelenglische Poema Morale. Im kritischen Text, nach den sechs vorhandenen Handschriften zum ersten Male herausgegeben
- Hermann Lewin
- 1881
- 73,10 €
- Joyce ~ Again's Wake. An analysis of Finnegans Wake.
- Benstock, Bernard
- 1965
- 125,00 €
- Jane Austen and the Theatre.
- Byrne, Paula
- 2007
- 84,00 €
- Motif Index of the Child Corpus - The English and Scottish Popular Ballad
- Würzbach, Natascha; Salz, Simone M.
- 89,00 €
- Jerusalem. The Emanation of the Giant Albion (=The Illuminated Books , Vol. 1).
- Blake, William and Morton D. Paley (ed.)
- 1997
- 84,00 €
- Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of Collinearity
- Belsley, David A.; Kuh, Edwin; Welsch, Roy E.
- 1980
- 105,00 €
- The Complete Masques.
- Jonson, Yale Ben
- 2009
- 62,40 €
- The Oxford Handbook of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Oxford Handbooks).
- Burwick, Frederick
- 2012
- 79,90 €
- Edward Lear and the Play of Poetry.
- Williams, James and Matthew Bevis
- 2016
- 160,00 €
- The Sonnets: The State of Play (Arden Shakespeare The State of Play).
- Crawforth, Dr. Hannah, Elizabeth Scott-Baumann and Clare Whitehead
- 2017
- 124,00 €
- Shakespeare's World of Words (Arden Shakespeare).
- Yachnin, Professor Paul
- 2015
- 104,00 €
- Macbeth: New Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism, 32).
- Moschovakis, Nick
- 2009
- 139,70 €
- The First Folio of Shakespeare
- Shakespeare, William
- 1996
- 98,00 €
- Literacy and power in anglo-saxon literature
- Lerer, Seth
- 1991
- 70,00 €
- Richard II: New Critical Essays (Shakespeare Criticism, 25).
- Lopez, Jeremy
- 2012
- 120,00 €
- The Correspondence of William Cowper arranged in Chronological Order, with annotations [4-vols.-set]
- Wright, Thomas
- 2005
- 87,60 €
- DIE CAXTONE - ein Familiengemälde
- Eduard (edward) Lytton Bulwer / carl kolb (übers.)
- 1863
- 60,53 €
- Journal to Stella: Letters to Esther Johnson and Rebecca Dingley, 1710-1713 (Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jonathan Swift, 9).
- Jonathan, Swift Edited by Abigail Williams
- 2013
- 120,00 €
- Spiritual History: A Reading of William Blake's Vala, or the Four Zoas.
- Lincoln, Andrew
- 1996
- 84,00 €
- The Saxon genesis : an edition of the West Saxon genesis B and the Old Saxon Vatican genesis
- A. (Alger) N. Doane
- 1991
- 199,00 €
- Virginia Woolf: A Passionate Apprentice: The Early Journals 1897-1909.
- Woolf, Virginia
- 2004
- 84,00 €
- Englisches Lesebuch oder auserlesene Sammlung von Aufsätzen aus den besten englischen Schriftstellern, mit richtiger Accentuation jedes Wortes und darunter […]
- Fick, Johann Christian
- 1807
- 68,00 €
- Beówulf. Selten! Mit ausführlichem Glossar. (= Bibliothek der ältesten dt. Litteratur-Denkmäler, Band III. Angelsächsische Denkmäler 1.Teil).
- Heyne, Moritz
- 1903
- 60,00 €
- Blake Records: Documents 1714-1841 Concerning the Life of William Blake 1757-1827 and His Family.
- Bentley, G. E.
- 2004
- 240,00 €
- Muret-Sanders enzyklopädisches Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch und Deutsch-Englisch (2 Bände)
- Muret-Sanders
- 1908
- 90,00 €
- Webster's new twentieth century dictionary second edition unabridged
- 99,00 €
- The North Anthology of American Literature, Volume A & B, 6th Edition
- Baym, Nina (Hrsg.)
- 2003
- 88,00 €
- The Urizen Books: The First Book of Urizen, the Book of Ahania, the Book of Los(=Blake's Illuminated Books, vol. 6).
- Worrall, David and William Blake
- 1995
- 160,00 €
- Visionary Milton: Essays on Prophecy and Violence (Medieval and Renaissance Literary Studies)
- Medine, Peter, John T. Shawcross and David Urban
- 2010
- 120,00 €
- The Torn Book: Unreading William Blake's Marginalia.
- Snart, Jason Allen
- 2006
- 64,00 €
- Narrative Ethics.
- Newton, Adam Zachary
- 1995
- 95,00 €
- The Oxford Handbook of William Wordsworth (Oxford Handbooks)
- Gravil, Richard and Daniel Robinson
- 2015
- 76,00 €
- The Triumph of Love.
- Hill, Geoffrey
- 2007
- 129,00 €
- Glimpses of Glory: John Bunyan and English Dissent.
- Greaves, Richard
- 2002
- 90,90 €
- Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality.
- Stanivukovic, Goran
- 2017
- 139,00 €
- Victorian Literature and the Victorian Visual Imagination
- Christ, Carol T. und John O. Jordan (Hrsg.)
- 1995
- 73,00 €
- Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Biography.
- Bieri, James
- 2008
- 73,90 €
- Medieval Shakespeare: Pasts and Presents.
- Cooper, Helen, Peter Holland and Ruth Morse
- 2013
- 69,70 €
- Ovid's Changing Worlds: English Metamorphoses 1567-1632.
- Lyne, Raphael
- 2001
- 159,20 €
- The Modern Theatre. Ten Parts in five Volumes
- 1973
- 258,00 €
- An Exaltation of Larks or The "Venereal" Game (Erstausgabe!)
- Lipton, James
- 1968
- 79,90 €
- Controversies in applied linguistics
- Barbara Seidlhofer
- 2003
- 65,00 €
- Our Secret Discipline: Yeats and Lyric Form.
- Vendler, Helen
- 2007
- 76,20 €
- Joyce, T. S. Eliot, Auden, Beckett (Great Shakespeareans, Volume XII).
- Poole, Adrian
- 2014
- 74,00 €
- Shakespeare And Elizabethan Popular Culture: Arden Critical Companion.
- Gillespie, Stuart and Neil Rhodes
- 2006
- 62,40 €
- Wege der Forschung, Band 629: Englische Literatur zwischen Viktorianismus und Moderne. Deutsch/Englisch
- Paul Goetsch, William A. Madden, Helmut E. Gerber, Jerome Thale u.v.a.
- 1983
- 65,00 €
- The Works
- Kingsley, Charles
- 1968
- 398,00 €
- 3 Bd. ( komplett ) : A Reference Guide to the Literature of Travel . ( Including Voyages, Geopraphical Descripstions, Adventures, Shipwrecks and Expeditions […]
- Edward Godfrey COX
- 98,00 €
- William Blake in the Desolate Market.
- Bentley, G. E. Jr.
- 2014
- 74,00 €
- The Alternative Trinity: Gnostic Heresy in Marlowe, Milton, and Blake.
- Nuttall, A. D.
- 2007
- 61,70 €
- Dickens – Harvester New Readings
- Flint, Kate
- 1986
- 95,00 €
- Werke. Band V: Supplementband I: Szenen - Prosa - Verse.
- Beckett, Samuel / ed. Elmar Tophoven und Klaus Birkenhauer.
- 1986
- 75,00 €
- The Works
- Kingsley, Charles
- 1968
- 358,00 €
- The Works
- Hood, Thomas
- 1970
- 198,00 €
- Writing after Sidney: The Literary Response to Sir Philip Sidney 1586-1640.
- Alexander, Gavin
- 2010
- 61,60 €
- The Works of the English Poets from Chaucer to Cowper
- 1969
- 366,00 €
- Edward Thomas: Prose Writings, Volume II: England and Wales. (=Writing Selected Edition, 2).
- Cuthbertson, Guy and Lucy Newlyn
- 2011
- 130,00 €
- The Letters of Edward FitzGerald.
- Cohen, John M. and Edward FitzGerald
- 2008
- 90,00 €
- Grammar of the English language: with an introductory grammatico-physical 'Treatise on speech', or on the formation of all speech sounds (The classics […]
- John Wallis
- 1972
- 71,52 €
- The compact edition of the Oxford English Dictionary
- R.W. Burchfield
- 1987
- 200,00 €
- The Company: a Biographical Dictionary of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
- Trowbridge, Simon
- 2013
- 110,00 €
- The categories and types of present-day English word-formation. A synchronic-diachronic approach. (Handbücher für das Studium der Anglistik)
- Marchand, Hans
- 1969
- 65,00 €
- Tennyson Among the Poets: Bicentenary Essays.
- Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert and Seamus Perry
- 2009
- 115,00 €
- Dracula: Sense and Nonsense. Introduced by Clive Leatherdale.
- Miller, Elizabeth
- 2000
- 95,00 €
- The Alexander Pope Encyclopedia.
- Rogers, Pat
- 2004
- 110,00 €
- Shakespeare and Greece (The Arden Shakespeare).
- Findlay, Alison and Vassiliki Markidou
- 2017
- 78,00 €
- Selections from British Authors in Prose and Poetry. Chrestomathie aus Englischen Autoren in Prosa und Poesie
- Edward Aubrey Moriarty
- 1844
- 73,00 €
- Shakespeare Is Hard, but So Is Life: A Radical Guide to Shakespearian Tragedy.
- O'Toole, Fintan
- 2003
- 108,00 €
- William Barnes. My Hwomeward Road: The Family Life of the Dorset Poet
- Ashdown, Douglas
- 2003
- 90,00 €
- The Prose Works of Andrew Marvell, vol. 2: 1676-1678.
- Marvell, Andrew, Martin Dzelzainis and Annabel M. Patterson
- 2003
- 75,90 €
- Thomas Wyatt: The Heart's Forest.
- Brigden, Susan
- 2012
- 64,00 €
- Applause First Folio of Shakespeare in Modern Type: Comedies, Histories & Tragedies (Applause First Folio Editions).
- Shakespeare, William
- 2001
- 65,70 €
- The Heliand. The Saxon Gospel
- 1993
- 60,00 €
- The first Folio. Based on Folios in the Folger Shakespeare Library Collection. Prepared by Charlton Hinman. With a new introduction by Peter W.M. Blayney […]
- Shakespeare, William
- 1996
- 90,00 €