Sammelgebiet Indologie
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich Indologie
- Mâitrâyaṇî Saṃhitâ / Maitrayani Samhita
- Leopold von Schroeder [ed.]
- 440,00 €
- sanskrit dramas of twentieth century
- Usha Satyavrat
- 1971
- 68,00 €
- Vier philosophische Texte des Mahâbhâratam
- Paul Deussen
- 1980
- 50,00 €
- Die Chronik von Akakor Erzählt von Tatunca Nara dem Häuptling der Ugha Mongula
- Brugger, Karl
- 89,21 €
- Die Chronik von Akakor +++ Tatunca Nara +++ Karl Brugger +++ TOP!!!
- Die Chronik von Akakor +++ Tatunca Nara +++ Karl Brugger +++ TOP!!!
- 76,21 €
- Rig-Veda. Übersetzt und mit kritischen und erläuternden Anmerkungen versehen. Zweiter Theil. Sammelbücher des Rig-Veda (Erstes, neuntes, zehntes Buch)
- Hermann Grassmann
- 1877
- 50,00 €
- A comparative and Etymological Dictionary of the nepali languarge ; with indexes of all words quoted from other Indo-Aryan languages
- Ralph Lilley Turner
- 1965
- 90,00 €
- The Indus Script. Texts, Concordance and Tables. [Memoirs of The Archaeological Survey of India. No. 77.]
- Mahadevan, Iravatham; Sharma, Armanath (Graphic Arts)
- 1977
- 250,00 €
- The Jyotistoma Ritual. Jaiminiya Brahmana I, 66-364. Brill 1990.
- Bodewitz, H W
- 1990
- 200,00 €
- Mrcchakatika id est Curriculum Figlinum Sudrakae Regis Fabula sanskrite edidit
- Adolphus Fridericus Stenzler / Friedrich Stenzler [ed.]
- 1847
- 100,00 €
- A Pali reader with notes and glossary. – Part I [1]: Text and notes. – Part II [2]: Glossary (first half). – Part II [2]: Glossary (second half).
- Andersen, Dines
- 100,00 €
- Chronica dos Reis de Bisnaga. Manuscripto inedito do Seculo XVI
- Davis Lopes [ed.]
- 1897
- 120,00 €
- Indologica Taurinensia Official Organ of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies Volume XV-XVI 1989-90 Proceedings of the Seventh World Sanskrit […]
- Indologica Taurinensia (Publ.); Botto, Oscar (Ed.)
- 1989
- 52,40 €
- Philosophy, Grammar and Indology
- Gustuv Roth, Edited by H.S. Prasad
- 1992
- 50,00 €
- Die Chronik von Akakor +++ Tatunca Nara +++ Karl Brugger +++ TOP!!!
- Die Chronik von Akakor +++ Tatunca Nara +++ Karl Brugger +++ TOP!!!
- 69,21 €
- Die indische Flutsage und das Matsyapurana. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Visnuverehrung
- Hohenberger, Adam <1888-1966>
- 1930
- 55,00 €
- Terminologie grammticale du Sanskrit. Bibliothèque de l'école des hautes études, Sciences historiques et philologiques ; 280, 281 fasc.
- Louis Renou
- 148,00 €
- Das Saptasatakam des Hala
- Albrecht Weber [Hrsg.]
- 1881
- 120,00 €
- a dravidian etymological dictionary
- T. Burrow, M. B. Emeneau
- 1968
- 65,00 €
- Saiva Tradition In Indian Art (Puratan, Special Issue , Vol.No.6, 1989)
- 1989
- 85,00 €
- Hitopadesa [Hitopadesha].
- Sarman, Visnu [Sharman, Vishnu]; Askhedar, Laxmana Yadava (Glossary and Notes)
- 1872
- 98,00 €
- Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes Band 23 Nr.2 1938
- Paul Thieme
- 69,90 €
- Der Traumschlüssel des Jagaddeva. Ein Beitrag zur indischen Mystik.
- Negelein, Julius von
- 1912
- 120,00 €
- Vedic Bibliography. Vols I-V
- R. N. Dandekar
- 200,00 €
- A comparative and etymological dictionary of the Nepali language, (Hardcover)
- Ralph Lilley Turner
- 1965
- 92,00 €
- Panca-Vimsa Brahmana [Pancavimsabrahmana, Tandya Mahabrahmana ]. Bibliotheca Indica 255
- Willem (Wilhelm) Caland
- 1931
- 240,00 €
- The Bhagvat-Geeta [Bhagavadgita] translated, with notes by Charles Wilkins
- Charles Wilkins [transl.]
- 1959
- 68,00 €
- Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthacastra des Kautilya. Aus dem Sanskrit übersetzt ... von Johann Jakob Meyer [Arthashastra; Arthasastra […]
- Johann Jakob Meyer / J. J. Meyer / Johann Jacob Meyer
- 1926
- 320,00 €
- Bruchstücke buddhistischer Verssammlungen aus zentralasiatischen Sanskrithandschriften. Band 1: Die Anavataptagatha und die Sthaviragatha. (= Sanskrittexte […]
- Bechert, Heinz // (Hrsg, Ernst Waldschmidt)
- 1961
- 250,00 €
- Introduction to the Bengali Language. IN TWO VOLUMES, Vol. 1
- W. Yates
- 68,00 €
- Handbuch der Orientalistik / Religionen / Vedic Ritual. The non-solemn rites
- Gonda, Jan
- 1980
- 120,00 €
- Comparative Grammar of The Prakrit Languages.
- Pischel, R. [d.i. Richard Pischel]; Jha, Subhadra (Translation)
- 1965
- 50,00 €
- A Pali Chrestomathy : with notes and glossary giving SAnskrit and Chinese equivalents
- Junjiro Takakusu (1866-1945)
- 1900
- 50,00 €
- A History of Indian Literature / The Ritual Sutras
- Gonda, Jan
- 1977
- 70,00 €
- Rudras Geburt, Systematische Untersuchungen zum Inzest in der Mythologie der Brāhmaṇas
- Deppert, Joachim
- 1977
- 80,00 €
- Essai sur le Pali / Observations grammaticales sur quelques passages de l'Essai sur le Pali
- Eugène Burnouf / Christian Lassen
- 600,00 €
- Indien - Baukunst, Landschaft und Volksleben
- Martin Hürlimann
- 1928
- 55,00 €
- Versuch einer Literatur der Sanskrit-Sprache
- Adelung, Friedrich von <1768-1843>
- 1830
- 250,00 €
- Jaiminiya Brahmana I, 1-65 : Translation and Commentary, with a Study: Agnihotra and Pranagnihotra.
- Bodewitz, H. W.
- 1973
- 100,00 €
- Ceremonies of the Pawnee (Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians), 1989
- Murie, James R. edited by Douglas R. Parks.
- 1989
- 59,90 €
- Icons in Bronze - An Introduction to Indian Metal Images
- Lieut.-Gen.D.R. Thapar
- 1961
- 60,00 €
- The Vyakarana-Mahabhashya of Patanjali. Third edition. Revised and furnished with additional readings, references and select critical notes
- Kielhorn, F. (Hrsg./Editor); Franz Kielhorn; K. V. Abhyankar, Kashinath Vasudev Abhyankar
- 80,00 €
- The Ocean of Story being C.H. Tawney's translation of Somadeva's Katha Sarit Sagara
- N. P. Penzer [ed.]
- 1924
- 480,00 €
- The soviet decipherment of the indus valley script
- Arlene Zide and Kamil Zvelebil
- 1976
- 99,00 €
- Urdu language and literature. A bibliography of sources in European languages
- Mahmud, Shabana
- 1992
- 50,00 €
- A Pali Reader. With Notes and Glossary
- Dines Andersen
- 60,00 €
- Sechzig Upanishad's des Veda
- Paul Deussen
- 1938
- 75,00 €
- Indian Paleography. Grundriss der Indo-Arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde
- Georg Bühler
- 80,00 €
- A Dictionary of Urdu (on Historical Principles) [in Urdu]
- 265,00 €
- Paippalada-Samhita of the Atharvaveda. First Kanda
- Durgamohan Bhattacharya [ed.]
- 1964
- 80,00 €
- A Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European Languages.
- Monier-Williams Monier
- 1979
- 80,00 €
- Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda
- Hermann Graßmann
- 1976
- 60,00 €
- Satapatha-Brahmana / Çatapatha-Brahmana
- Albrecht Weber [ed.]
- 1964
- 60,00 €
- Grundriss der iranischen Philologie. Unter Mitwirkung von Chr. Bartholomae, C. H. Ethé, K. F. Geldner, P. Horn, H. Hübschmann, A. V. W. Jackson, [...]. […]
- Geiger, Wilhelm und Ernst Kuhn (Hrsg.)
- 360,00 €
- Selected Letters of Rabindranath Tagore
- Rabindranath Tagore; Krishna Dutta, Andrew Robinson [eds.]
- 1997
- 120,00 €
- The Vayu Purana. A system of Hindu mythology and tradition. 2 volumes.
- Rajendralala Mitra [Hrsg.]
- 160,00 €
- Kleine Schriften II
- Paul Thieme
- 61,25 €
- A History of Indian Literature / Vedic Literature (Samhitas and Brahmanas)
- Gonda, Jan
- 1975
- 90,00 €
- The Modern Vernacular Literatur of Hindustan
- George A. Grierson
- 1889
- 240,00 €
- The Practical Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Revised & enlarged edition
- Vaman Shivaram Apte
- 1992
- 220,00 €
- Grundriss der indo- arischen Philologie und Altertumskunde
- Georg Bühler
- 1896
- 69,90 €
- A Comparative Grammar of The Gaudian Languages with Special Reference to The Eastern Hindi. Accompanied by a Language-Map and a Table of Alphabets.
- Hoernle, A. F. Rudolf [d.i. Augustus Frederic Rudolf Hoernle]
- 1880
- 68,00 €
- Der Tod und die Liebe, übertragen von Ebba Koch. Original-Manuskript
- Ebba Koch
- 130,00 €
- A Gujarati Reference Grammar
- George Cordona
- 1965
- 82,00 €
- Indralokagamana. Ardschuna's Reise zu Indra's Himmel, nebst anderen Episoden des Maha-Bharata
- Franz Bopp
- 1824
- 120,00 €
- Linguistic Survey of India Vol I Part II
- G A Grierson
- 1967
- 319,00 €
- Obrazcy sovremennoj prozy chindustani. Cast I. Aziz ud Din Achmed. Gangotri. [und] Cast II. [Beispiele moderner Hindustani-Prosa.]
- Barannikov, Aleksej Petrovic [Alexej Petrowitsch Barannikow]
- 50,00 €
- Die Sutra's des Vedanta
- Paul Deussen
- 1982
- 60,00 €
- Asvasastram. With coloured illusrations. [= Tanjore Mahal Series No. 56]
- Nakula; ed.: S. Gopalan; Svaminatha Atreya; K. S. Subramanya Sastri
- 1952
- 53,65 €
- The Ancient Indian Royal Consecration
- Johannes Cornelius Heesterman / Jan Heesterman
- 1957
- 88,00 €
- A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India. To wit Hindi, Punjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, and Bengali. [Three volumes now […]
- John Beames
- 1970
- 198,00 €
- Samnyasa. Quellenstudien zur Askese im Hinduismus
- Joachim Friedrich Sprockhoff
- 1976
- 60,00 €