Sammelgebiet Lyrik (englisch)
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich Lyrik (englisch)
- The Serious Poems of Thomas Hood - with a Preface by Thomas Hood the Younger. A New and Complete Edition.
- Thomas Hood
- 1876
- 86,90 €
- The works of Lord Byron
- Lord Byron
- 1842
- 100,00 €
- Legends of King Arthur The Holy Grail and Tristan
- 2001
- 140,00 €
- Martial - The Epigrams Book V
- Peter Howell
- 1995
- 99,00 €
- The Sonnets of Michelangelo - Translated by Elizabeth Jennings [Handsigniert vom Autor, Sammlerstück, Rarität!]
- Elizabeth Jennings
- 1988
- 66,00 €
- The Complete Poetical Works Volume V - Don Juan
- Byron, Lord ; McGann (Editor)
- 1986
- 200,00 €
- The Keepsake for MDCCCXLII
- 50,00 €
- The Princess and Maud
- Lord Alfred Tennyson,
- 75,00 €
- John Keats
- Henry Newbolt, Editor
- 84,00 €
- Octavio Paz: Eight Poems. Cy Twombly: Ten Drawings. Gedichte in Spanisch. Mit einem Beiheft in der Buchtasche, das die Übersetzungen der Gedichte ins […]
- 100,00 €
- Walking on Grass
- Andrew Crozier
- 1969
- 70,00 €
- Selected Poems.
- Blight, John
- 1976
- 75,00 €
- Child Harold
- Byron
- 1837
- 90,00 €
- "persian poems" an anthology of verse translations
- arberry, a. j. (edited)
- 1969
- 52,00 €
- Bird Children
- Elizabeth Gordon
- 1912
- 100,00 €
- The Works of Lord Byron. Complete in five Volumes. Vol. 1 bis 5 komplett.
- Lord Byron
- 1842
- 70,00 €
- Dubliners (Collector's Library)
- Joyce, James
- 99,00 €
- The Raven / O Corvo / El Cuervo - Poema de Edgar Allan Poe, Ilustraciones de Gustave Doré
- Edgar Allan Poe; Bonalde; Pessoa
- 2009
- 147,50 €
- The Poetical Works of Robert Burns edited by The Rev. Robert Aris Willmott
- Robert Burns
- 1856
- 195,00 €
- There`s No Such Place As Far Away
- Richard Bach/Ron Wegen (Illustr.)
- 1980
- 65,80 €
- Okyeame Vol. l 1 nr 1
- Rarität´
- 1960
- 64,90 €
- Poems
- Anthony Barnett
- 2012
- 80,00 €
- The Idylls of] Theocritus. Translated into English Verse.
- Theocritus; Calverley, Charles Stuart (Transl.)
- 1906
- 98,00 €
- ELEGIES For the Dead in Cyrenaica
- Hamish Henderson
- 1948
- 55,65 €
- The Stauffenberg Cycle & Other Poems
- Cohen, Ira
- 1981
- 125,00 €
- Sonnets and songs
- Whitney, Helen Hay
- 1905
- 75,00 €
- Solution Passage. Poems 1978-1981
- Clark Coolidge
- 1986
- 70,00 €
- The Murder of Lidice
- Edna St. Vincent Millay.
- 1942
- 60,00 €
- The Seasons 1802
- James Thomson
- 90,00 €
- The Poetical Works of John Keats 1895 Thomas Y Crowell & Company Vintage
- John Keats
- 1895
- 55,00 €
- The complete Poetical Works of Robert Burns - with an original Memoir bay William Gunnyon - mit Goldschnitt und Titelbild des Autors
- Robert Burns / William Gunnyon - 1878
- 1878
- 70,00 €
- The Penguin Book of Irish Verse
- Brendan Kennelly
- 50,00 €
- The Poetical works of Sir Walter Scott
- Sir Walter Scott - Intodruction by W. M. Rossetti
- 60,00 €
- Northern Lights, a New Collection of Distinguished Writing
- 1960
- 100,00 €
- The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam In english Verse by Edward Fitzgerald ; 50 Plates in Color by Iran's Celebrated Artist Hossein BEHZAD MINIATUR -- Persian […]
- Fitzgerald, Edward
- 1976
- 55,00 €
- Poetic Gems from Shakespeare Till the Present Day
- B.S.Berrington
- 1899
- 300,00 €
- Cantus Hibernici.
- Moore, Thomas
- 1835
- 50,00 €
- Household Words
- Charles Dickens
- 1851
- 50,00 €
- The Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman and of an Elderly Lady. Two in one band.
- Marguerite Countess of Blessington
- 95,00 €
- The Divan of Hafiz
- Hafez
- 2005
- 60,00 €
- Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
- Edward Fitzgerald
- 1930
- 130,00 €
- Idylls of the King
- Alfred Tennyson
- 60,00 €
- The Nine-Eyed Agate
- Jangbu
- 2010
- 122,00 €
- Haiku, Vol. 1: Eastern Culture
- R.H. Blyth
- 1981
- 50,00 €
- Sammlung (engl., 4 HC, 8 TB)
- Ezra Pound
- 220,00 €
- Between You and These Bones
- Soul, F. D.
- 2018
- 142,25 €
- The Divan of Hafiz
- Hafiz
- 2013
- 95,00 €
- Schriften/ Essays
- Repplier, Agnes
- 199,00 €
- A gin-pissing-raw-meat-dual-carburetor-V8-son-of-a-bitch from Los Angeles. Collected poems 1983 - 2002
- Fante, Dan
- 2002
- 53,00 €
- The Poetical Works of Robert Browning - Volumen 2 bis 8
- 1902
- 199,00 €
- Sir Walter Scott (* 15.8.1771 in Edinburgh; † 21.9.1832 in Abbotsford)
- 85,36 €
- Hudibras, Poem Vol.I + Vol.II
- Butler, Samuel
- 1812
- 90,00 €
- The Works of Lord Byron
- Byron
- 1842
- 62,00 €
- The temple of Gnidus a poem from the French Prose of M. Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu.
- John Sayer
- 1765
- 250,00 €
- Selected Poems of Hafiz English/ farsi )Persisch=
- Y.Jamshidi pur ( Editor)
- 1963
- 59,90 €
- The Ayrshire Homes and Haunts of Burns.
- Shelley, Henry C. [Charles]
- 1897
- 52,00 €
- The Complete Correspondence of Sigmund Freud and Ernest Jones 1908-1939
- Riccardo Steiner
- 1993
- 59,99 €
- Sonnets & Poems, Edited by Colin Burrow
- Shakespeare
- 2002
- 240,00 €
- The Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1900
- A.T.Quiller-Couch
- 1902
- 59,95 €
- Doddridge Richard, Blackmore M.A. Oxon
- 1895
- 124,65 €
- The poetical Works of Lord Byron. With Life. Six Engravings on Steel.
- George Gordon Byron
- 63,80 €
- The works of Dr. Benjamin Franklin. Consisting of essays, humorous, moral, and literary: with his life, written by himself. 1835
- Benjamin Franklin
- 1835
- 50,00 €
- The Works of Francis Thompson (3 Bände komplett)
- Francis Thompson
- 1913
- 50,00 €
- Poetical Works
- Matthew Arnold
- 1893
- 67,00 €
- A Gallery of distinguished english and american Female Poet´s I+II
- Henry Coppée A.M. Professor of english Literature in the University of Pennsylvania
- 1860
- 400,00 €
- Stanzas for Iris Lezak
- Jackson Mac Low
- 1971
- 60,00 €
- Napoleon and other Poems
- Bernard Barton
- 1822
- 250,00 €
- REAIMS OF GOLD Ein Büchlein englischer Dichtung aus sieben Jahrhunderten
- div. Autoren
- 1947
- 97,90 €
- Insgesamt 150 Bde. einer Bibliothek (Union Club Brüssel) in Leineneinband
- Collection of British Authors
- 499,00 €
- Handwriting. Poems
- Michael Ondaatje
- 1999
- 67,00 €
- Three Plays : Our Town, the Skin of Our Teet, the Match Makes
- Thornton Wilder
- 90,00 €