She was Queen of Egypt – Buch antiquarisch kaufen
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antiquarisches Buch
The author has studied extensively the periods she has chosen, and her four bio-graphies are not only extremely vivid and illuminating in their character-drawing, but also historically accurate, and readers of this book will find a great deal of exciting Information on the great civilizations produced by one of the world’s most ancient nations.
hroughout the land of Egypt people gather to
village along the fertile green lands between the cesert and the Nile, the Storyteller enchants his listeners hke the minstrel of old with his tales of the heroes and the great kings and queens of Egypt’s past. Half-singing, half-reciting, accompanied on a solitary rebab, the ‘poet’s viol’, the Storyteller teils of the Pharaohs who built the Pyramids and held sway over the ‘Two Lands’ of North and South; of Thotmes and Ramses, mighty warriors whose conquests : rought tribute from many kingdoms to their fair city of ‘hundred-gated Thebes’; of Alexander the Great and Chival-rous Saladin, more recent heroes; of Abu Zeid and Antar, legendäry Arab Champions, and of the queens.
Four queens of Egypt have caught the imagination of ooet and peasant alike. The earliest in time is Hatshepsut, ‘Chief of Noble Women’, who ruled as a Pharaoh and built :ne of the world’s most noble monuments. Nefertiti, ‘The Beautiful Woman has Come’, is next. Her beauty still catches our breath so many thousands of years after, but history shows her to have been not only a woman of fabu-lous loveliness like Helen of Troy but a woman of character ••■.ho encouraged her husband to rebel against the priests of Amun-Ra and shared his courageous but doomed adven-:ure, staunch and faithful to the end.
Next in time comes Cleopatra, the ‘Serpent of the Nile’, who was much more than a highly romantic figure, but fought bravely with all her resources to keep Egypt free and independent of the growing power of Rome. And last, Shagaret el-Dor, the ‘Pearl Spray’, a lovely woman hidden in the harem of her husband, the Sultan of Egypt, who, by ; oncealing his death, made the victory of the Battle of usw.....
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