Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe after 1945
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![Marcel Boldorf: Social Movements and the Marcel Boldorf: Social Movements and the](
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Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe after 1945
Marcel Boldorf
Springer International Publishing
, 14.06.2018, BuchISBN: 9783319771960
![Berger, Stefan Boldorf, Marcel: Social M Berger, Stefan Boldorf, Marcel: Social M](
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Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe after 1945
Berger, Stefan Boldorf, Marcel
Springer International Publishing
, 2018, GebundenISBN: 9783319771960
![Marcel Boldorf: Social Movements and the Marcel Boldorf: Social Movements and the](
![gebrauchte Buecher](
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Social Movements and the Change of Economic Elites in Europe after 1945
Marcel Boldorf
Springer International Publishing
, 14.06.2018, BuchISBN: 9783319771960