4CD - CHAKRA CLEARING - Entering the Spiral – Hörbuch gebraucht kaufen
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34,90 €
Versandkosten: 2,70 € (Deutschland)
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(ISBN-10: 1931032351)Zustand:
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210 Min.
190 g
CHAKRA CLEARING - Entering the Spiral
This four CD set is designed to clear your chakras and help you attain greater mastery of the seven levels of consciousness: security/safety, sexual energy, power, love, personal will, psychic knowledge and direct access to the transpersonal.
This is one of the most powerful shamanic processes ever recorded, beginning with a heart meditation, taking you through the chakras, and ending with a visit to the Stream of Isis. Clearing the chakras is intrinsic to peace, increased energy, personal empowerment, and spiritual insight. This process of chakra clearing removes hindrances to personal power and expression through intentional pure sound.
These are deeply catalytic sounds, recorded live at a Hathor workshop in Seattle, 2010, produced solely by Tom Kenyon’s amazing almost four-octave voice and simple acoustic instruments, including a shamanic drum, crystal bowl, tingshas, and bells. Detailed liner notes are included.
CD 1
Track 1 Opening Heart Sound Meditation
Track 2 The Concept of Subpersonalities
CD 2
Track 1 The First Three Chakras: Background/Instructions
Track 2 First Chakra (muladhara) Sound Meditation
Track 3 Second Chakra (svadhisthana) Sound Meditation
Track 4 Third Chakra (manipura) Sound Meditation
CD 3
Track 1 The Upper Four Chakras: Background/Instructions
Track 2 Fourth Chakra (anahata) Sound Meditation
Track 3 Fifth Chakra (visssudha) Sound Meditation
Track 4 Sixth Chakra (ajna) Sound Meditation
Track 5 Seventh Chakra (sahasrara) Sound Meditation
CD 4
Track 1 Clearing the Bones: Background/Instructions
Track 2 Whacking the Bones Sound Meditation
Track 3 The Stream of Isis
CDs & Booklet ohne Gebrauchsspuren, auch das Case ist faktisch ohne Gebrauchsspuren.
This four CD set is designed to clear your chakras and help you attain greater mastery of the seven levels of consciousness: security/safety, sexual energy, power, love, personal will, psychic knowledge and direct access to the transpersonal.
This is one of the most powerful shamanic processes ever recorded, beginning with a heart meditation, taking you through the chakras, and ending with a visit to the Stream of Isis. Clearing the chakras is intrinsic to peace, increased energy, personal empowerment, and spiritual insight. This process of chakra clearing removes hindrances to personal power and expression through intentional pure sound.
These are deeply catalytic sounds, recorded live at a Hathor workshop in Seattle, 2010, produced solely by Tom Kenyon’s amazing almost four-octave voice and simple acoustic instruments, including a shamanic drum, crystal bowl, tingshas, and bells. Detailed liner notes are included.
CD 1
Track 1 Opening Heart Sound Meditation
Track 2 The Concept of Subpersonalities
CD 2
Track 1 The First Three Chakras: Background/Instructions
Track 2 First Chakra (muladhara) Sound Meditation
Track 3 Second Chakra (svadhisthana) Sound Meditation
Track 4 Third Chakra (manipura) Sound Meditation
CD 3
Track 1 The Upper Four Chakras: Background/Instructions
Track 2 Fourth Chakra (anahata) Sound Meditation
Track 3 Fifth Chakra (visssudha) Sound Meditation
Track 4 Sixth Chakra (ajna) Sound Meditation
Track 5 Seventh Chakra (sahasrara) Sound Meditation
CD 4
Track 1 Clearing the Bones: Background/Instructions
Track 2 Whacking the Bones Sound Meditation
Track 3 The Stream of Isis
CDs & Booklet ohne Gebrauchsspuren, auch das Case ist faktisch ohne Gebrauchsspuren.
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