ISBN beginnend mit 9783337726
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783337726003: Henry Inman: The ranche on the Oxhide
- ISBN 9783337726010: Ellis, Edward Sylvester: In the days of the pioneers
- ISBN 9783337726027: William Anderson: Sacramental confession and priestly absolution
- ISBN 9783337726034: John William Smith: A selection of leading cases on various branches of the law
- ISBN 9783337726041: Smith, John William Collins, Richard Henn Arbuthnot, Robert George: A selection of leading cases on various branches of the law
- ISBN 9783337726058: Abraham James Fretz: A genealogical record of the descendants of Henry Stauffer and other Stauffer pioneers
- ISBN 9783337726065: Alfred Rasmus Sorenson: History of Omaha from the pioneer days to the present time
- ISBN 9783337726072: Alfred Brunson: A western pioneer
- ISBN 9783337726089: Alfred Brunson: A western pioneer
- ISBN 9783337726096: Harrison, Alexina Mackay: A.M. Mackay, pioneer missionary of the Church Missionary Society to Uganda
- ISBN 9783337726102: Anonym: Annual publication of the Historical Society of Southern California and Pioneer register, Los Angeles
- ISBN 9783337726119: Mary Hunter Buford: Seth Read, lieut-col. Continental Army
- ISBN 9783337726126: Anonym: The builders of a great city
- ISBN 9783337726133: Anonym: Omaha illustrated
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- ISBN 9783337726157: Frederick Denison Maurice: The workman and the franchise
- ISBN 9783337726164: Anonym: Laws in relation to commissioners and collectors of the public revenue, etc., now in force.
- ISBN 9783337726171: Samuel Harden: The pioneer
- ISBN 9783337726188: Henry C. Rogers: History of the town of Paris, and the valley of the Sauquoit
- ISBN 9783337726195: Johnson, P. W.: Johnson s encyclopaedia of transportation
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- ISBN 9783337726270: John Milum: Thomas Birch Freeman
- ISBN 9783337726287: Martin P. Sargent: Pioneer sketches
- ISBN 9783337726294: Charles Alexander Mcmurry: Pioneer history stories for third and fourth grades
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- ISBN 9783337726324: Yonge, Charlotte Mary: Pioneers and founders
- ISBN 9783337726331: Anonym: The Lincoln family and branches
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- ISBN 9783337726355: Henry Cutler: History of the Holliston branch of the Cutler family
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- ISBN 9783337726379: Anonymous: The Lincoln family and branches, of Wareham, Mass
- ISBN 9783337726386: Hill, George Canning: Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky
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- ISBN 9783337726515: Angel, Myron: History of San Luis Obispo County, California; | With illustrations and biographical sketches of its prominent men and pioneers | Myron Angel | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 528 S. | Englisch | 2022
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- ISBN 9783337726690: Warren Upham: Upham and Amherst, N.H., memories
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- ISBN 9783337726737: Elizabeth Blackwell: Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women
- ISBN 9783337726744: George Darley: Pioneering in the San Juan
- ISBN 9783337726751: Edward Duffield Neill: Minnesota explorers and pioneers
- ISBN 9783337726768: Moore, Matthew H.: Sketches of the pioneers of Methodism in North Carolina and Virginia
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- ISBN 9783337726782: Edward Marston: Frank's ranche, or, My holiday in the Rockies
- ISBN 9783337726799: Caldwell, John Day Cincinnati Pioneer, Association: The Cincinnati pioneer
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- ISBN 9783337726829: Anonymous: Regulations for the army of the Confederate States
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