ISBN beginnend mit 9783387087
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783387087000: Edwin Abbott Abbott: The Kernel and the Husk; Letters on Spiritual Christianity
- ISBN 9783387087017: Edwin Abbott Abbott: The Kernel and the Husk; Letters on Spiritual Christianity
- ISBN 9783387087024: Councill, W. H.: The Negro Laborer; A Word to Him | in large print | W. H. Councill | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Megali Verlag | EAN 9783387087024
- ISBN 9783387087031: W. H. Councill: The Negro Laborer; A Word to Him
- ISBN 9783387087048: John Frederick Macdonald: The Amazing City
- ISBN 9783387087055: John Frederick Macdonald: The Amazing City
- ISBN 9783387087062: Caroline Atwater Mason: A Woman of Yesterday
- ISBN 9783387087079: Caroline Atwater Mason: A Woman of Yesterday
- ISBN 9783387087086: Marcel Proust: Within a Budding Grove
- ISBN 9783387087093: Marcel Proust: Within a Budding Grove
- ISBN 9783387087109: Magdalene Horsfall: The Fairy Latchkey
- ISBN 9783387087116: Magdalene Horsfall: The Fairy Latchkey
- ISBN 9783387087123: E. V. Lucas: Advisory Ben; A Story
- ISBN 9783387087130: E. V. Lucas: Advisory Ben; A Story
- ISBN 9783387087147: Burt L. Standish: Frank Merriwell's Fun; Or, Fearless and True
- ISBN 9783387087154: Burt L. Standish: Frank Merriwell's Fun; Or, Fearless and True
- ISBN 9783387087161: Thomas Hunt Morgan: Evolution and Adaptation
- ISBN 9783387087178: Thomas Hunt Morgan: Evolution and Adaptation
- ISBN 9783387087185: Kilner, Mary Ann: The Adventures of a Pincushion, Designed Chiefly for the Use of Young Ladies | in large print | Mary Ann Kilner | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Megali Verlag | EAN 9783387087185
- ISBN 9783387087192: Mary Ann Kilner: The Adventures of a Pincushion, Designed Chiefly for the Use of Young Ladies
- ISBN 9783387087208: Warwick Deeping: The Red Saint
- ISBN 9783387087215: Warwick Deeping: The Red Saint
- ISBN 9783387087222: J. C. Snaith: The Undefeated
- ISBN 9783387087239: J. C. Snaith: The Undefeated
- ISBN 9783387087246: E. V. Lucas: Verena in the Midst; A Kind of a Story
- ISBN 9783387087253: E. V. Lucas: Verena in the Midst; A Kind of a Story
- ISBN 9783387087260: James Whitcomb Riley: Armazindy; The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley
- ISBN 9783387087277: James Whitcomb Riley: Armazindy; The Poems and Prose Sketches of James Whitcomb Riley
- ISBN 9783387087284: Frank Thomas Bullen: Confessions of a Tradesman
- ISBN 9783387087291: Frank Thomas Bullen: Confessions of a Tradesman
- ISBN 9783387087307: Monroe, Harriet: Harlow Niles Higinbotham; A memoir with brief autobiography and extracts from speeches and letters | in large print | Harriet Monroe | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Megali Verlag
- ISBN 9783387087314: Harriet Monroe: Harlow Niles Higinbotham; A memoir with brief autobiography and extracts from speeches and letters
- ISBN 9783387087321: Frank Thomas Bullen: A Sack of Shakings
- ISBN 9783387087338: Frank Thomas Bullen: A Sack of Shakings
- ISBN 9783387087345: Oliphant: Harry Joscelyn; In Three Volumes
- ISBN 9783387087352: Oliphant: Harry Joscelyn; In Three Volumes
- ISBN 9783387087369: James Grant: Jack Manly; His Adventures by Sea and Land
- ISBN 9783387087376: James Grant: Jack Manly; His Adventures by Sea and Land
- ISBN 9783387087383: Prentiss Ingraham: Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well Won
- ISBN 9783387087390: Prentiss Ingraham: Buffalo Bill's Best Bet; Or, A Sure Thing Well Won
- ISBN 9783387087406: Haskins, Charles Homer: The Rise of Universities / in large print / Charles Homer Haskins / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Megali Verlag / EAN 9783387087406
- ISBN 9783387087413: Charles Homer Haskins: The Rise of Universities
- ISBN 9783387087420: Prince, Nancy: A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince | in large print | Nancy Prince | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Megali Verlag | EAN 9783387087420
- ISBN 9783387087437: Nancy Prince: A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince
- ISBN 9783387087444: Arnold Bennett: The Loot of Cities; And Other Stories
- ISBN 9783387087451: Arnold Bennett: The Loot of Cities; And Other Stories
- ISBN 9783387087468: Cobbe, Frances Power: The Age of Science; A Newspaper of the Twentieth Century | in large print | Frances Power Cobbe | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Megali Verlag | EAN 9783387087468
- ISBN 9783387087475: Frances Power Cobbe: The Age of Science; A Newspaper of the Twentieth Century
- ISBN 9783387087482: Oliphant: Oliver's Bride; A true Story / in large print / Oliphant / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Megali Verlag / EAN 9783387087482
- ISBN 9783387087499: Oliphant: Oliver's Bride; A true Story
- ISBN 9783387087505: Michael Davitt: Within the Pale; The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecution in Russia
- ISBN 9783387087512: Michael Davitt: Within the Pale; The True Story of Anti-Semitic Persecution in Russia
- ISBN 9783387087529: Burt L. Standish: Dick Merriwell's Heroic Players; Or, How the Yale Nine Won the Championship
- ISBN 9783387087536: Burt L. Standish: Dick Merriwell's Heroic Players; Or, How the Yale Nine Won the Championship
- ISBN 9783387087543: Rudyard Kipling: Land and Sea; Tales for Boys and Girls
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- ISBN 9783387087567: Marie Corelli: My "Little Bit"
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- ISBN 9783387087581: Mary Holland Kinkaid: Walda; A Novel
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- ISBN 9783387087604: Eleanor Gates: Ph¿be
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- ISBN 9783387087628: Marmaduke William Pickthall: The House of Islâm
- ISBN 9783387087635: Marmaduke William Pickthall: The House of Islâm
- ISBN 9783387087642: George Meredith: Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth
- ISBN 9783387087659: George Meredith: Poems and Lyrics of the Joy of Earth
- ISBN 9783387087666: Fanny Kelly: Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians
- ISBN 9783387087673: Fanny Kelly: Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians
- ISBN 9783387087680: Mannington Caffyn: A Yellow Aster; In Three Volumes
- ISBN 9783387087697: Mannington Caffyn: A Yellow Aster; In Three Volumes
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- ISBN 9783387087949: Zschokke, Heinrich: Hannu Halle kaikkialle / suuraakkosin / Heinrich Zschokke / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Finnisch / 2023 / Megali Verlag / EAN 9783387087949
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