ISBN beginnend mit 9783639108
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3639108019: Corrow, John H: High Schools and the New Accountability
- ISBN 9783639108019: Corrow, John H: High Schools and the New Accountability
- ISBN 3639108027: Soumya Banerjee: Everyone Knows Something:Exploring Stigmergic Organizational Behavior
- ISBN 9783639108026: Soumya Banerjee: Everyone Knows Something:Exploring Stigmergic Organizational Behavior
- ISBN 3639108035: Aytac Gogus: Teachers Voice
- ISBN 9783639108033: Aytac Gogus: Teachers Voice
- ISBN 3639108043: Kai Fan: A Generalized Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- ISBN 9783639108040: Kai Fan: A Generalized Discontinuous Galerkin Method
- ISBN 9783639108057: Barbara Nachbagauer: Medical Wellness in Sachsen-Anhalt
- ISBN 363910806X: Andrew Hung: Incidental Acquisition of L2 Word Knowledge via Graded Readers
- ISBN 9783639108064: Andrew Hung: Incidental Acquisition of L2 Word Knowledge via Graded Readers
- ISBN 3639108086: Anne Gabl: Touring Arts Exhibitions
- ISBN 9783639108088: Anne Gabl: Touring Arts Exhibitions
- ISBN 3639108094: Chien-Chung Ke: Boundary Element Analysis of Crack Propagation on Anisotropic Rocks
- ISBN 9783639108095: Chien-Chung Ke: Boundary Element Analysis of Crack Propagation on Anisotropic Rocks
- ISBN 3639108116: Jayanta Mukherjee: Phase Noise in RF Oscillators
- ISBN 9783639108118: Jayanta Mukherjee: Phase Noise in RF Oscillators
- ISBN 9783639108125: Sigrid Vollmann: Der Parthenonfries in der modernen Forschung
- ISBN 9783639108132: Markus Wessely: Einsatz von Push to Talk over Cellular im Feuerwehrdienst in Österreich
- ISBN 9783639108149: Norlin Weissenrieder, Anna: Stimulation Electrodes for Pacemaker Applications
- ISBN 3639108159: Ivan Harsløf: Young-Man's-Land
- ISBN 9783639108156: Ivan Harsløf: Young-Man's-Land
- ISBN 9783639108187: Jayanta Choudhury: Stationary-propagating Solutions of the Boussinesq Equation in 2D
- ISBN 9783639108194: Anat Lechner: New Knowledge Creation Dynamics in Multidisciplinary Teams
- ISBN 3639108205: Hayden Smith: Social Pathogenic Sources of Poor Community Health
- ISBN 9783639108200: Hayden Smith: Social Pathogenic Sources of Poor Community Health
- ISBN 9783639108286: Benedict, Beth S.: Family Involvement in Schools with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children
- ISBN 9783639108293: Kevin Zawilski: Vibrational Stirring in Bridgman Crystal Growth
- ISBN 9783639108309: Krisztina Szalonna: Wandel des Dekadenten zum neuen Menschen in Heinrich Manns Romanen
- ISBN 9783639108316: Jordan, Benjamin R.: Ignimbrites in Central America and Associated Caribbean Sea Tephra
- ISBN 9783639108323: Jun Yang: Impact Analysis of the Olympic Games Host City
- ISBN 9783639108330: Anita Kittmann: Die Bedeutung weiblicher Attraktivität in Werbeanzeigen
- ISBN 9783639108347: Frank Deer: Exploring Citizenship
- ISBN 9783639108354: Rodolfo Gomez: Life Prediction of LENS Materials with Finite Element Analysis
- ISBN 3639108361: Dilyara Teshebayeva: Post-Soviet Energy Wealth
- ISBN 9783639108361: Dilyara Teshebayeva: Post-Soviet Energy Wealth
- ISBN 9783639108385: Pei-Lin Yu: Ancient Pit Cooking in the American Southwest and Pacific Northwest
- ISBN 9783639108392: Torsten Hahm: BESCHLEUNIGUNG IM BAUWESEN
- ISBN 9783639108408: Balogné Bérces, Katalin: Strict CV Phonology and the English Cross-word Puzzle
- ISBN 9783639108422: Benjamin Ayotte: Selected Unpublished Vocal Music of Heinrich Schenker
- ISBN 9783639108439: Cesar Cadena: Molecular Modeling and Determination of Properties of Ionic Liquids
- ISBN 3639108450: Franziska Gerner: Teleshopping goes Online - Storymercials
- ISBN 9783639108453: Franziska Gerner: Teleshopping goes Online - Storymercials
- ISBN 3639108469: Gabriel C. Ditu: Creating TransLucid
- ISBN 9783639108460: Gabriel C. Ditu: Creating TransLucid
- ISBN 3639108477: Bogdan, Valentin Mihai: The Classical Musician and Musical Entrepreneurship
- ISBN 9783639108477: Bogdan, Valentin Mihai: The Classical Musician and Musical Entrepreneurship
- ISBN 9783639108484: Andrea Kuckert: Der Fremde, die Fremde, das Fremde und die Pflege
- ISBN 3639108493: Beverly Copper-Butler: Parental Participation in Education
- ISBN 9783639108491: Beverly Copper-Butler: Parental Participation in Education
- ISBN 9783639108507: James Solberg: Motion and Sensing in Electrosensory Systems
- ISBN 3639108515: Junyang Zhou: Providing Location Services in the Ubiquitous Computing Era
- ISBN 9783639108514: Junyang Zhou: Providing Location Services in the Ubiquitous Computing Era
- ISBN 9783639108521: Hyuck Chung: Mathematical Studies of Wave Propagation in Sea-ice
- ISBN 9783639108538: Young Choon Kim: The Rise of Organized Transfer
- ISBN 9783639108545: Milla Lindqvist: The Emergence and Scope of Complex System/Service Innovation
- ISBN 9783639108552: Kapadia Anuj, J.: Accuracy and Dose in Neutron Stimulated Emission Computed Tomography
- ISBN 9783639108569: Fotis Flevotomos: Composing in Unison
- ISBN 3639108574: David Lai: Let Portfolio Choose It's Own Funds
- ISBN 9783639108576: David Lai: Let Portfolio Choose It's Own Funds
- ISBN 9783639108590: Petra Böcker: Evaluation integrierter Versorgung
- ISBN 9783639108613: Tilahun Abera Shimelis Admasu Gulellat Desse: Effect of Processing on Physicochemical Composition of Cassava
- ISBN 9783639108620: Zeynep Alemdar: Turkish Civil Society and the European Union
- ISBN 3639108639: Agnes Kütt: Studies of Acid-Base Equilibria in non-Aqueous Media
- ISBN 9783639108637: Agnes Kütt: Studies of Acid-Base Equilibria in non-Aqueous Media
- ISBN 9783639108651: Miriam Liebert: Klimaschutz und Emissionshandel in der Umweltbildung
- ISBN 9783639108668: Leo, Marina di: Leib oder Körper in der körperorientierten Psychotherapie?
- ISBN 3639108671: Ta, Thi Dao: Relationships among IT Application, Knowledge Transfer
- ISBN 9783639108675: Ta, Thi Dao: Relationships among IT Application, Knowledge Transfer
- ISBN 363910868X: Ming Liu: Corporate Governance, Auditor Choice and Auditor Switch
- ISBN 9783639108682: Ming Liu: Corporate Governance, Auditor Choice and Auditor Switch
- ISBN 9783639108712: David Quass: Brand Communities und Massenkommunikation
- ISBN 9783639108729: Fawzy Ramadan Hassanien, Mohamed: Starch Phosphorylation for Functional and Industrial Applications
- ISBN 9783639108736: Augustin Holzegger: Die Deckungsbeitragsrechnung im Handel
- ISBN 3639108752: Yueh-Heng Li: Development of a Meso-Scale Central-Porous-Fuel- Inlet Combustor
- ISBN 9783639108750: Yueh-Heng Li: Development of a Meso-Scale Central-Porous-Fuel- Inlet Combustor
- ISBN 9783639108767: Baklaci, Hasan F.: International Government Bond Markets:Analysis of Yield and Volatility
- ISBN 9783639108781: Sindhu Samuel: World of Watermarking
- ISBN 9783639108804: Mária Hanzséros: A relationship of loss
- ISBN 3639108825: Cheng Yang: Applying Nanotechnology to Composite Materials
- ISBN 9783639108828: Cheng Yang: Applying Nanotechnology to Composite Materials
- ISBN 3639108833: Evgeny Ivanov: Parallel Tetrahedral Meshing based on A-priori Domain Decomposition
- ISBN 9783639108835: Evgeny Ivanov: Parallel Tetrahedral Meshing based on A-priori Domain Decomposition
- ISBN 3639108841: Johan Marais: A Study of Sarcoid Tumours in Cape Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra zebra)
- ISBN 9783639108842: Johan Marais: A Study of Sarcoid Tumours in Cape Mountain Zebra (Equus zebra zebra)
- ISBN 9783639108859: René Fröch: Der Businessplan - Schritt für Schritt
- ISBN 9783639108873: Priscilla Adoyo: Biblical Principles in Conflict Transformation
- ISBN 9783639108910: Jason Mixon: Are Smaller Learning Community High Schools Better?
- ISBN 9783639108927: Krisztina Mannász: Sehnsucht nach der Ferne - Ein Weg nach Innen
- ISBN 9783639108934: Sándor Bálint Samu: Kreuzritter oder Meister des Minnesangs
- ISBN 9783639108965: Michaela Steinhauer: Erstellung eines Leitfadens für den Pflegeprozess
- ISBN 9783639108972: Pedro Peris-Lopez: Lightweight Cryptography in Radio Frequency Identification Systems
- ISBN 3639108981: Pamela Easterbrook: Self-Appraisal and Behavioral Adaptation of Adopted Children
- ISBN 9783639108989: Pamela Easterbrook: Self-Appraisal and Behavioral Adaptation of Adopted Children
- ISBN 9783639108996: Kenneth Romeo: Working Memory and the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses