ISBN beginnend mit 9783659539
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659539008: Jonathan Maycock Bryan Hennelly: Improving reconstructions of digital holograms
- ISBN 9783659539015: Chislennyy analiz udarnogo vozdeystviya kosmicheskogo musora na MKS
- ISBN 9783659539022: Rajat Gupta Vishal Bansal Sukumar Singh: Biomaterials Being Used In Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- ISBN 9783659539039: Winsome Waite: Surveying Professional Development of International Teachers
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- ISBN 9783659539060: Igor' Chuew: Zakon dejstwuüschih mass.Teoriq i praktika.Tom1
- ISBN 9783659539077: Mala Agarwal: Environmental Noise and Hearing
- ISBN 9783659539084: Percy Mashebe: Perceptions of Farmers on Extension Services in the Kabbe Constituency
- ISBN 3659539090: Alexandr Dyshlis: Modeli nanokristallow i neklassicheskie periodicheskie funkcii
- ISBN 9783659539091: Alexandr Dyshlis: Modeli nanokristallow i neklassicheskie periodicheskie funkcii
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- ISBN 9783659539121: Kishore Kosuri: Collaborative Process Optimization Approach for Maritime Operations
- ISBN 9783659539138: Lionel Fatton: Understanding Preventive Wars
- ISBN 9783659539145: Manash Chanda Ananda Sankar Chakraborty: Reversible Logic Based Ultra Low Power Arithmetic Logic Circuit Design
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- ISBN 9783659539152: Elizaweta Drachkowa: Arhitekturno-gradostroitel'naq transformaciq uniwersitetskih kampusow
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- ISBN 9783659539206: Gary Groot: Does surgical resection margin matter in early stage breast cancer?
- ISBN 365953921X: Margarita Zaworotnqq: Harratiwnaq metafora w perezhiwanii utraty
- ISBN 9783659539220: Marga Georgieva: Morphodynamics in the development of the noospheric intellect
- ISBN 9783659539237: Naghmeh Saadati: Fate and Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides
- ISBN 9783659539244: Ahmed Abdelaziz Mohamed: A Machine Learning Model for Improving Healthcare on Cloud Computing
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- ISBN 9783659539268: Dana Procházková: Challenges to Future Disasters Management
- ISBN 9783659539275: Mohamed Ismail Ahmed: Wide band Antenna Array Mutual Coupling Reduction using EBG Structures
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- ISBN 9783659539299: Teuta Salii: CA of English Future Tenses and Albanian Correspondents
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- ISBN 9783659539367: Laura Katrynski: Seasonal Affects on Antarctic Benthic Foraminiferal Communities
- ISBN 9783659539374: Bo Xia, Robert Laramee: Advanced Visualization of EEG Data
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- ISBN 9783659539442: Funda Bayrakdaro¿lu: Selection of Cittaslow Towns: Mu¿la City Example
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- ISBN 9783659539466: James Odongo: Lending terms and financial performance of SMEs In Uganda.
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- ISBN 9783659539497: Teoriya menedzhmenta
- ISBN 9783659539503: Alqa Aziz: Export Prospects of Indian Garments to U.S in POST-LTA Scenario
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- ISBN 9783659539527: B. Krishna Kumar: Estimation of Statistical Parameters of EEG Signals Using Wavelets
- ISBN 3659539538: Idris Sulaiman Ola: Some Redox Reactions of Cr(VI) and µ-oxo-bridged Diiron(III) Complex
- ISBN 9783659539534: Idris Sulaiman Ola: Some Redox Reactions of Cr(VI) and µ-oxo-bridged Diiron(III) Complex
- ISBN 9783659539541: Gulsen Tozsin: Use of waste pyrite from mineral processing plants in soil remediation
- ISBN 9783659539558: Irina Budagyan: Jelektromagnitnye volny
- ISBN 9783659539565: Kinkino Kia: Ethiopia's Ethnic Federalism And The Right To Self-Determination
- ISBN 9783659539572: Sukhjit Kaur: Comparative study of MDA and SOD in IHD patients and healthy smokers
- ISBN 9783659539589: Khwaja Saifullah Zafar S.F. Haque: Endothelial Dysfunction In Metabolic Syndrome
- ISBN 9783659539596: Lijo Raju Nancy Jeniffer: A Fuzzy-PI based Hybrid Multilevel STATCOM
- ISBN 9783659539602: Nishant Singh: Rhinoplasty
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- ISBN 9783659539640: Samson Kaunga Ndanyi: Black Policemen And Capitalism In Colonial Africa, 1895-1913
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- ISBN 9783659539657: Kavita Manchanda: Quality of life: A prerequisite to action for oral health care
- ISBN 9783659539664: Viktor Hentow: Termodinamika i kwantowo-statisticheskaq mehanika nizkorazmernyh sistem
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- ISBN 9783659539978: Huma Kausar Shagufta Naz Faiza Saleem: Characterization Of Aboitic Stress Genes From Eucalyptus
- ISBN 9783659539985: Soundarya Singh: Role of tobacco in periodontal diseases
- ISBN 9783659539992: Shashaank Shekhar: CSP potential estimation in states of Gujarat and Rajasthan in India