ISBN beginnend mit 9783659768
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659768002: Komal Anil Otwani: Effectiveness Of Buteyko Breathing in Physiotherapy
- ISBN 3659768014: Elizaweta Paputkowa: "Hodqchij zamok" Dzhons: gerontologicheskij wopros i zhanrowaq specifika
- ISBN 9783659768019: Elizaweta Paputkowa: "Hodqchij zamok" Dzhons: gerontologicheskij wopros i zhanrowaq specifika
- ISBN 9783659768026: Pishdadi Motlagh, Seyyed Fariborz: Assessing Metacognitive Awareness and Learning strategies / Metacognitive, Cognitive and Socio-affective Strategies
- ISBN 9783659768033: Obrazovatel naya sreda territorii detskogo sada kak komplex uslovij
- ISBN 9783659768057: Salwa Dammaj: US Foreign and Security Policy in The Red Sea
- ISBN 9783659768064: Thapa, Ganga: Peasant Movement with Special Reference to Agrarian Reform in Nepal / 1950-1970
- ISBN 9783659768071: J. Ilamathi: Current advances in immunology research
- ISBN 3659768081: AbdulMalik Usman: Vocabulary Knowledge and the Overall Report Writing Quality
- ISBN 9783659768088: AbdulMalik Usman: Vocabulary Knowledge and the Overall Report Writing Quality
- ISBN 365976809X: Dileep Kumar Yadav: Edge Detection using Rough Set Theory
- ISBN 9783659768095: Dileep Kumar Yadav: Edge Detection using Rough Set Theory
- ISBN 9783659768101: Douglas Gasva Wisdom Moyo: Introduction to Conflict Management: A Guide to Beginners
- ISBN 9783659768118: Kannan Vadivel: In silico ADME and Pharmacodynamic screening methods in stroke
- ISBN 9783659768125: Formy samoidentifikacii v romanah Djevida Mitchella
- ISBN 9783659768132: Bulawina, Swetlana: Osobennosti wliqniq cerkowno-religioznoj lexiki na russkij qzyk / Specifika religioznogo samosoznaniq russkogo naroda
- ISBN 9783659768149: Samuel Zewdie Hagos: Assessment of Business Process Reengineering Implementation and Result
- ISBN 9783659768156: Stephen Eshiteti Nyikuli: Succession planning programs and Staff retention in the sugar firms
- ISBN 9783659768163: Margarita Istigeceva: Analysis of Idiom Translation Strategies
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- ISBN 9783659768170: Japheth Kigen: Theology of Suffering: Global Reflection
- ISBN 9783659768187: Scenografiya kak sposob hudozhestvennogo bytiya. Chast 1
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- ISBN 3659768200: Natal'q Fomina: Jekologicheskaq ocenka pochwy posle primeneniq gerbicidow
- ISBN 9783659768200: Natal'q Fomina: Jekologicheskaq ocenka pochwy posle primeneniq gerbicidow
- ISBN 3659768219: Abdullah: Biogeochemistry of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Yamuna Basin
- ISBN 9783659768217: Abdullah: Biogeochemistry of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Yamuna Basin
- ISBN 3659768227: Maruf Alimi: Modelling and Aanalysis of the Diffusion of ICT Tools
- ISBN 9783659768224: Maruf Alimi: Modelling and Aanalysis of the Diffusion of ICT Tools
- ISBN 9783659768231: Manojkumar C. Shastri: A Study of the Impact of Education on Lifestyle of Ex-Criminal Tribes
- ISBN 3659768243: S. Indira: Photochemical oxidation
- ISBN 9783659768248: S. Indira: Photochemical oxidation
- ISBN 3659768251: Liang Zhixun: Research on Electro-Optical Hybrid HPC Based on SPP
- ISBN 9783659768255: Liang Zhixun: Research on Electro-Optical Hybrid HPC Based on SPP
- ISBN 9783659768262: Syzdykova, Ajmeken: Istoriya ohrany okruzhajushhej sredy Priirtysh'ya (1980-2000)
- ISBN 9783659768279: Akbar Badpa: Knowledge Management System for Petroleum Industry
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- ISBN 9783659768286: Amal D. Premarathna: Nutritional Composition of some selected Marine fish and crab meats
- ISBN 9783659768293: Bandauko, Elmond: Statutory and Non Statutory Planning: A Case Study of Mazowe, Zimbabwe
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- ISBN 9783659768309: Beatrice Chepsiror: Factors Affecting Academic Performance in Transition in Schools
- ISBN 9783659768316: Gupta, Swati: EGFR Targeted Gemcitabine PLGA Nanoparticles for Pancreatic Cancer
- ISBN 3659768324: Tony Lusiola: KNN Powders and Thick Films for MEMS Devices
- ISBN 9783659768323: Tony Lusiola: KNN Powders and Thick Films for MEMS Devices
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- ISBN 9783659768354: Safa Bouhajar: Predictive PID Control for Dynamically Walking Humanoid Robots
- ISBN 9783659768361: Abbas, Iqra: Influence of Gamma Radiation on Microflora of deboned broiler chicken
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- ISBN 9783659768378: Ainara Pradera-Mallabiabarrena: Computational aeroacoustics in low Mach number flows
- ISBN 3659768383: Sunil Kumar: Annealing Temperature Effect on Properties of Ni(Co,Cu)Fe2O4 thin film
- ISBN 9783659768385: Sunil Kumar: Annealing Temperature Effect on Properties of Ni(Co,Cu)Fe2O4 thin film
- ISBN 9783659768392: Vasil'ewa, Tat'qna: Problemy psihologii doprosa w ugolownom processe na sowremennom ätape
- ISBN 3659768405: Aysha Awan: Study of Heavy Metals toxicity on germination&growth rate of E. Sativa
- ISBN 9783659768408: Aysha Awan: Study of Heavy Metals toxicity on germination&growth rate of E. Sativa
- ISBN 9783659768415: Tefan Palágyi: Determination of transport parameters of radionuclides
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- ISBN 9783659768422: Boneya Udessa: Impact of Climate Change on Pastoralist Communities of Dugda Dawa
- ISBN 365976843X: Kihiu Wabiria: Mathematics Setting and Marking Scheme Creator
- ISBN 9783659768439: Kihiu Wabiria: Mathematics Setting and Marking Scheme Creator
- ISBN 3659768448: Danielle Frank: A Case Study on Low Back Pain
- ISBN 9783659768446: Danielle Frank: A Case Study on Low Back Pain
- ISBN 3659768456: Walid M. Raafat: A Comprehensive Survey on Various ICIC Schemes&On ICI Mitigation Tech.
- ISBN 9783659768453: Walid M. Raafat: A Comprehensive Survey on Various ICIC Schemes&On ICI Mitigation Tech.
- ISBN 9783659768460: Giathi, Francis Mbugua: Challenges affecting Growth of Small and Medium Sawmillers in Kiambu
- ISBN 9783659768477: Addai-Mensah Donkor: Rational Experimental Design: Development of Gene Therapeutic Strategy
- ISBN 3659768480: Monika Sharma: Way before investing in Mutual Funds
- ISBN 9783659768484: Monika Sharma: Way before investing in Mutual Funds
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- ISBN 9783659768491: Megan Fink: A Comparative Study of Middle Eastern Foreign Policy and Intelligence
- ISBN 9783659768507: Abuga, Henry: A strategy to bring Reconciliation and Peace in Borabu-Sotik border
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- ISBN 9783659768514: Prakash Dongardive: Utility Ratio of Electronic Resources at Mekelle University, Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659768545: Alain A. Ndedi: Contribution for the Emergence of Cameroon by 2035
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- ISBN 9783659768569: Blandor Abazi: Important Elements of Roman Civilization
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- ISBN 9783659768576: Sumanpreet Kaur Shergill: Unravelling the link between periodontal health and CVD
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- ISBN 9783659768590: Sana Dar: Effect of gamma radiation on proximal value and shelf life of cucumber
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- ISBN 9783659768637: Cherkasenko, Ol'ga: Fenomen kiberbullinga. Nasilie v social'nyh setyah
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- ISBN 9783659768699: N. S. Murti Sarma: Numerical Modelling Of Mineralisation With Focus On Hutti Mines, India
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- ISBN 9783659768798: Cline, Kurt: The Poet and the Shaman: Radical Language Praxis
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- ISBN 9783659768804: Mobolaji Akinola: Intelligent Side Information Generation in Distributed Video Coding
- ISBN 9783659768811: Balavantagol, Y. S.: Intrinsic Excellence of a System (A Sustain Democratic values)
- ISBN 9783659768828: Ajsulu Shaqhmetowa: Pedagogicheskie aspekty social'noj reabilitacii beznadzornyh detej
- ISBN 9783659768835: Hari Singh: Economic Analysis of Integrated Farming Systems of Southern Rajasthan
- ISBN 9783659768842: Majid, Hafsa: Bone health Parameters and Polymorphisms of Calcium Sensing Receptors
- ISBN 3659768855: Alaba O. Ojo: Petroleum Products Altered Cardiovascular Function, PCV & Plasma Lipid
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- ISBN 9783659768866: Gustavo Andres Cuesta Cordoba: Using Artificial Neural Network to Assess Chlorine in Supply Systems
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- ISBN 9783659768897: Mohammadreza Saboktakin: Intelligent Drug Delivery Systems
- ISBN 9783659768903: Jajati Keshari Sahoo: Regularization and learning theory
- ISBN 365976891X: Herbert John (Tom) Thompson: Governance as Stewardship
- ISBN 9783659768910: Herbert John (Tom) Thompson: Governance as Stewardship
- ISBN 3659768928: Rossen Kostadinov Koroutchev: Return migration from Maghreb and the Balkans: the Spanish experience
- ISBN 9783659768927: Rossen Kostadinov Koroutchev: Return migration from Maghreb and the Balkans: the Spanish experience
- ISBN 9783659768934: Lüdmila Hazina: Oktawy, fraktaly, äwolüciq i nejrogenetika / Lüdmila Hazina / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659768934
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- ISBN 9783659768965: Elim Peter: Effects of oil exploration on Economy, Environment & Society of Turkana
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- ISBN 9783659768989: Kozhuhova, Natal'ya: Geopolimernoe vyazhushhee i beton na osnove zol-unosa tjes
- ISBN 3659768995: David Paul Busuttil: The Molecular Basis of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency
- ISBN 9783659768996: David Paul Busuttil: The Molecular Basis of Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency