ISBN beginnend mit 9783659777
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659777005: AbdelRaouf Moustafa: Vegetation structure of Serbal mountain, South Sinai, Egypt
- ISBN 9783659777004: AbdelRaouf Moustafa: Vegetation structure of Serbal mountain, South Sinai, Egypt
- ISBN 9783659777011: Akbar, Maryam: Targetting residential microflora of tomatoes by gamma irradiation / Enhancement of shelf life of tomatoes
- ISBN 3659777021: Ravindra Gaikwad: Finite Difference Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems
- ISBN 9783659777028: Ravindra Gaikwad: Finite Difference Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems
- ISBN 3659777048: Abdallah Almahdy Hawashe: Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual Reports of Commercial Banks
- ISBN 9783659777042: Abdallah Almahdy Hawashe: Voluntary Disclosure in the Annual Reports of Commercial Banks
- ISBN 9783659777059: Sunil Sharma: REDD+ framework with integrated Measurement, Reporting & Verification
- ISBN 3659777064: Gul'zhan Temirhanowa: Sposoby powysheniq änergoäffektiwnosti w kommunal'nom teplosnabzhenii
- ISBN 9783659777066: Gul'zhan Temirhanowa: Sposoby powysheniq änergoäffektiwnosti w kommunal'nom teplosnabzhenii
- ISBN 9783659777073: Tashia Davis: Women in Advertising Creative Departments in South Africa
- ISBN 9783659777080: Aslam, Sabah: Post-Conflict Rehabilitation: A Case Study of FATA
- ISBN 9783659777097: Krishna Kumar Mishra: Growth, development and fruiting behaviour of phalsa fruits
- ISBN 3659777102: Oleg Lekoncew: Na poroge peremen: gosudarstwo i krest'qnstwo w poslednie gody näpa
- ISBN 9783659777103: Oleg Lekoncew: Na poroge peremen: gosudarstwo i krest'qnstwo w poslednie gody näpa
- ISBN 3659777110: Kirill Vinnickij: Razrabotka SMK primenitel'no k proizwodstwu krasnogo pigmenta "Zh"
- ISBN 9783659777110: Kirill Vinnickij: Razrabotka SMK primenitel'no k proizwodstwu krasnogo pigmenta "Zh"
- ISBN 9783659777127: Md. Farukuzzaman Khan: Generation of Text and Speech Corpora
- ISBN 9783659777134: Eman Refaat: The Protective Role of Fetuin-A Associated with Many Diseases
- ISBN 9783659777141: Rev. Stephen Makau: An Evaluation of Evangelism Methods
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- ISBN 9783659777158: Elena Pawlowa: Homo modernis w XXI weke: religiq, nauka, filosofiq
- ISBN 3659777161: Nita Mohabansi: Nanophotocatalysis of dyes in wastewater
- ISBN 9783659777165: Nita Mohabansi: Nanophotocatalysis of dyes in wastewater
- ISBN 365977717X: Marenahally Rangaraju Vivekananda: Oral Host Microbial Interaction
- ISBN 9783659777172: Marenahally Rangaraju Vivekananda: Oral Host Microbial Interaction
- ISBN 9783659777189: Sachin Nandapure: Nutrient Management of Java Citronella in Inceptisol
- ISBN 3659777196: Md. Moyazzem Hossain: Production Behaviors of Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659777196: Md. Moyazzem Hossain: Production Behaviors of Manufacturing Industries in Bangladesh
- ISBN 365977720X: Sanjay Nandal: International Marketing: A Trade Shows Perspective (Peer Reviewed Pub)
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- ISBN 9783659777349: Francisco Zaragoza: Management,Mathematical Programming with Gender Perspective in Mexico
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- ISBN 9783659777417: Chemuku Wekesa: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Acacia Senegal (L.) Management
- ISBN 9783659777424: PR-tehnologii v formirovanii imidzha strany na mirovom rynke.
- ISBN 9783659777431: Choudhury, Md. Panir: Morphometry and Performance of Community Level Goat in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659777448: Borisow, Andrej: Issledowanie i primenenie tonkih plenok
- ISBN 9783659777455: Paul Wilkes: Geophysics in the search for diamonds
- ISBN 9783659777462: Abba Amsami Elgujja: Medical Negligence Litigation Systems in UK and Saudi Arabia
- ISBN 9783659777479: Rostislaw Danilewskij: Germanorossica. Stat'i, doklady i zametki raznyh let
- ISBN 9783659777486: Monika Devi: Non-response Adjustment In Survey Sampling Using Auxiliary Information
- ISBN 3659777498: Marius Iulian Mihailescu: Security of Biometrics Authentication Protocols
- ISBN 9783659777493: Marius Iulian Mihailescu: Security of Biometrics Authentication Protocols
- ISBN 3659777501: Joyce Kinaro: Contraceptive use Among Adolescents
- ISBN 9783659777509: Joyce Kinaro: Contraceptive use Among Adolescents
- ISBN 9783659777516: Meena, Om Prakash: Genetic Variability, Character Association and Divergence among Tomato
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- ISBN 9783659777523: Abdulla Niksirat: Philosophical discussions
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- ISBN 9783659777530: Gul'nara Abulhanowa: HAZOP prostymi slowami ot äxperta
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- ISBN 9783659777554: Priyanka Mayank: Biology of Cirrhinus mrigala and Oreochromis niloticus
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- ISBN 9783659777561: Joana Manuel Couto: Transcriptomic analysis of Anopheles stephensi salivary glands
- ISBN 9783659777578: Petr P. Prochazka: Numerical and physical modeling of rock bumps
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- ISBN 9783659777585: Vladislaw Kolosowskij: Metod rascheta himicheskih istochnikow toka
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- ISBN 9783659777639: Buqnkin, Viktor: Nejrouprawlenie älektrodwigatelqmi, älektropriwodami
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- ISBN 9783659777646: Naoual Kamal: The Civil Rights Struggle for Freedom and Equality in America
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- ISBN 9783659777660: Khalil Saad-Allah: Response of cadmium-stressed Brassica rapa to gamma rays & potassium
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- ISBN 9783659777691: Lugagay, Shyne Ancelin Mendoza: HASHTAG SPELLING: Improving Spelling Skills of Grade Six Pupils / Innovations for This Generation
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- ISBN 9783659777837: Teni Javadian: Investigating various non-nutritious methods in premature infants
- ISBN 9783659777844: Shumy v poluprovodnikovyh diodah i ustrojstvah na ih osnove
- ISBN 9783659777851: Karim, Md: The Impact of Micro Credit on Poor Women Entrepreneurs in Urban Slum / Md Karim / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 52 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659777851
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- ISBN 9783659777875: Abd Al Karim Abu Ras: Design FLC for Dual Sensors Cardiac Pacemaker in Bradycardia at Rest
- ISBN 9783659777882: Saurabh Agrawal: Optimization of machining parameters of hard porcelain on CNC machine
- ISBN 3659777897: Jitendra Ingle: Phosphors for Plasma Display Panels and Mercury Free Lamps
- ISBN 9783659777899: Jitendra Ingle: Phosphors for Plasma Display Panels and Mercury Free Lamps
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- ISBN 9783659777905: Elena Timofeewa: Vengriq i ES: faktor istoricheskoj pamqti
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- ISBN 9783659777912: Vijay Medhane: Synthetic Strategies for Pyrazole annulated heterocycles
- ISBN 9783659777929: Khan, Sara: Translating the ¿Holy Untranslatable¿ for Children / A target-oriented translation of the Quran
- ISBN 9783659777936: Aneeqa Javed: A study for targeting the bioburden of oxygen mask by Gamma Radiation
- ISBN 3659777943: Bhavian Patel: Effects of testosterone and anabolic steroids on muscle hypertrophy
- ISBN 9783659777943: Bhavian Patel: Effects of testosterone and anabolic steroids on muscle hypertrophy
- ISBN 9783659777950: Urooj Ahmed: Dairy Branding
- ISBN 365977796X: Nurullah Gündüz: Alevi Visibility in Turkey: Processes of Disenchantment Since 2000s
- ISBN 9783659777967: Nurullah Gündüz: Alevi Visibility in Turkey: Processes of Disenchantment Since 2000s
- ISBN 9783659777974: Optika v stroitel stve
- ISBN 3659777986: Sravani Gupta Ray: High Pressure Processing of Greenshell¿ mussels
- ISBN 9783659777981: Sravani Gupta Ray: High Pressure Processing of Greenshell¿ mussels
- ISBN 3659777994: Elena Bezwerhaq: Perspektiwy mikrobiologicheskogo metoda uwelicheniq nefteotdachi
- ISBN 9783659777998: Elena Bezwerhaq: Perspektiwy mikrobiologicheskogo metoda uwelicheniq nefteotdachi