ISBN beginnend mit 9783659819
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 365981900X: Pragna J. Parikh: Charismatic Adolescence
- ISBN 9783659819001: Pragna J. Parikh: Charismatic Adolescence
- ISBN 9783659819018: Melle Ekane Maurice: Wildlife Ecology
- ISBN 3659819026: Arif Bangash: Produced Water Management at Oil & Gas Production Facilities
- ISBN 9783659819025: Arif Bangash: Produced Water Management at Oil & Gas Production Facilities
- ISBN 3659819034: Karnavel Kuppusamy: Evidence Based Decision Making using Neural Networks for Software App
- ISBN 9783659819032: Karnavel Kuppusamy: Evidence Based Decision Making using Neural Networks for Software App
- ISBN 9783659819049: Labiba Fatima: Analysis of food plants
- ISBN 9783659819056: Saad Ihsan Butt: Popoviciu's Inequality For N-convex Functions
- ISBN 9783659819063: Iman N. Ghanim: Modified Algorithms for solving Volterra-Fredholm Integral Equations
- ISBN 9783659819070: Manal Abo El Magd: Effect of Physical Exercise on Older Adult's Daily Living Activities
- ISBN 3659819085: Lübow' Demidowa: Dinamika i ocenka razwitiq OOPT wysshih kategorij Respubliki Kazahstan
- ISBN 9783659819087: Lübow' Demidowa: Dinamika i ocenka razwitiq OOPT wysshih kategorij Respubliki Kazahstan
- ISBN 3659819093: Amadu Samuel Otiki: Effects of School Outdoor Activities on Students' Retention in Ecology
- ISBN 9783659819094: Amadu Samuel Otiki: Effects of School Outdoor Activities on Students' Retention in Ecology
- ISBN 3659819115: Daniel Hect: Impact of Martial Arts on Law Enforcement
- ISBN 9783659819117: Daniel Hect: Impact of Martial Arts on Law Enforcement
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- ISBN 9783659819124: Jel'wina Gil'mutdinowa: Social'no-äkonomicheskoe razwitie krupnyh gorodow Rossii
- ISBN 9783659819131: Metodiki tyagovogo rascheta nazemnyh i plavajushhih mashin v srede MathCAD
- ISBN 365981914X: Obinna Okoro: An Improved Distance Vector Routing Protocol
- ISBN 9783659819148: Obinna Okoro: An Improved Distance Vector Routing Protocol
- ISBN 9783659819155: Mohamed Hendawy: Relationship between sepsis and body mass index among trauma patients
- ISBN 3659819166: Angelo Rosa: The Green Jobs Organization: A Socio-economic Value
- ISBN 9783659819162: Angelo Rosa: The Green Jobs Organization: A Socio-economic Value
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- ISBN 9783659819186: John Evar Strid: Phonological Structure and Visual Word Access
- ISBN 9783659819193: Swapnil Deshmukh: Response of maize to nitrogen management with and without vermicompost
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- ISBN 9783659819209: Saif Alnajar: Construction of Real Time Panoramic Video in a Surveillance System
- ISBN 9783659819216: Kansha Kaliewa: Perepisi naseleniq kak istochnik izucheniq narodonaseleniq Kazahstana
- ISBN 3659819220: Muhammad Najib Mohd Zailani: Manifesto In General Election: An Experience of Malaysian Politics
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- ISBN 9783659819285: Küpcü, Ali: kincil Verilerin ¿hracat Pazar Ara¿t¿rmas¿na Yönelik Kullan¿m¿
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- ISBN 9783659819384: Aamir Al-Mosawi: Pharmacotherapies for Benign Meningioma
- ISBN 9783659819391: Vlas Sergeevich Volobuev: Modifikaciya struktury i svojstv polimera implantaciej ionov metalla
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- ISBN 9783659819407: Nasibeh Hosseini-Vasoukolaei: Salivary transcript expression profiles of Phlebotomus papatasi
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- ISBN 9783659819414: Jeannegda Catherine Valverde Farías: Why doctors get it wrong?
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- ISBN 9783659819469: Kadri Rais Ahmad: Aloe Vera For Fish Preservation
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- ISBN 9783659819520: Mohammed Ehsan: Speech recognition for wheelchair movement based on microcontroller
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- ISBN 9783659819940: Sayed Elsayeh: Studies on the genetic improvement of Jatropha curcas in Egypt
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- ISBN 9783659819988: Wilson Okaka: The Media Grapple with Presidential Elections in Uganda since 1962
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