ISBN beginnend mit 9783846586
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783846586006: Lekhotla Mafisa: Community colleges as part of Further Education and Training Band
- ISBN 9783846586013: Mohamed Noor, Norazian: Missing Data Estimation And Modelling Via Probability Distributions
- ISBN 9783846586020: Priyal Jain: QSAR Based Design & Synthesis
- ISBN 9783846586037: Miriam Musonye: Peace, Conflict and Displacement in Refugee Children's Narratives
- ISBN 9783846586044: Emmanuel Kwame Essel: Core Mathematics For High Schools
- ISBN 9783846586051: Jahir Alam Khan: Soil actinomycestes as a source of antibacterial components
- ISBN 9783846586068: Ishrat Jabeen: Women and Menopause: An Anthropological Study
- ISBN 9783846586082: Peremezhayushcheesya Povedenie Na Granitse Khaoticheskoy Sinkhronizatsii
- ISBN 9783846586099: K. L. Sharma: Soil Management Effects on Biological Indicators of Soil Quality
- ISBN 9783846586105: Nasrullah Khan Sadia Bibi: Phyto-ecology and Ethnobotany of Weeds
- ISBN 9783846586112: Gopal Shukla Sumit Chakravarty: Biodiversity Cause and Pattern (In foothills of Eastern Himalayas)
- ISBN 3846586129: Ahiqr Gataulin: Sistemy i sistemnyj analiz w äkonomike
- ISBN 9783846586129: Ahiqr Gataulin: Sistemy i sistemnyj analiz w äkonomike
- ISBN 9783846586143: Paras Bikram Singh: Carbon Sequestration in Community Forest System
- ISBN 9783846586150: Elektronnye Sredstva Sistem Avtomatiki
- ISBN 9783846586167: Avtorskoe pravo: ot pervyh zakonov do cifrovoj jepohi
- ISBN 9783846586174: Fitria Rahmawati: Zirconia-LSGM Based Materials as Electrolyte for SOFC
- ISBN 9783846586181: M. R. Pinskaq: Garmonizaciq nalogowyh otnoshenij w federatiwnom gosudarstwe
- ISBN 9783846586198: Andebo Abesha Waza: People and Parks in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846586211: Gosudarstwennoe regulirowanie sel'skohozqjstwennogo strahowaniq
- ISBN 9783846586228: Lyutserna
- ISBN 3846586234: Andrej Gnatow: Impul'snye magnitnye polq dlq progressiwnyh tehnologij
- ISBN 9783846586235: Andrej Gnatow: Impul'snye magnitnye polq dlq progressiwnyh tehnologij
- ISBN 9783846586242: Elhadj Zeraoulia: Advanced Topics in Nonlinear Chaotic Systems
- ISBN 9783846586259: Zewdie Wondatir Workie: Livestock Production with Feed Availability in Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783846586266: Marwa Matboli: Apoptosis inhibitory gene in bladder cancer diagnosis
- ISBN 9783846586280: Mahesh S. Anandi: Passive Restraint Systems for Luxury Sleeper Coach
- ISBN 9783846586303: Kousik Guhathakurta: Examining Stock Markets : a non linear dynamics perspective
- ISBN 9783846586327: Bidzina Savaneli: Global Order or Global Disorder Vol. 2
- ISBN 9783846586334: Aneela Durrani: Tuberculosis in Punjab, Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846586341: Onofre Corpuz: Carbon BUDGET and Stem Cut Propagation Technologies for Rubber Trees
- ISBN 9783846586365: Randhir Singh Ranta: Management of Stress Through Indian Psychological Techniques
- ISBN 9783846586372: Chleny Predlozheniya V Svete Sovremennoy Sintaksicheskoy Problematiki
- ISBN 9783846586396: Mohamad Akbar Noor Mohamad Noor: The Determinants Efficiency and Profitability of Islamic Banks
- ISBN 9783846586402: Ram Chander: Job Satisfaction and Organizational Climate in Libraries in India
- ISBN 9783846586419: Subhashree Patnaik: Forest and Sustainable Development in Pakistan
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- ISBN 9783846586433: Balamurali Thamatapu: Quick Changeover Revolution in Critical Processing Lines
- ISBN 9783846586440: Amad Anwar: Decision Making Mechanism Involved in Reuse of Colonial Buildings
- ISBN 9783846586457: Sam Usadolo: Motivations for code-switching by Edo-speaking people in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783846586471: Abebayehu Tadesse: Concurrent Infection in Goats
- ISBN 9783846586488: Dimitrios Koumparoulis: An Essay in the Probability Theory
- ISBN 9783846586495: Suvash Saha: Scaling analysis of natural convection boundary layers
- ISBN 384658651X: Nataliq Sokolinskaq: Ocenka i analiz sostoqniq aktiwow rossijskih bankow
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- ISBN 9783846586525: Vikram Passi: Fabrication & characterization of Silicon nanowires
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- ISBN 9783846586532: Dmitrij Brazewich: Sociologiq nauchnoj organizacii truda i uprawleniq w Sowetskoj Rossii
- ISBN 9783846586549: Shiblee Imtiaz Hasan: Online Interactive Language Utilities
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- ISBN 9783846586556: Natal'q Alexandrowna Dardanowa: Indiwidualizaciq fizicheskoj podgotowki detej 5-7 let k shkole
- ISBN 9783846586563: Sandip Deshmukh: Development of Integrated Renewable Energy System
- ISBN 9783846586570: Dinesh Patel: Evaluating Student Achievement
- ISBN 3846586595: Larisa Ahmylowskaq: Proza Kim Ju Dzhona dlq teatra w Rossii, ATR, Ewrope
- ISBN 9783846586594: Larisa Ahmylowskaq: Proza Kim Ju Dzhona dlq teatra w Rossii, ATR, Ewrope
- ISBN 9783846586600: Sakiru Oladele Akinbode: Economic Burden of Diseases and Rice Production Efficiency in Nigeria
- ISBN 9783846586617: Jessinta A/P Sandanasamy: Neem (Azadirachta Indica)
- ISBN 9783846586624: Hashmi, Muhammad Jawad: Nuclear Terrorism in Pakistan
- ISBN 9783846586631: Narasimha Rao Vajjhala: Benchmarking it Policies and Procedures in Universities
- ISBN 9783846586648: Basira Azizaliewa: Amin ar-Rejhani
- ISBN 384658665X: Maxim Olegowich Proshin: Psihologicheskaq korrekciq lichnostnoj trewozhnosti
- ISBN 9783846586655: Maxim Olegowich Proshin: Psihologicheskaq korrekciq lichnostnoj trewozhnosti
- ISBN 9783846586662: Sobia Idrees: Hepatitis C Virus
- ISBN 9783846586679: Maurizio Di Paolo Emilio: Thermal effects in optical systems
- ISBN 9783846586686: T. S. Petrenko: Giperkineticheskoe rasstrojstwo u detej
- ISBN 9783846586693: Rudrapathy Sendilkumar: Farmers Perception on Paraquat
- ISBN 3846586706: Safiq Zaripowa: Massowaq kul'tura w sowremennom sociume.
- ISBN 9783846586709: Safiq Zaripowa: Massowaq kul'tura w sowremennom sociume.
- ISBN 9783846586716: Oana M. Oprean: Romania's Accession to the European Union
- ISBN 9783846586723: Edgar Huante-Ceron: Optical Modulation
- ISBN 9783846586730: Polina Markina: Dwoemirie Ju.K.Oleshi
- ISBN 9783846586754: Syed Wafa Abbas: Violent Extremism
- ISBN 9783846586778: Strategii formirovaniya i razvitiya samokontrolya pri obuchenii matematike
- ISBN 9783846586785: Omar Hafez: Access to Chemistry
- ISBN 9783846586792: Bikash Niraula: An assessment on livelihood promotion activities of rural sector
- ISBN 3846586803: Tat'qna Shemetowa: Proza Andreq Bitowa w aspekte poätiki powestwowaniq
- ISBN 9783846586808: Tat'qna Shemetowa: Proza Andreq Bitowa w aspekte poätiki powestwowaniq
- ISBN 9783846586815: Shlqpnikowa, Elena: Leontij Bennigsen / opyt istoricheskoj biografii
- ISBN 9783846586822: Maarten Bresser: Sourcing backpackers
- ISBN 9783846586846: Ashwani Kumar: synthesis of Nanophosphor
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- ISBN 9783846586884: Phukan Chandra Basumatary: Boro and Rabha: Two Tibeto-Burman Languages of the North-East India
- ISBN 9783846586907: Amit Kumar Mehta: Wireless Mobile Broadband Technologies for the Future
- ISBN 9783846586914: Meba Tadesse: Workers' Attitude towards Female Managers
- ISBN 9783846586921: Nataliq Ptichkina: Dieticheskie deserty s dobawkami polisaharidow
- ISBN 9783846586938: Osobennosti razrabotki innowacionnyh medicinskih uslug
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- ISBN 9783846586952: Ol'ga Docenko: Perinatal'noe razwitie i wysshie psihicheskie funkcii detej 6-7 let
- ISBN 9783846586969: Arvind Kumar Mishra: Blast Design Using High Speed Video Camera in Coal Measure Rocks
- ISBN 9783846586990: Hafsa Saeed: Microbial Contamination in Orange Juice