ISBN beginnend mit 9783911766
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- ISBN 9783911766012: Ernst Heinrich Wackenroder: M. Ernst Heinrich Wackenroders, Damahligen Pastors zu Trent in Rügen nunmehrigen Praepositi zu Loytz in Pommern, Altes und Neues Rügen – Das ist: Kurtzgefaßte und umständliche Nachricht, Von demjenigen, Was sowol in Civilibus, als vornemlich in Ecclesiast
- ISBN 9783911766029: John Gabriel Stedman: Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772, to 1777. Vol. 1 Second Edition corrected. London 1806 – Elucidating the history of that country, and describ
- ISBN 9783911766036: John Gabriel Stedman: Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772, to 1777. Vol. 1 First Edition London 1796 – Elucidating the history of that country, and describing its prod
- ISBN 9783911766043: John Gabriel Stedman: Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772, to 1777. Vol. 2 First Edition London 1796 – Elucidating the history of that country, and describing its prod
- ISBN 9783911766050: Franz Klutschak: Der Führer durch Prag. Prag, 1838. 1. Auflage – Mit einem alphabetischen Verzeichnisse Der Sehenswürdigkeiten Prags und seiner Umgebung, und einigen belehrenden Notizen für Fremde. Prag, 1838. 1. Auflage. Druck und Verlag von Gottlieb Haase Söhne. Mit 11
- ISBN 9783911766067: Franz Klutschak: Der Führer durch Prag. Zweite, vermehrte Auflage. Prag 1841 – Druck, Papier und Verlag von Gottlieb Haase Söhne. 1841. New Edition Printed in Font-Type “MALABAR”. Illustrated With 11 Plates. Provided with 2 Frontispieces by Caitlin Hackett “Inspired Of Wi
- ISBN 9783911766074: John Sampson: The Poetical Works Of William Blake. London 1905. – A new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals with variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces [INCLUDING ROSSETTI MS. BOOK, PICKERING MS. and A CHRONOLOGICA
- ISBN 9783911766081: John Sampson: The Poetical Works Of William Blake. London 1905. – A new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals with variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces. Frontispiece of John Sampson. New edition 2021 in modern font
- ISBN 9783911766098: John Sampson: The Poems of William Blake. London 1921 – At the Florence Press, Chatto & Windus, and A CHRONOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY Blake Newsletter and Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (BAIQ) on John Sampson 36 REFERENCE TEXTS. New edition in modern font-type "WM Blake". 1
- ISBN 9783911766104: John Sampson: William Blake Poetical Works Oxford Edition – Including the unpublished French Revolution, together with the Minor Prophetic Books, and selections from The Four Zoas, Milton, & Jerusalem. Edited with an introd. and textual notes by John Sampson, and A CHR
- ISBN 9783911766111: Allan Cunningham: The Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects. Volume 1 (of 3) [First Edition] London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. MDCCCXXIX. [1829] – [THE EARLY PAINTERS. WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. THOMAS GAINSBO
- ISBN 9783911766142: Elizabeth Blower: Maria - a Novel. In Two Volumes. Volume I. By the Author of George Bateman. Additionally 9 reference texts. Chronological Bibliography Blake Newsletter/An Illustrated Quarterly on Elizabeth Blower. – Printed for T. Cadell London 1785. New edition in moder
- ISBN 9783911766159: Elizabeth Blower: Maria - a Novel. In Two Volumes. Volume II. By the Author of George Bateman. – Printed for T. Cadell London 1785. New edition in modern font-type "WM Blake".
- ISBN 9783911766166: Allan Cunningham: The Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects. Volume 1 (of 3). Second Edition London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. MDCCCXXX. [1830] – [THE EARLY PAINTERS. WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. THOMAS GAINSBOR
- ISBN 9783911766173: Allan Cunningham: The Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. Volume 1 (of 3) Harper's First Stereotype Edition New York 1831. + 18 p. Harper's Advertisement. – [THE EARLY PAINTERS. WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH
- ISBN 9783911766180: Allan Cunningham: The Lives of the most eminent British painters and sculptors. Volume 1 (of 3) Harper's Second Stereotype Edition New York 1837. + 18 p. Harper's Advertisement – [THE EARLY PAINTERS. WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH
- ISBN 9783911766197: Allan Cunningham: The Lives of the most eminent British painters, sculptors, and architects. Volume 1 (of 3) [First Edition] London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. MDCCCXXIX. [1829]. – [THE EARLY PAINTERS. WILLIAM HOGARTH. RICHARD WILSON. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. THOMAS GAINSB
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- ISBN 9783911766210: Benjamin Heath Malkin: A Father's Memoirs of His Child [Malkin, Thomas William, 1795-1802] – including Frontispiece by William Blake. = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 1.
- ISBN 9783911766234: Richard Gough: Sepulchral monuments in Great Britain. PART I. (Volume v.1, pt.1) Publisher London 1786: Printed by J. Nichols, for the author, sold by T. Payne and Son. Additionally: Biographicals on Richard Gough and 37 reference texts to this work. – containing the fo
- ISBN 9783911766241: Alfred Thomas Story: William Blake, his life, character and genius. – London 1893. = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 48.
- ISBN 9783911766265: William Blake: The French Revolution. A Poem, in Seven Books. Book the First. London: Printed for J. Johnson, N° 72, St Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCXCI [1791]. [Price one Shilling]. – Five-Versions-Edition: Sampson 1913 and Sampson 1914 comparing with Keynes 1923 and Erdman
- ISBN 9783911766272: William Blake: The French Revolution. A Poem, in Seven Books. Book the First. London: Printed for J. Johnson, N° 72, St Paul's Church-Yard. MDCCXCI [1791]. [Price one Shilling]. – Five-Versions-Edition: Sampson 1913 and Sampson 1914 comparing with Keynes 1923 and Erdman
- ISBN 9783911766289: John Thomas Smith: Nollekens and his times [First Edition London 1828 Volume 1] – comprehending a life of that celebrated sculptor; and memoirs of several contemporary artists, from the time of Roubiliac, Hogarth, and Reynolds, to that of Fuseli, Flaxman, and Blake. = LÖB L
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- ISBN 9783911766302: Richard Phillips Alexander Stephens: "MR. RICHARD GOUGH" in: Alexander Stephens, Richard Phillips: Public Characters of 1803-1804. London 1804. Vol. VI. p. 267-276. – = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 189.
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- ISBN 9783911766326: William Blake: Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion. 100 Plates. London 1804-1820 Facsimile Edition issued by John Pearson in 1877. – Juxtapozed to Copy A of The Rosenwald Collection, altogether 205 Plates. Including 33 Reference Texts: John Pearson and William
- ISBN 9783911766333: Laurence Binyon: Lyric : Poems – Publisher: E. Mathews London 1894. = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 264.
- ISBN 9783911766340: Laurence Binyon: The drawings and engravings of William Blake – Published by The Studio, Limited, London MCMXXII 1922. Illustrated with 222 Plates. Including 60 Reference Texts Chronological Bibliography1967-2021 Blake Newsletter and Blake/An Illustrated Quarterly (BAIQ)
- ISBN 9783911766357: Robert Blair: The Grave. A Poem. Illustrated by twelve Etchings executed by Louis Schiavonetti from the original inventions of William Blake 1808. – New edition 2021 in font-type "WM BLAKE" illustrated with 19 plates including John Hoppner's Letter and Cromek's Prospec
- ISBN 9783911766364: Timothy Cole: Selected Proofs. The First and Second Portfolios of Illustrations from Scribner's Monthly and St. Nicholas. The Century Co. New-York 1881. – New edition in modern font-type "WM Blake". Additionally designed with 2 Frontispieces by Caitlin Hackett "Inspire
- ISBN 9783911766371: William Blake: Songs of Innocence and of Experience Showing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul by William Blake – edited and prefaced by Richard Herne Shepherd, Aldi Discip. Anglus, Basil Montagu Pickering, 196 Piccadilly, London 1868. Redigierter englischer Text
- ISBN 9783911766388: Laurence Binyon: Dutch etchers of the seventeenth century – Publisher: Seeley and Co. London 1895. NEW EDITION PRINTED IN FONT-TYPE "WM BLAKE" ILLUSTRATED WITH 30 PLATES. = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 259.
- ISBN 9783911766395: William Butler Yeats: William Blake and his Illustrations to the Divine Comedy – In: The Savoy. An Illustrated Monthly 1896. New edition in modern font-type "WM Blake". = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME LL 89.
- ISBN 9783911766401: By Christie, Manson & Woods: Catalogue of a choice collection of engraved portraits after Sir Joshua Reynolds, – the property of the late George Richmond, R.A.: water-colour drawings, the remaining works of George Richmond, R.A., and engravings after his works: water-colour drawings,
- ISBN 9783911766418: Richard Herne Shepherd: The Poems of William Blake Comprising Songs of Innocence and of Experience Together with Poetical Sketches and Some Copyright Poems Not in Any Other Edition – Introduction and edited by Richard Herne Shepherd. Basil Montagu Pickering, London 1874. = LÖB L
- ISBN 9783911766425: Richard Herne Shepherd: The Poems of William Blake Comprising Songs of Innocence and of Experience Together with Poetical Sketches and Some Copyright Poems Not in Any Other Edition. A NEW EDITION by Richard Herne Shepherd. – Introduction and edited by Richard Herne Shepherd. Bas
- ISBN 9783911766432: Horace Elisha Scudder: William Blake, Painter and Poet – In: Scribner's monthly "An illustrated magazine for the people." 1880. New edition in modern Print-Type Calibri. Additionally designed with 2 Frontispieces by Caitlin Hackett "Inspired by William Blake". = LÖB LIBRARY VOL
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- ISBN 9783911766456: William Bell Scott: Catalogue of Works by William Blake. Exhibition of the works of William Blake, born 1757: died 1827 by Burlington Fine Arts Club, London 1876 – Printed by Spottiswoode & Co. Introductory remarks signed: William B. Scott. New edition in modern Print-Type C
- ISBN 9783911766463: George Cumberland: Outlines From The Antients Exhibiting Their Principles Of Composition In Figures And Basso-Relievos Taken Chiefly From Inedited Monuments Of Greek And Roman Sculpture – With An Introductory Essay By George Cumberland Esq London 1829 Septimus Prowett MDCCC
- ISBN 9783911766470: Richard Herne Shepherd: Poetical sketches by William Blake: now first reprinted from the original edition of 1783 – Edited and prefaced by Richard Herne Shepherd. Basil Montagu Pickering, 196 Pickadilly London 1868. Newly edited in modern printtype Calibri. = LÖB LIBRARY VOLUME