Novel Frontiers in the Production of Compounds for Biomedical Use
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Novel Frontiers in the Production of Compounds for Biomedical Use
A. van Broekhoven
Springer Netherlands
, 28.02.2001, BuchISBN: 0792367472

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Novel Frontiers in the Production of Compounds for Biomedical Use
Broekhoven, A. van Shapiro, Fred Anné, Jozef
Springer Netherlands
, 2001, GebundenISBN: 0792367472

Novel Frontiers in the Production of Compounds for Biomedical Use, Volume 1.
Van Broekhoven, Annie / Shapiro, Fred / Anné, Jozef (Eds.)
Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dortrecht-Boston-London 2001. 453 pp, figures and tables; Hardcover. In very good condition/sehr gut erhalten!!
ISBN: 0792367472
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