Introduction to Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics
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Introduction to Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics
Massimo Melucci
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 21.03.2019, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783662569160
![Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa](
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Introduction to Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics
Massimo Melucci
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
, 2019, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 9783662569160
![Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa](
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Introduction to Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics / Massimo Melucci / Taschenbuch / xviii / Englisch / 2019 / Springer Berlin / EAN 9783662569160
Massimo Melucci
Springer Berlin
, 2019, TaschenbuchISBN: 9783662569160
![Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa Massimo Melucci: Introduction to Informa](
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Introduction to Information Retrieval and Quantum Mechanics
Massimo Melucci
Springer / Springer Berlin Heidelberg / Springer, Berlin
, SoftcoverISBN: 9783662569160