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Activities 1939-1945. Internal War Finance – Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen

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The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. 22 [XXII]. Activities 1939 - 1945. Internal war finance.
The collected writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. 22 [XXII]. Activities 1939 - 1945. Internal war finance.
3 Treffer in Bücher
Gebrauchtware  gebraucht Neuware  Neuware

Activities 1939-1945. Internal War Finance.


London, MacMillan St. Martin's Press-Royal Economic Society. 1978

ISBN: 0333107322
Zustand: leichte Gebrauchsspuren
flag_common NL vom Händler, garantiert lieferbar, Bewertungen 99,3% positiv

Activities 1939-1945: Internal War Finance

Keynes, John Maynard

London : Macmillan/Cambridge University Press

, 1978, Hardcover
ISBN: 0521218764
Zustand: Gut: Dust jacket slightly finger soiled at front and rear and slightly worn along the egdes.
flag_common NL vom Händler, Bewertungen 100,0% positiv
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