State Security and Secret Policing in North Korea – An Interdisciplinary Study on State Criminality and Formal Social Control
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State Security and Secret Policing in North Korea: An Interdisciplinary Study on State Criminality and Formal Social Control
von Denkowski, Charles A.
Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
, 2019ISBN: 9783866765924
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36,27 €
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State Security and Secret Policing in North Korea: An Interdisciplinary Study on State Criminality and Formal Social Control
Charles A. von Denkowski
Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
, 01.01.2019, paperbackISBN: 9783866765924
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State Security and Secret Policing in North Korea: An Interdisciplinary Study on State Criminality and Formal Social Control
Charles A. von Denkowski
Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft
, 01.01.2019, paperbackISBN: 9783866765924
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