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Field Theory Handbook. – Buch gebraucht, antiquarisch & neu kaufen

Field Theory Handbook: Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and Their Solutions
Field Theory Handbook: Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and Their Solutions
3 Treffer in Bücher
Gebrauchtware  gebraucht Neuware  Neuware

Field Theory Handbook. Including Coordinate Systems, Differential Equations and their Solutions.

Moon, P[arry] [Hiram]; Spencer, D[omina] E[berle].

Berlin, Springer 1971.

ISBN: 3540027327
68,00 €
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flag_common AT vom Händler, Bewertungen 100,0% positiv
flag_common DE vom Händler, Bewertungen 99,9% positiv

Field Theory Handbook. Including coordinate systems, differential equations and their solutions. With 59 fig.

Parry Moon

Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Springer

, 1971.
ISBN: 3540027327
Zustand: gebraucht; gut
flag_common DE vom Händler, Bewertungen 99,6% positiv