Sammelgebiet Horror (englisch)
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich Horror (englisch)
- Dead Zone - PS Publishing limited Edition
- Stephen King
- 230,00 €
- From Demons to Dracula: The Creation of the Modern Vampire Myth (Paperback)
- Beresford, Matthew
- 2008
- 22,80 €
- Later
- Stephen King
- 2021
- 200,00 €
- Hearts in Atlantis
- Stephen King
- 1999
- 35,00 €
- The Shining: The Deluxe Special Edition
- Stephen King
- 2017
- 500,00 €
- Demons By Daylight * ENGLISCH * TB * Star Horror 1975 * Kurzgeschichten
- 1975
- 39,99 €
- Ancestral Shadows : An Anthology of Ghostly Tales
- Kirk, Russell
- 2004
- 25,00 €
- Bird Box
- Josh Malerman
- 150,00 €
- Firestarter Stephen King english 1. Edition 1980
- Stephen King
- 1980
- 49,99 €
- Covenant With the Vampire: The Diaries of the Family Dracul
- Jeanne Kalogridis
- 1995
- 25,00 €
- The Thing
- Alan Dean Foster
- 1982
- 40,00 €
- Contagious
- Scott Sigler
- 2008
- 40,00 €
- Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. 821 Seiten
- Poe, Edgar Allan
- 20,00 €
- Night Shift - Cemetary Dance limited edition
- Stephen King
- 250,00 €
- The Stand - deluxe Edition PS Publishing
- Stephen King
- 800,00 €
- Violoncelloschule 1
- Hirzel, Susanne
- 25,99 €
- Dead Reckoning-Dawning of the Dead
- Anthony Giangregorio
- 2009
- 44,00 €
- Historic Horrors of Old Edinburgh
- Wilson, Brogan, McGrail
- 37,85 €
- Creatures: Thirty Years of Monsters
- Clive Barker
- 24,90 €
- The Fireman - signierte Ausgabe
- Joe Hill
- 220,00 €
- The Diary of a Madman and Other Tales of Horror (Pan original)
- Guy de Maupassant
- 1976
- 22,00 €
- Cujo 40th Anniversary Limited Edition
- Stephen King
- 290,00 €
- Dark Forces : New Stories of Suspense and Supernatural Horror (Anthology)
- Herausgeber: Kirby McCauley | Autoren: Stephen King | Dennis Etchison| Isaac Bashevis Singer| Edward Bryant| Davis Grubb | Robert Aickman | Joyce Carol […]
- 1980
- 25,00 €
- Hurricane Gold
- Charlie higson
- 60,00 €
- Mansions of Madness - Five Frightening Adventures in Dark and Deserted Places (For Call of Cthulhu 1920s)
- Fred Behrendt, Michael DeWolfe, Keith Herber, Wesley Martin, Mark Morrison
- 1990
- 30,00 €
- Dawn of the Dead
- Romero, George A. / Sparrow, Susanna
- 1978
- 35,00 €
- Nocturnal
- Scott Sigler
- 2012
- 30,00 €
- The Dark Tower 3: The Waste Lands (1st Trade Edition + Aftermarket Slipcase vom SKCollector)
- Stephen King
- 1991
- 400,00 €
- Lurking Fears (For Call of Cthulhu)
- Michael Szymanski & Scott Aniolowski
- 1990
- 29,00 €
- The Shee
- Joe Donnelly
- 22,50 €
- Ratman´s Notebooks
- Stephen Gilbert `Rare signed 1 EDition´
- 1968
- 149,90 €
- Uzumaki Spiral into Horror
- Junji Ito
- 2013
- 24,00 €
- FuBar: A Periodical 6 (Bibliographie der Lovecraft-Fanzines)
- Joseph Bell
- 1987
- 20,00 €
- The New Annotated H.P. Lovecraft
- Leslie S. Klinger
- 2014
- 69,00 €
- Sleeping Beauties - Cemetary Dance Limited Edition
- Stephen King, Owen King
- 199,00 €
- 11-22-63 - limited PS Publishing Edition
- Stephen King
- 320,00 €
- Area X: The Southern Reach Trilogy: Annihilation; Authority; Acceptance
- Jeff Vandermeer
- 2014
- 50,00 €