Sammelgebiet Wirtschaft/Werbung (englisch)
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Alle Angebote aus dem Bereich Wirtschaft/Werbung (englisch)
- Law and Competition in Twentieth Century Europe: Protecting Prometheus Gebundene Ausgabe – 4. Juni 1998
- David Gerber
- 1998
- 209,00 €
- Negotiation. Readings, Exercises, and Cases
- Lewicki, Roy J.; Saunders, David M.; Barry, Bruce
- 2003
- 70,50 €
- Introducing Qualitive Research
- Rosaline Barbour
- 2013
- 75,00 €
- Why Ireland Starved: A Quantitative and Analytical History of the Irish Economy, 1800-1850. [Economic History]
- Joel Mokyr
- 2006
- 124,95 €
- The Hungarian Chemical Industry
- 1967
- 79,00 €
- Consumer Behavior. Building Marketing Strategy
- HAWKINS, Delbert I., David L. Mothersbaugh, et al.
- 2012
- 94,00 €
- Human Action. A Treatise on Economics
- Mises, Ludwig von
- 1949
- 884,00 €
- Nonlinear Modelling of High Frequency Financial Time Series
- Dunis, Christian L.; Zhou, Bin
- 1998
- 100,00 €
- Home Picture Book for little children
- Home Insurance Company of New York 1886
- 1886
- 80,00 €
- Marketing Higher and Further Education
- Paul Gibbs & Michael Knapp
- 2002
- 50,00 €
- Economics
- Glenn Hubbard,Anthony P. O'Brien
- 2013
- 55,00 €
- France`s Crisis
- Paul Einzig
- 1934
- 59,00 €
- The genesis of the Nascent Firm: Drivers and Barriers along the Venture Creation Process
- Dr. Jessica Moser
- 2017
- 149,00 €
- Japan Economic Almanac
- 95,90 €
- International Product Liability
- Campbell, Christian
- 2006
- 75,10 €
- Handbook of Health Economics, Vol, 1A UND 1B (Handbooks in Economics, Vol. 17)
- Culyer, Anthony J.; Newhouse, Joseph P. (Eds.)
- 2000
- 95,00 €
- International Climate Agreements under Review. The Potential of Negotiation Linkage between Climate Change and Preferential Free Trade
- Zenker, Anja
- 2018
- 63,00 €
- Frank Simon
- 60,00 €
- The Art Journal Illustrated Catalogue of The Internatial Exhibition 1862
- 1862
- 75,00 €
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy
- Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini
- 1994
- 125,00 €
- Harnessing Value in the Supply Chain - Strategic Sourcing in Action
- Banfield, Emiko
- 58,75 €
- Principles of political economy with some of their applications to social philosophy
- Mill, John Stuart
- 140,00 €
- Economics: New Classical Versus Neoclassical Frameworks
- Xiaokai Y'ang
- 130,00 €
- Alfred Krupp. The Krupps: 150 years Krupp history 1787 - 1937, based on documents from the family and works archives
- Wilhelm Berdrow / Fritz G Kraft
- 1937
- 59,95 €
- Demand Functions and the Slutsky Matrix
- S. N. Afriat
- 1980
- 120,00 €
- Beyond the Facade; Instrumentalisation of the Zambian Health Sector, Dissertation
- Leenstra, Melle
- 2012
- 125,00 €
- Outdoor Advertising. Its Function in modern advertising and marketing. NO REPRINT
- R. Nelson & A. E. Sykes
- 1953
- 59,00 €
- Loads and Fate of Fertilizer-derived Uranium
- Kok, Luit J de; Schnug, Ewald
- 2008
- 55,25 €
- Business Accounting & Finance
- Catherine Gowthorpe
- 2011
- 58,00 €
- Project Management: (with MS Project CD Rom) (4th Edition)
- Harvey Maylor
- 2010
- 69,90 €
- Design and Art Direction 77. The 15th Annual of British Graphics Advertising Television and Editorial Design
- BOOTH-CLIBBORN, Edward (Ed.) - The Designers and Art Directors Association of London (Publ.)
- 210,00 €
- Relationships and Networks in International Markets
- Hans Georg Gemünden, Thomas Ritter, Achim Walter
- 1997
- 98,00 €
- A Bias for Action: How Effective Managers Harness Their Willpower, Achieve Results, and Stop Wasting Time [Erstausgabe, Widmung & Signatur vom Autor, […]
- Bruch, Heike & Ghoshal, Sumantra
- 2004
- 60,00 €
- Texaco | A Picture Story
- 1931
- 50,00 €
- Strategic Modelling and Business Dynamics - A feedback systems approach. + Website
- Morecroft, John D. W.
- 2015
- 54,00 €
- Problems of economics and sociology; Edited and with an introduction by Louis Schneider + translated by Francis J. Nock
- Menger, Carl
- 1963
- 300,00 €
- Scientific American, an Illustrated Journal of Science Mechanics and the Arts, Vol. 98, Jan-Jun. 1908
- 1908
- 120,00 €
- Mathematical Statistics
- Shao, Jun
- 105,00 €
- Sharing a Valley; African Studies Centre Research Report 64/2001
- Van Driel, Antje
- 2001
- 75,00 €
- The Future of Joint-Stock Enterprise in India
- Parekh / Mudaliar
- 1958
- 79,00 €
- Katalog - Blue Ridge Knives - Catalog 17
- Blue Ridge Knives Marion Virginia
- 1998
- 55,00 €
- Cashing in on the American Dream How To Retire at 35
- Paul Terhorst
- 1988
- 90,00 €
- People and Organizations - Explorations of Human-Centered Design
- Rouse, William B.
- 2007
- 92,00 €
- Best Practices in Total Quality. Experiences from East Asia and the USA
- Hagedorn, Christoph; Weißhuhn, Stefan (Eds.)
- 1995
- 85,50 €
- Contributions to the Von Neumann Growth Model
- G. Bruckmann and W. Weber
- 1971
- 100,00 €
- Activity Analysis of Production and Allocation
- Tjalling C. Koopmans ed. - Cowles Commission Vol. 13
- 1951
- 50,00 €
- Automiótive Mascots, A Collector´s Guide to Britisch Marque
- David Kay & Lynda Springate
- 1999
- 65,00 €
- Taxation of Entertainers and Sportspersons Performing Abroad Taxation of Entertainers and Sportspersons Performing Abroad
- Guglielmo Maisto
- 2016
- 94,99 €
- Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy
- Alberto Alesina and Nouriel Roubini with Gerald D. Cohen
- 1997
- 50,00 €
- Macroeconomics
- Rüdiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fisher
- 1994
- 50,00 €
- Trading With Dinapoli Levels: the Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment Markets
- Dinapoli, Joe, And Winfield, Lee (Editor), And Winfield, David (Editor)
- 1998
- 85,00 €
- art directors club of NEW YORK - 34 annual of advertising and editorial art and design 1954
- Alberto Paolo Gavasci
- 1955
- 65,00 €
- 11 Bände "The Psychology of selling" Bd. 1-9 + 11-12
- Cash, Harold C.; Crissy, W. J. E.
- 100,00 €
- Advances in Economics and Econometrics 3 Volume Paperback Set: Tenth World Congress (Econometric Society Monographs, 49-51)
- Edited by Daron Acemoglu , Manuel Arellano , Eddie Dekel
- 2013
- 64,35 €
- The Theory of Unemployment
- A. C. Pigou
- 1933
- 125,00 €
- Systems Thinking, System Dynamics: Managing Change and Complexity
- Maani, Kambiz E.; Cavana, Robert Y.
- 2010
- 495,00 €
- Technology Licensing. Corporate Strategies for Maximizing Value
- Parr, Russell L.; Sullivan, Patrick H. (Eds.)
- 1996
- 95,50 €
- Forecasting Financial Markets: Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and
- Dunis, Christian
- 1997
- 60,00 €
- Political Economics. Explaining Economic Policy
- Persson, Torsten; Tabellini, Guido
- 2000
- 90,00 €
- Economics of regulation and antitrust
- W. Kip Viscusi; John M. Vernon; Joseph E. Harrington Jr.
- 1995
- 69,00 €
- Collected Economic Papers, Vol. 1-5
- Robinson, Joan
- 63,00 €
- China Trade Handbook
- Fung, Lawrence
- 1980
- 69,00 €
- Australian unions : an industrial relations perspective
- Bill Ford and David Plowman (editors
- 1983
- 69,90 €
- Foundations of Economic Analysis
- Paul Anthony Samuelson
- 1947
- 150,00 €