Computer-aided Manufacturing and Women’s Employment: The Clothing Industry in Four EC Countries – For the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Education of the European Communities, June 1990
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Computer-aided Manufacturing and Women's Employment: For the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Education of the European Communities, June 1990 (Human-centred Systems)
Swasti Mitter
, 1991.ISBN: 3540196560

Computer aided manufacturing and women's employment : the clothing industry in four EC countries ; for the Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Education of the European Communities, June 1990 / Swasti Mitter (ed.). With assistance from Anneke van Luijken / Artificial intelligence and society
Swasti Mitter
London ; Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Paris ; Tokyo ; Hong Kong ; Barcelona ; Budapest : Springer
, 1992.ISBN: 3540196560

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Computer-aided Manufacturing and Women´s Employment: The Clothing Industry in Four EC Countries
Mitter, Swasti Luijken, A. van
Springer London
, 1991, Kartoniert / BroschiertISBN: 3540196560