ISBN beginnend mit 9783319419
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319419015: Neil Douglas: Rethinking Management – Confronting the Roots and Consequences of Current Theory and Practice
- ISBN 9783319419046: Murray F. Brennan: Management of Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- ISBN 9783319419077: Leo Razdolsky: Probability Based High Temperature Engineering – Creep and Structural Fire Resistance
- ISBN 9783319419107: Janet S. Lee: Hematologic Abnormalities and Acute Lung Syndromes
- ISBN 9783319419138: Marcha Johnson: Coastal Change, Ocean Conservation and Resilient Communities
- ISBN 9783319419169: Steven Roman: An Introduction to the Language of Category Theory
- ISBN 9783319419190: Petra Perner: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition – 12th International Conference, MLDM 2016, New York, NY, USA, July 16-21, 2016, Proceedings
- ISBN 9783319419220: Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz: Flood Risk in the Upper Vistula Basin
- ISBN 9783319419251: Saurabh Bhatia: Systems for Drug Delivery – Safety, Animal, and Microbial Polysaccharides
- ISBN 9783319419282: Pedro Arezes: Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Safety Management and Human Factors , July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419312: Denise Nicholson: Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419343: Ben Amaba: Advances in Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419374: Diego Calvanese: Digital Libraries on the Move – 11th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL 2015, Bolzano, Italy, January 29-30, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319419404: Jerzy Charytonowicz: Advances in Human Factors and Sustainable Infrastructure – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and Sustainable Infrastructure, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419435: Tao Qian: Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures – ISAAC 2015, Macau, China
- ISBN 9783319419466: Tareq Z. Ahram: Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419497: Sacit M. Cetiner: Advances in Human Factors in Energy: Oil, Gas, Nuclear and Electric Power Industries – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Energy: Oil, Gas, Nuclear and Electric Power Industries, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®,
- ISBN 9783319419527: Paul Salmon: Advances in Human Factors in Sports and Outdoor Recreation – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Sports and Outdoor Recreation, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419558: Isabel L. Nunes: Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and System Interactions, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419589: Pamela Savage-Knepshield: Advances in Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419619: Giuseppe Di Bucchianico: Advances in Design for Inclusion – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Design for Inclusion, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419640: Stephen Van Dien: Metabolic Engineering for Bioprocess Commercialization
- ISBN 9783319419671: Julia Romanowska: Developing Leadership and Employee Health Through the Arts – Improving Leader-Employee Relationships
- ISBN 9783319419701: Veronika Gazhonova: 3D Automated Breast Volume Sonography – A Practical Guide
- ISBN 9783319419732: Francesca Romana Ammaturo: European Sexual Citizenship – Human Rights, Bodies and Identities
- ISBN 9783319419763: Giovanni Scarafile: Paradoxes of Conflicts
- ISBN 9783319419794: Anqi Zhang: Nanowires – Building Blocks for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- ISBN 9783319419824: Francisco Rebelo: Advances in Ergonomics in Design – Proceedings of the AHFE 2016 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World®, Florida, USA
- ISBN 9783319419855: Harper, David R. Abedon, Stephen T. Burrowes, Benjamin H. McConville, Malcolm L.: Bacteriophages
- ISBN 9783319419886: Gregor Hlawacek: Helium Ion Microscopy
- ISBN 9783319419916: Thomas von Arx: Clinical Oral Anatomy – A Comprehensive Review for Dental Practitioners and Researchers
- ISBN 9783319419947: Jan G. van den Tweel: Pioneers in Pathology
- ISBN 9783319419978: Daniela Felisini: Alessandro Torlonia – The Pope’s Banker