ISBN beginnend mit 9783319648
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783319648002: Jaime Punter-Villagrasa: Amperometric and Impedance Monitoring Systems for Biomedical Applications
- ISBN 9783319648033: Erica A. Fortson: Management of Atopic Dermatitis – Methods and Challenges
- ISBN 9783319648064: Vicente Moret-Bonillo: Adventures in Computer Science – From Classical Bits to Quantum Bits
- ISBN 9783319648095: Stephen Jones: Cities Responding to Climate Change – Copenhagen, Stockholm and Tokyo
- ISBN 9783319648125: Joseph Kouneiher: Foundations of Mathematics and Physics One Century After Hilbert – New Perspectives
- ISBN 9783319648156: Hussein A. Abbass: Foundations of Trusted Autonomy
- ISBN 9783319648187: Roland Rau: Visualizing Mortality Dynamics in the Lexis Diagram
- ISBN 9783319648217: Neil Walkinshaw: Software Quality Assurance – Consistency in the Face of Complexity and Change
- ISBN 9783319648248: Emma Cohen de Lara: Aristotle’s Practical Philosophy – On the Relationship between His Ethics and Politics
- ISBN 9783319648279: Olle ten Cate: Principles and Practice of Case-based Clinical Reasoning Education – A Method for Preclinical Students
- ISBN 9783319648309: Valerie Michaelson: Holistic Health in Children: Conceptualization, Assessment and Potential
- ISBN 9783319648330: Lotte Asveld: Responsible Innovation 3 – A European Agenda?
- ISBN 9783319648361: Soheila Pashang: Today’s Youth and Mental Health – Hope, Power, and Resilience
- ISBN 9783319648392: Kaoru Yamanouchi: Progress in Ultrafast Intense Laser Science XIII
- ISBN 9783319648422: Pablo Pedregal: Optimization and Approximation
- ISBN 9783319648453: Katrin Horn: Women, Camp, and Popular Culture – Serious Excess
- ISBN 9783319648484: Risto Heiskala: Policy Design in the European Union – An Empire of Shopkeepers in the Making?
- ISBN 9783319648514: Baffour Badu-Apraku: Advances in Genetic Enhancement of Early and Extra-Early Maize for Sub-Saharan Africa
- ISBN 9783319648545: Luigi Caretti: Glaucoma Surgery – Treatment and Techniques
- ISBN 9783319648576: Olga V. Lehmann: Poetry And Imagined Worlds
- ISBN 9783319648606: Aboul Ella Hassanien: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics 2017
- ISBN 9783319648637: Gunther Friedl: Valuing Corporate Innovation – Strategies, Tools, and Best Practice From the Energy and Technology Sector
- ISBN 9783319648668: James E. Gentle: Matrix Algebra – Theory, Computations and Applications in Statistics
- ISBN 9783319648699: José Braz: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications – 11th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2016, Rome, Italy, February 27 – 29, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
- ISBN 9783319648729: Lesley Main: Transmissions in Dance – Contemporary Staging Practices
- ISBN 9783319648750: Jessica Hillman-McCord: iBroadway – Musical Theatre in the Digital Age
- ISBN 9783319648781: Lorraine T. Benuto: Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients – Enhancing Behavioral Health Services
- ISBN 9783319648842: Philip Arestis: The Brazilian Economy since the Great Financial Crisis of 2007/2008
- ISBN 9783319648873: Norman Pollack: Capitalism, Hegemony and Violence in the Age of Drones
- ISBN 9783319648903: Angela O'Hagan: Gender Budgeting in Europe – Developments and Challenges
- ISBN 9783319648934: David M. Hart: Social Class and State Power – Exploring an Alternative Radical Tradition
- ISBN 9783319648965: Adeoye O. Akinola: The Political Economy of Xenophobia in Africa
- ISBN 9783319648996: Suzanne Russo: Gastrointestinal Malignancies – A Practical Guide on Treatment Techniques