ISBN beginnend mit 9783337085
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783337085001: Howe, D. P: Howe's Science of Language or Seven Hour System of Grammar
- ISBN 3337085016: Stanley Victor Makower: The Mirror of Music
- ISBN 9783337085018: Stanley Victor Makower: The Mirror of Music
- ISBN 3337085024: John Thomas Porter: Elements of Brakigraphy
- ISBN 9783337085025: John Thomas Porter: Elements of Brakigraphy
- ISBN 9783337085032: Anonymous: The New American Dictionary of the English Language
- ISBN 9783337085049: Richard Grant White: Words and Their Uses
- ISBN 9783337085056: Edward Whymper: Scrambles Amongst the Alps in the Years 1860-'69
- ISBN 3337085067: Thomas G. Bonney: The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the Neighbouring Countries
- ISBN 9783337085063: Thomas G. Bonney: The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the Neighbouring Countries
- ISBN 9783337085070: Frederic William Farrar: Chapters of Language
- ISBN 9783337085094: Pietro Blaserna: The Theory of Sound in its Relation to Music
- ISBN 9783337085100: Airy, Sir George Biddell: On Sound and Atmospheric Vibrations, with the Mathematical Elements of Music
- ISBN 9783337085117: William George Lawes: Grammar and Vocabulary of Language Spoken by Motu Tribe
- ISBN 333708513X: Charles William Super: A History of the German Language
- ISBN 9783337085131: Charles William Super: A History of the German Language
- ISBN 9783337085148: J. Torrend: A Comparative Grammar of the South African Bantu Languages
- ISBN 9783337085155: Robert Henry Codrington: The Melanesian Languages
- ISBN 3337085164: Henry W. Clarke: The Bústán
- ISBN 9783337085162: Henry W. Clarke: The Bústán
- ISBN 3337085172: Philarète Chasles: Études Contemporaines
- ISBN 9783337085179: Philarète Chasles: Études Contemporaines
- ISBN 9783337085186: Charles William Super: The Order of Words in the Ancient Languages
- ISBN 3337085199: Waterman T. Hewett: The Frisian Language and Literature
- ISBN 9783337085193: Waterman T. Hewett: The Frisian Language and Literature
- ISBN 9783337085209: Aue, Carl Eduard: Grammar of the German Language
- ISBN 3337085210: David Prince: Orthopedics
- ISBN 9783337085216: David Prince: Orthopedics
- ISBN 9783337085223: Maria Bojesen: A Guide to the Danish Language
- ISBN 9783337085230: Brooks, William Keith: The Genus Salpa
- ISBN 9783337085247: Marvin Richardson Vincent: The Lord of War and of Righteousness
- ISBN 9783337085254: Burgon, John William: Inspiration and Interpretation
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- ISBN 9783337085278: Gustave Aimard: The White Scalper
- ISBN 3337085288: John Parker Anderson: Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson
- ISBN 9783337085285: John Parker Anderson: Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson
- ISBN 3337085296: George Washington Moon: The Revisers' English
- ISBN 9783337085292: George Washington Moon: The Revisers' English
- ISBN 333708530X: Nicholas Patrick Wiseman: Sermons on Our Lord Jesus Christ and on His Blessed Mother
- ISBN 9783337085308: Nicholas Patrick Wiseman: Sermons on Our Lord Jesus Christ and on His Blessed Mother
- ISBN 9783337085339: Benjamin Hall Kennedy: An Elementary Grammar of the Latin Language
- ISBN 9783337085346: Brainerd Kellogg: Word-Building
- ISBN 9783337085353: Anton L. Becker: First Steps in German Idioms
- ISBN 9783337085360: Greene, Harris Ray: The English Language
- ISBN 9783337085384: Tatui Baba: An Elementary Grammar of the Japanese Language
- ISBN 3337085393: George Putnam Upton: Woman in Music
- ISBN 9783337085391: George Putnam Upton: Woman in Music
- ISBN 9783337085407: Georg Curtius: The Student's Greek Grammar
- ISBN 3337085415: Joseph Horsfall Turner: Haworth - Past and Present
- ISBN 9783337085414: Joseph Horsfall Turner: Haworth - Past and Present
- ISBN 3337085423: Edward H. Dixon: Back-Bone
- ISBN 9783337085421: Edward H. Dixon: Back-Bone
- ISBN 9783337085438: Simon Somerville Laurie: Lectures on Language and Linguistic Method in the School
- ISBN 333708544X: Henry Parry Liddon: Passiontide Sermons
- ISBN 9783337085445: Henry Parry Liddon: Passiontide Sermons
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- ISBN 3337085466: Daniel Clarke Eddy: The Percy Family
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- ISBN 9783337085476: Léon Daudet: Alphonse Daudet
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- ISBN 9783337085513: James E Matthew: The Literature of Music
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- ISBN 9783337085520: Said Abu: Turkish self-taught; or, The dragoman for travellers in the East, being a new, practical and easy method of learning the Turkish language
- ISBN 3337085539: New York Astor Library: Supplement to the Astor Library catalogue, with an alphabetical index of subjects in all the volumes
- ISBN 9783337085537: New York Astor Library: Supplement to the Astor Library catalogue, with an alphabetical index of subjects in all the volumes
- ISBN 3337085547: Eduard Hanslick: The Beautiful in Music
- ISBN 9783337085544: Eduard Hanslick: The Beautiful in Music
- ISBN 9783337085551: Cheyne, Thomas Kelly: The hallowing of criticism: nine sermons on Elijah preached in Rochester cathedral
- ISBN 9783337085568: William Richard Morfill: Simplified grammar of the Serbian language
- ISBN 3337085601: Friedrich Kluge: Etymological dictionary of the German language
- ISBN 9783337085605: Friedrich Kluge: Etymological dictionary of the German language
- ISBN 9783337085612: George Eugène-Fasnacht: The student's comparative grammar of the French language; with an historical sketch of the formation of French
- ISBN 9783337085629: Henry Riola: How to learn Russian, a manual for students of Russian
- ISBN 9783337085636: Antonio Vieyra: A Grammar of the Portuguese Language
- ISBN 9783337085643: Otto Christian Näf: A conversational grammar of the German language; with comprehensive reference-pages
- ISBN 3337085652: Graham Mcadam: An alphabet in finance: a simple statement of permanent principles and their application to questions of the day
- ISBN 9783337085650: Graham Mcadam: An alphabet in finance: a simple statement of permanent principles and their application to questions of the day
- ISBN 3337085660: R Maunsell: Grammar of the New Zealand language
- ISBN 9783337085667: R Maunsell: Grammar of the New Zealand language
- ISBN 9783337085674: Augustin Louis Josse: Grammar of the Spanish language
- ISBN 9783337085681: John William Donaldson: Varronianus: a critical and historical introduction to the ethnography of ancient Italy and to the philological study of the Latin language
- ISBN 3337085695: Arthur Ogle: The Marquis d'Argenson; a study in criticism
- ISBN 9783337085698: Arthur Ogle: The Marquis d'Argenson; a study in criticism
- ISBN 3337085717: W. J. Henderson: Preludes and studies
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- ISBN 9783337085766: George Salmon: Non-miraculous Christianity and other sermons
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- ISBN 9783337085773: Martin Haugh: Essays on the sacred language, writings, and religion of the parsis
- ISBN 3337085784: Thomas Paine: The decline and fall of the English system of finance
- ISBN 9783337085780: Thomas Paine: The decline and fall of the English system of finance
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- ISBN 9783337085803: Lewis F. Day: Alphabets old and new, for the use of craftsmen
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- ISBN 9783337085810: Franklin Platt: Notes upon the ancestry of Ebenezer Greenough, and of his wife, Abigail Israel, and also, a list of their descendants
- ISBN 9783337085827: A. P Huguenet: Hossfeld's new practical method for learning the French language
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- ISBN 3337085873: Edward Everett Hale: June to May
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- ISBN 3337085881: James Samuel Stone: Simple sermons on simple subjects
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- ISBN 333708592X: Frederic William Farrar: Eternal Hope
- ISBN 9783337085926: Frederic William Farrar: Eternal Hope
- ISBN 9783337085933: Abbott, Edwin Abbott: Cambridge sermons, preached before the University
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- ISBN 3337085954: Frederic William Farrar: The silence and the voices of God, with other sermons
- ISBN 9783337085957: Frederic William Farrar: The silence and the voices of God, with other sermons
- ISBN 3337085962: William Cochrane: The heavenly vision : and other sermons (1863-73)
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- ISBN 3337085989: Samuel Minton: The glory of Christ in the creation and reconciliation of all things
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- ISBN 3337085997: Stopford Augustus Brooke: Sermons preached in St. James's Chapel, York Street, London
- ISBN 9783337085995: Stopford Augustus Brooke: Sermons preached in St. James's Chapel, York Street, London