ISBN beginnend mit 9783385107
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783385107007: Constance E. Plumptre: General Sketch of the History of Pantheism
- ISBN 9783385107014: Hill, Thomas: Geometry and Faith; a Supplement to the Ninth Bridgewater Treatise / Thomas Hill / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107014
- ISBN 9783385107021: Thomas Hill: Geometry and Faith; a Supplement to the Ninth Bridgewater Treatise
- ISBN 9783385107038: Octavius Brooks Frothingham: George Ripley
- ISBN 9783385107045: Octavius Brooks Frothingham: George Ripley
- ISBN 9783385107052: John Heneage Jesse: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes
- ISBN 9783385107069: John Heneage Jesse: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes
- ISBN 9783385107076: Jesse, John Heneage: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes / Vol. II / John Heneage Jesse / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107076
- ISBN 9783385107083: John Heneage Jesse: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes
- ISBN 9783385107090: Jesse, John Heneage: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes / Vol. III / John Heneage Jesse / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107090
- ISBN 9783385107106: John Heneage Jesse: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes
- ISBN 9783385107113: Jesse, John Heneage: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes / Vol. IV / John Heneage Jesse / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107113
- ISBN 9783385107120: John Heneage Jesse: George Selwyn and His Contemporaries; With Memoirs and Notes
- ISBN 9783385107137: Joseph Gostwick: German Culture and Christianity: Their Controversy in the Time 1770-1880
- ISBN 9783385107144: Joseph Gostwick: German Culture and Christianity: Their Controversy in the Time 1770-1880
- ISBN 9783385107151: Sabine Baring-Gould: Germany, Present and Past
- ISBN 9783385107168: Sabine Baring-Gould: Germany, Present and Past
- ISBN 9783385107175: Frederick Ruoff: Geschichte Der Ersten Deutschen Vereinigten Evangel. Protest. Gemeinde Zu Pittsburgh, Pa.: Anläßlich Ihres Hundertjährigen Jubiläums
- ISBN 9783385107182: Frederick Ruoff: Geschichte Der Ersten Deutschen Vereinigten Evangel. Protest. Gemeinde Zu Pittsburgh, Pa.: Anläßlich Ihres Hundertjährigen Jubiläums
- ISBN 9783385107199: Charles Loring Brace: Gesta Christi, Or, a History of Humane Progress Under Christianity
- ISBN 9783385107205: Charles Loring Brace: Gesta Christi, Or, a History of Humane Progress Under Christianity
- ISBN 9783385107212: William Ernest Youngman: Gleanings From Western Prairies
- ISBN 9783385107229: William Ernest Youngman: Gleanings From Western Prairies
- ISBN 9783385107236: Charles Fleet: Glimpses of Our Ancestors in Sussex: With Sketches of Sussex Characters, Remarkable Incidents, & etc.
- ISBN 9783385107243: Charles Fleet: Glimpses of Our Ancestors in Sussex: With Sketches of Sussex Characters, Remarkable Incidents, & etc.
- ISBN 9783385107250: Theodore Ledyard Cuyler: God's Light on Dark Clouds
- ISBN 9783385107267: Theodore Ledyard Cuyler: God's Light on Dark Clouds
- ISBN 9783385107274: Francis Fisher Browne: Golden Poems by British and American Authors
- ISBN 9783385107281: Francis Fisher Browne: Golden Poems by British and American Authors
- ISBN 9783385107298: Theodore Ledyard Cuyler: Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven: From Poetic and Prose Literature of All Ages and All Lands
- ISBN 9783385107304: Theodore Ledyard Cuyler: Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home, and Heaven: From Poetic and Prose Literature of All Ages and All Lands
- ISBN 9783385107311: Brine, Mary Dow: Grandma's Attic Treasures: a Story of Old-Time Memories / Mary Dow Brine / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107311
- ISBN 9783385107328: Mary Dow Brine: Grandma's Attic Treasures: a Story of Old-Time Memories
- ISBN 9783385107335: Frederic Jesup Stimson: Guerndale; an Old Story
- ISBN 9783385107342: Frederic Jesup Stimson: Guerndale; an Old Story
- ISBN 9783385107359: Porter, John Kilham: Guiteau Trial. Closing Speech to the Jury of John K. Porter of New York / John Kilham Porter / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107359
- ISBN 9783385107366: John Kilham Porter: Guiteau Trial. Closing Speech to the Jury of John K. Porter of New York
- ISBN 9783385107373: Jan Hendrik Hessels: Gutenberg: Was He the Inventor of Printing? an Historical Investigation Embodying a Criticism of Dr. Van Der Linde's "Gutenberg"
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- ISBN 9783385107397: Dio Lewis: Gypsies, or, Why We Went Gypsying in the Sierras
- ISBN 9783385107403: Dio Lewis: Gypsies, or, Why We Went Gypsying in the Sierras
- ISBN 9783385107410: Hughes, Richard: Hahnemann as a Medical Philosopher; the Organon. Being the Second Hahnemannian Lecture, 1881 / Richard Hughes / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107410
- ISBN 9783385107427: Richard Hughes: Hahnemann as a Medical Philosopher; the Organon. Being the Second Hahnemannian Lecture, 1881
- ISBN 9783385107434: Davis, Cushman Kellogg: Hamlet. Madame Roland. Lectures / Cushman Kellogg Davis / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107434
- ISBN 9783385107441: Cushman Kellogg Davis: Hamlet. Madame Roland. Lectures
- ISBN 9783385107458: Hunt, Lucy B.: Hand-Book of Light Gymnastics / Lucy B. Hunt / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2023 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385107458
- ISBN 9783385107465: Lucy B. Hunt: Hand-Book of Light Gymnastics
- ISBN 9783385107472: Bliss, Neziah Wright: Hand-Book of Southeast Missouri With Detailed Description of Washington County | Neziah Wright Bliss | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2023 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107472
- ISBN 9783385107489: Henry E. Colton: Hand-Book of Tennessee
- ISBN 9783385107496: Henry E. Colton: Hand-Book of Tennessee
- ISBN 3385107504: Thomas Henry Huxley: Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
- ISBN 9783385107502: Thomas Henry Huxley: Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
- ISBN 3385107512: Thomas Henry Huxley: Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
- ISBN 9783385107519: Thomas Henry Huxley: Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature
- ISBN 9783385107526: Leavitt, George A.: Executor's Sale of Fine Modern Oil Paintings Belonging to the Estate of the Late General Herman Uhl of New York. Also Another Small Collection. | George A. Leavitt | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch
- ISBN 3385107539: George A. Leavitt: Executor's Sale of Fine Modern Oil Paintings Belonging to the Estate of the Late General Herman Uhl of New York. Also Another Small Collection.
- ISBN 9783385107533: George A. Leavitt: Executor's Sale of Fine Modern Oil Paintings Belonging to the Estate of the Late General Herman Uhl of New York. Also Another Small Collection.
- ISBN 9783385107540: Leavitt, George A.: Executor's Sale of the Artistic Property Belonging to the Estate Of the Late David Jones Esq.: Comprising Modern Parintings by Celebrated Artists | George A. Leavitt | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 2024
- ISBN 3385107555: George A. Leavitt: Executor's Sale of the Artistic Property Belonging to the Estate Of the Late David Jones Esq.: Comprising Modern Parintings by Celebrated Artists
- ISBN 9783385107557: George A. Leavitt: Executor's Sale of the Artistic Property Belonging to the Estate Of the Late David Jones Esq.: Comprising Modern Parintings by Celebrated Artists
- ISBN 9783385107564: Michelson, Albert Abraham: Experimental Determination of the Velocity of Light | Albert Abraham Michelson | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107564
- ISBN 3385107571: Richard Owen: Experimental Physiology, Its Benefits to Mankind; With an Address on Unveiling the Statue of William Harvey at Folkestone, 6Th August 1881
- ISBN 9783385107571: Richard Owen: Experimental Physiology, Its Benefits to Mankind; With an Address on Unveiling the Statue of William Harvey at Folkestone, 6Th August 1881
- ISBN 338510758X: Richard Owen: Experimental Physiology, Its Benefits to Mankind; With an Address on Unveiling the Statue of William Harvey at Folkestone, 6Th August 1881
- ISBN 9783385107588: Richard Owen: Experimental Physiology, Its Benefits to Mankind; With an Address on Unveiling the Statue of William Harvey at Folkestone, 6Th August 1881
- ISBN 9783385107595: Piper, R. U.: Expert Testimony: Scientific Testimony in the Examination of Written Documents Illustrated by the Whittaker Case, &c. | R. U. Piper | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag
- ISBN 3385107601: R. U. Piper: Expert Testimony: Scientific Testimony in the Examination of Written Documents Illustrated by the Whittaker Case, &c.
- ISBN 9783385107601: R. U. Piper: Expert Testimony: Scientific Testimony in the Examination of Written Documents Illustrated by the Whittaker Case, &c.
- ISBN 9783385107618: Anonymous: Explorations for the Mission to Umzila's Kingdom, Southeastern Africa | Anonymous | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107618
- ISBN 9783385107625: Chisolm, Julian John: Extensive Ravages From Lupus, With Subsequent Cicatrization, Leaving But One Small Hole in the Face Which Represents Both Mouth and Nose, and With Complete Closure of the Anterior Nasal Orifices
- ISBN 9783385107632: Tait, Lawson: Extracts From Addresses of Mr. Lawson Tait, the Eminent English Surgeon, and Other | Lawson Tait (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107632
- ISBN 3385107644: George Alfred Henty: Facing Death; Or, the Hero of the Vaughan Pit; a Tale of the Coal Mines
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- ISBN 3385107725: Jacob Isidor Mombert: Faith Victorious, Being an Account of the Life and Labors, and the Times of the Venerable Dr. Johann Ebel
- ISBN 9783385107724: Jacob Isidor Mombert: Faith Victorious, Being an Account of the Life and Labors, and the Times of the Venerable Dr. Johann Ebel
- ISBN 3385107733: Jacob Isidor Mombert: Faith Victorious, Being an Account of the Life and Labors, and the Times of the Venerable Dr. Johann Ebel
- ISBN 9783385107731: Jacob Isidor Mombert: Faith Victorious, Being an Account of the Life and Labors, and the Times of the Venerable Dr. Johann Ebel
- ISBN 3385107741: James Warlow: Faith, Its Pleasures, Trials, and Victories, and Other Poems
- ISBN 9783385107748: James Warlow: Faith, Its Pleasures, Trials, and Victories, and Other Poems
- ISBN 338510775X: James Warlow: Faith, Its Pleasures, Trials, and Victories, and Other Poems
- ISBN 9783385107755: James Warlow: Faith, Its Pleasures, Trials, and Victories, and Other Poems
- ISBN 3385107768: Richard Anthony Proctor: Familiar Science Studies
- ISBN 9783385107762: Richard Anthony Proctor: Familiar Science Studies
- ISBN 3385107776: Richard Anthony Proctor: Familiar Science Studies
- ISBN 9783385107779: Richard Anthony Proctor: Familiar Science Studies
- ISBN 3385107784: Samuel Arthur Bent: Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men: With Historical and Explanatory Notes
- ISBN 9783385107786: Samuel Arthur Bent: Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men: With Historical and Explanatory Notes
- ISBN 3385107792: Samuel Arthur Bent: Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men: With Historical and Explanatory Notes
- ISBN 9783385107793: Samuel Arthur Bent: Familiar Short Sayings of Great Men: With Historical and Explanatory Notes
- ISBN 9783385107809: Bliss, Doctor Willard: Feeding Per Rectum: as Illustrated in the Case of the Late President Garfield, and Others | Doctor Willard Bliss (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107809
- ISBN 9783385107816: Tardieu, Ambroise: Feigned Insanity: From the Etude Médico-Légale sur la Folie | Ambroise Tardieu (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107816
- ISBN 9783385107823: Johnson, Samuel William: Fertilizer Analyses | Samuel William Johnson | Taschenbuch | Booklet | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107823
- ISBN 9783385107830: Atwater, Wilbur Olin: Fertilizers: Cooperative Experimenting as a Means of Studying the Effects of Fertilizers and the Feeding Capacities of Plants | Wilbur Olin Atwater | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024
- ISBN 9783385107847: Harris, Amanda Bartlett: Field, Wood and Meadow Rambles | Amanda Bartlett Harris | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107847
- ISBN 3385107857: Amanda Bartlett Harris: Field, Wood and Meadow Rambles
- ISBN 9783385107854: Amanda Bartlett Harris: Field, Wood and Meadow Rambles
- ISBN 9783385107861: Butler, James Davie: First French Foot-Prints Beyond the Lakes; or, What Brought the French So Early Into the Northwest? | James Davie Butler | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag
- ISBN 3385107873: James Davie Butler: First French Foot-Prints Beyond the Lakes; or, What Brought the French So Early Into the Northwest?
- ISBN 9783385107878: James Davie Butler: First French Foot-Prints Beyond the Lakes; or, What Brought the French So Early Into the Northwest?
- ISBN 9783385107885: Wentworth, Erastus: First Half Century of the Life and Work of the Troy Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church | Erastus Wentworth | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385107885
- ISBN 338510789X: Erastus Wentworth: First Half Century of the Life and Work of the Troy Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
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