ISBN beginnend mit 9783385526
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783385526006: Isaac Grant Thompson: The Assessors, Collectors and Town Clerks' Manual. Containing a Full and Accurate Exposition of the Law Relating to the Powers and Duties of These Officers, with an Appendix of Forms
- ISBN 9783385526013: Anonymous: Correspondence Respecting the Treaty Between Japan and Corea / Anonymous / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526013
- ISBN 9783385526020: Anonymous: Correspondence Respecting the Treaty Between Japan and Corea
- ISBN 9783385526037: Spry, William James Joseph: The Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship Challenger. Voyages Over Many Seas, Scenes in Many Lands | William James Joseph Spry | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526037
- ISBN 9783385526044: William James Joseph Spry: The Cruise of Her Majesty's Ship Challenger. Voyages Over Many Seas, Scenes in Many Lands
- ISBN 9783385526051: Hinchliff, Thomas Woodbine: Over the Sea and Far Away. Being a Narrative of Wanderings Round the World | Thomas Woodbine Hinchliff | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526051
- ISBN 9783385526068: Thomas Woodbine Hinchliff: Over the Sea and Far Away. Being a Narrative of Wanderings Round the World
- ISBN 9783385526075: Rutter, Henry: Exchange Tables Between England, India, and China | Henry Rutter | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526075
- ISBN 9783385526082: Henry Rutter: Exchange Tables Between England, India, and China
- ISBN 9783385526099: Thomas Tierney Fergusson: The Treaty Illegality of the Transit Dues and Lekin Taxes Actually Levied by the Chinese Government, Demonstrated in a Series of Letters to the "North-China Daily News" Under the Signature of "Mercator"
- ISBN 9783385526105: Thomas Tierney Fergusson: The Treaty Illegality of the Transit Dues and Lekin Taxes Actually Levied by the Chinese Government, Demonstrated in a Series of Letters to the "North-China Daily News" Under the Signature of "Mercator"
- ISBN 9783385526112: Jules Claretie: Camille Desmoulins and His Wife. Passages from the History of the Dantonists Founded Upon New and Hitherto Unpublished Documents
- ISBN 9783385526129: Jules Claretie: Camille Desmoulins and His Wife. Passages from the History of the Dantonists Founded Upon New and Hitherto Unpublished Documents
- ISBN 9783385526136: Hazlitt, William: The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte / Vol. II / William Hazlitt / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526136
- ISBN 9783385526143: William Hazlitt: The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte
- ISBN 9783385526150: Jonathan Elliot: The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution
- ISBN 9783385526167: Jonathan Elliot: The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution
- ISBN 9783385526174: Jonathan Elliot: The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution
- ISBN 9783385526181: Jonathan Elliot: The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution
- ISBN 9783385526198: Whitmore, William Henry: The Law of Adoption in the United States, and Especially in Massachusetts. With an Appendix Containing the Massachusetts Act of 1876 | William Henry Whitmore | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch
- ISBN 9783385526204: William Henry Whitmore: The Law of Adoption in the United States, and Especially in Massachusetts. With an Appendix Containing the Massachusetts Act of 1876
- ISBN 9783385526211: Smith, William Leland: The Practice in Proceedings in the Probate Courts | William Leland Smith | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526211
- ISBN 9783385526228: William Leland Smith: The Practice in Proceedings in the Probate Courts
- ISBN 9783385526235: Cheever, Noah Wood: The Law and Practice of Probate Courts in the State of Michigan / Noah Wood Cheever / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526235
- ISBN 9783385526242: Noah Wood Cheever: The Law and Practice of Probate Courts in the State of Michigan
- ISBN 9783385526259: Anonymous: Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania, Adopted January 13, 1865 to which are Appended the Rules of Equity Practice, Adopted by the Court, January 27, 1865 | Anonymous | Taschenbuch
- ISBN 9783385526266: Anonymous: Rules of the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania, Adopted January 13, 1865 to which are Appended the Rules of Equity Practice, Adopted by the Court, January 27, 1865
- ISBN 9783385526273: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert: The Sylvan Year. Leaves from the Note-book of Raoul Dubois / Philip Gilbert Hamerton / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526273
- ISBN 9783385526280: Philip Gilbert Hamerton: The Sylvan Year. Leaves from the Note-book of Raoul Dubois
- ISBN 9783385526297: Maudsley, Henry: Body and Mind. An Inquiry into Their Connection and Mutual Influence, Specially in Reference to Mental Disorders / Henry Maudsley / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag
- ISBN 9783385526303: Henry Maudsley: Body and Mind. An Inquiry into Their Connection and Mutual Influence, Specially in Reference to Mental Disorders
- ISBN 9783385526310: McKean, Alexander: Exposition of the Practical Life Tables, with Digest of the Most Approved Rules and Formulae for the Solution of all Cases Occuring in the Actual Daily Business of Life Assurance, Annuities,...
- ISBN 9783385526327: Alexander McKean: Exposition of the Practical Life Tables, with Digest of the Most Approved Rules and Formulae for the Solution of all Cases Occuring in the Actual Daily Business of Life Assurance, Annuities, Revisions, etc.
- ISBN 9783385526334: Henry Sumner Maine: Village-communities in the East and West. Six Lectures Delivered at Oxford to which are Added Other Lectures, Addresses and Essays
- ISBN 9783385526341: Henry Sumner Maine: Village-communities in the East and West. Six Lectures Delivered at Oxford to which are Added Other Lectures, Addresses and Essays
- ISBN 9783385526358: C. Brito: The Mukkuva Law. Or, the Rules of Succession Among the Mukkuvars of Ceylon
- ISBN 9783385526365: C. Brito: The Mukkuva Law. Or, the Rules of Succession Among the Mukkuvars of Ceylon
- ISBN 9783385526372: Fouqué, de La Motte: Romantic Fiction / de La Motte Fouqué (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526372
- ISBN 9783385526389: de La Motte Fouqué: Romantic Fiction
- ISBN 9783385526396: Fouqué, de La Motte: The Magic Ring, a Knightly Romance | de La Motte Fouqué (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526396
- ISBN 9783385526402: de La Motte Fouqué: The Magic Ring, a Knightly Romance
- ISBN 9783385526419: Thomas Le Marchant Douse: Grimm's Law. A Study, or Hints Towards an Explanation of the So-called "Lautverschiebung", to which are Added Some Remarks on the Primitive Indo-European K and Several Appendices
- ISBN 9783385526426: Thomas Le Marchant Douse: Grimm's Law. A Study, or Hints Towards an Explanation of the So-called "Lautverschiebung", to which are Added Some Remarks on the Primitive Indo-European K and Several Appendices
- ISBN 9783385526433: Carl Abel: Koptische Untersuchungen
- ISBN 9783385526440: Carl Abel: Koptische Untersuchungen
- ISBN 9783385526457: Denham, Edward: Why is History Read so Little? An Address to Parents, Teachers, and Members of Fashionable Society | Edward Denham | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526457
- ISBN 9783385526464: John Campbell: Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Chief Justices of England
- ISBN 9783385526471: John Campbell: Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Chief Justices of England
- ISBN 9783385526488: Trevelyan, George Otto: The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay / Vol. I / George Otto Trevelyan / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526488
- ISBN 9783385526495: George Otto Trevelyan: The Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay
- ISBN 9783385526501: Dyer, Thomas Firminger Thiselton: British Popular Customs, Present and Past. Illustrating the Social Anddomestic Manners of the People. Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year | Thomas Firminger Thiselton Dyer | Taschenbuch
- ISBN 9783385526518: Thomas Firminger Thiselton Dyer: British Popular Customs, Present and Past. Illustrating the Social Anddomestic Manners of the People. Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year
- ISBN 9783385526525: Charles Townshend Wilson: James the Second and the Duke of Berwick
- ISBN 9783385526532: Charles Townshend Wilson: James the Second and the Duke of Berwick
- ISBN 9783385526549: William Lovett: The Life and Struggles of William Lovett, in His Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge, and Freedom, with Some Short Account of the Different Associations He Belonged to, and of the Opinions He Entertained
- ISBN 9783385526556: William Lovett: The Life and Struggles of William Lovett, in His Pursuit of Bread, Knowledge, and Freedom, with Some Short Account of the Different Associations He Belonged to, and of the Opinions He Entertained
- ISBN 9783385526563: John Edmund Cox: The Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London
- ISBN 9783385526570: John Edmund Cox: The Annals of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London
- ISBN 9783385526587: Friedrich Schenck: Historical Sketch of the Rhine, in Connection with the Education, the Schools, the Fine Arts, and Industry of Germany
- ISBN 9783385526594: Friedrich Schenck: Historical Sketch of the Rhine, in Connection with the Education, the Schools, the Fine Arts, and Industry of Germany
- ISBN 9783385526600: Frost, Thomas: The Life of Thomas, Lord Lyttelton / Thomas Frost / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526600
- ISBN 9783385526617: Thomas Frost: The Life of Thomas, Lord Lyttelton
- ISBN 9783385526624: Allen, Zachariah: Bi-centenary of the Burning of Providence in 1676 | Zachariah Allen | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526624
- ISBN 9783385526631: Martin, Joseph Hamilton: The Declaration of Independence. A Poem Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the National Birth-day of the United States of America | Joseph Hamilton Martin | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 2024
- ISBN 9783385526648: Joseph Hamilton Martin: The Declaration of Independence. A Poem Commemorating the One Hundredth Anniversary of the National Birth-day of the United States of America
- ISBN 9783385526655: Clarke, Robert: The Pre-historic Remains which were Found on the Site of the City of Cincinnati, Ohio. With a Vindication of the "Cincinnati Tablet" | Robert Clarke | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024
- ISBN 9783385526662: Gilman, Arthur: Theatrum Majorum. The Cambridge of 1776, Wherein is Set Forth an Account of the Town, and of the Events it Witnessed, with which is Incorporated the Diary of Dorothy Dudley | Arthur Gilman (u. a.)
- ISBN 9783385526679: Arthur Gilman: Theatrum Majorum. The Cambridge of 1776, Wherein is Set Forth an Account of the Town, and of the Events it Witnessed, with which is Incorporated the Diary of Dorothy Dudley
- ISBN 9783385526686: Nordhoff, Charles: The Cotton States in the Spring and Summer of 1875 | Charles Nordhoff | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526686
- ISBN 9783385526693: Charles Nordhoff: The Cotton States in the Spring and Summer of 1875
- ISBN 9783385526709: Shallenberger, Eliza Hall: Stark County and its Pioneers | Eliza Hall Shallenberger | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526709
- ISBN 9783385526716: Eliza Hall Shallenberger: Stark County and its Pioneers
- ISBN 9783385526723: Milo Erwin: History of Williamson County, Illinois
- ISBN 9783385526730: Milo Erwin: History of Williamson County, Illinois
- ISBN 9783385526747: William Henry Egle: An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Civil, Political, and Military, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
- ISBN 9783385526754: William Henry Egle: An Illustrated History of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Civil, Political, and Military, from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time
- ISBN 9783385526761: Weiser, Clement Zwingli: The Life of (John) Conrad Weiser, German Pioneer, Patriot, and Patron of Two Races. | Clement Zwingli Weiser | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526761
- ISBN 9783385526778: Clement Zwingli Weiser: The Life of (John) Conrad Weiser, German Pioneer, Patriot, and Patron of Two Races.
- ISBN 9783385526785: John Hyrcanus Mellish: Historical Address on the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gathering of the Congregational Church, Kingston, N.H., Sept. 28 (17, O.S.) 1875
- ISBN 9783385526792: John Hyrcanus Mellish: Historical Address on the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Gathering of the Congregational Church, Kingston, N.H., Sept. 28 (17, O.S.) 1875
- ISBN 9783385526808: Asa Mahan: The Phenomena of Spiritualism. Scientifically Explained and Exposed
- ISBN 9783385526815: Asa Mahan: The Phenomena of Spiritualism. Scientifically Explained and Exposed
- ISBN 9783385526822: Bulkley, Charles Henry Augustus: Plato's Best Thoughts. Compiled from Prof. Jowett's Translation of the Dialogues of Plato | Charles Henry Augustus Bulkley (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag
- ISBN 9783385526839: Charles Henry Augustus Bulkley: Plato's Best Thoughts. Compiled from Prof. Jowett's Translation of the Dialogues of Plato
- ISBN 9783385526846: William Cunningham: The Influence of Descartes on Metaphysical Speculation in England
- ISBN 9783385526853: William Cunningham: The Influence of Descartes on Metaphysical Speculation in England
- ISBN 9783385526860: Davies, Charles Maurice: Unorthodox London. Or, Phases of Religious Life in the Metropolis / Charles Maurice Davies / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Outlook Verlag / EAN 9783385526860
- ISBN 9783385526877: Charles Maurice Davies: Unorthodox London. Or, Phases of Religious Life in the Metropolis
- ISBN 9783385526884: John Lingard: Errata of the Protestant Bible
- ISBN 9783385526891: John Lingard: Errata of the Protestant Bible
- ISBN 9783385526907: William Mackergo Taylor: Peter, the Apostle
- ISBN 9783385526914: William Mackergo Taylor: Peter, the Apostle
- ISBN 9783385526921: Cote, Wolfred Nelson: The Archæology of Baptism | Wolfred Nelson Cote | Taschenbuch | Paperback | Englisch | 2024 | Outlook Verlag | EAN 9783385526921
- ISBN 9783385526938: Wolfred Nelson Cote: The Archæology of Baptism
- ISBN 9783385526945: Edward Salmon: The Parallel Gospels
- ISBN 9783385526952: Edward Salmon: The Parallel Gospels
- ISBN 9783385526969: Peloubet, Francis Nathan: Select Notes on the International Sabbath School Lessons for 1877. Explanatory, Illustrative, and Practical, with Maps and Table of the Signification and Pronunciation of Proper Names | Peloubet
- ISBN 9783385526976: Francis Nathan Peloubet: Select Notes on the International Sabbath School Lessons for 1877. Explanatory, Illustrative, and Practical, with Maps and Table of the Signification and Pronunciation of Proper Names
- ISBN 9783385526983: Benno Loewy: The Papal Conclaves, as They were and as They are
- ISBN 9783385526990: Benno Loewy: The Papal Conclaves, as They were and as They are