ISBN beginnend mit 9783386812
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3386812007: Claude Bosanquet: Lenten meditations
- ISBN 9783386812009: Claude Bosanquet: Lenten meditations
- ISBN 3386812015: William Glaister: Life and times of s. Wulfram, bishop and missionary
- ISBN 9783386812016: William Glaister: Life and times of s. Wulfram, bishop and missionary
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- ISBN 9783386812023: Samuel Wesley: Letters of Samuel Wesley to Mr. Jacobs, organist of Surrey Chapel, relating to the introduction into this country of the works of John Sebastian Bach
- ISBN 3386812031: Otto Valdemar Hoskiaer: Laying and repairing of electric telegraph cables
- ISBN 9783386812030: Otto Valdemar Hoskiaer: Laying and repairing of electric telegraph cables
- ISBN 338681204X: Charles Deane: Lieutenant-General John Burgoyne and the convention of Saratoga one hundred years ago. A paper read before the American antiquarian society on the 22d of October, 1877
- ISBN 9783386812047: Charles Deane: Lieutenant-General John Burgoyne and the convention of Saratoga one hundred years ago. A paper read before the American antiquarian society on the 22d of October, 1877
- ISBN 3386812058: Sam Bass: Life and adventures of Sam Bass, the notorious Union Pacific and Texas train robber
- ISBN 9783386812054: Sam Bass: Life and adventures of Sam Bass, the notorious Union Pacific and Texas train robber
- ISBN 3386812066: Charles Clayton: Letters from abroad
- ISBN 9783386812061: Charles Clayton: Letters from abroad
- ISBN 3386812074: Archibald Macallum: Literary extracts to aid pupils who are preparing for examination in English literature for admission to High schools
- ISBN 9783386812078: Archibald Macallum: Literary extracts to aid pupils who are preparing for examination in English literature for admission to High schools
- ISBN 3386812082: Bernard O'Reilly: Leo XIII.: And His Probable Policy
- ISBN 9783386812085: Bernard O'Reilly: Leo XIII.: And His Probable Policy
- ISBN 3386812090: John Jasper Wyeth: Leaves from a diary written while serving in Co. E, 44 Mass., Dep't of No. Carolina, from September 1862 to June 1863
- ISBN 9783386812092: John Jasper Wyeth: Leaves from a diary written while serving in Co. E, 44 Mass., Dep't of No. Carolina, from September 1862 to June 1863
- ISBN 3386812104: A. Macallum: Literary Extracts, candidates for admission to high schools
- ISBN 9783386812108: A. Macallum: Literary Extracts, candidates for admission to high schools
- ISBN 3386812112: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Lessing's Fables
- ISBN 9783386812115: Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Lessing's Fables
- ISBN 3386812120: James Robert Lane: Lectures on syphilis: delivered at the Harveian Society, December 1876
- ISBN 9783386812122: James Robert Lane: Lectures on syphilis: delivered at the Harveian Society, December 1876
- ISBN 3386812139: Gottfried August Bürger: Lean 'Nora: a resurrection
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- ISBN 3386812147: Winefride Thomas Meyrick: Life of St. Wenefred
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- ISBN 3386812155: Carrie Montgomery: Lilies from the Vale of Thought
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- ISBN 3386812163: Jean Martin Charcot: Lectures on Bright's disease of the kidneys: Delivered at the School of Medicine of Paris
- ISBN 9783386812160: Jean Martin Charcot: Lectures on Bright's disease of the kidneys: Delivered at the School of Medicine of Paris
- ISBN 3386812171: George Everard: Little foxes, and how to catch them
- ISBN 9783386812177: George Everard: Little foxes, and how to catch them
- ISBN 338681218X: Richard Edwin Day: Lines in the sand
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- ISBN 3386812201: James Payn: Less black than we're painted
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- ISBN 338681221X: National Temperance Society and Publication House: Liquor Laws of the United States: Prohibitory, License, Local Option, Tax, and Civil Damage Laws
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- ISBN 3386812228: Jean Martin Charcot: Lectures on Localization in Diseases of the Brain
- ISBN 9783386812221: Jean Martin Charcot: Lectures on Localization in Diseases of the Brain
- ISBN 3386812236: Henry William Davies: Literary extracts: selected from Book V of the authorized series of readers for Examination in Eng. literature of candidates for third class certificates
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- ISBN 3386812244: George McKnight: Life and faith, sonnets
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- ISBN 3386812309: Chester Thomas Ernest: Leading Statutes Summarised for the Use of Students
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- ISBN 338681266X: Walter Scott: Life of Napoleon Bonaparte
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- ISBN 9783386812672: Charles Mcewen Hyde: Lee: The Centennial Celebration and Centennial History of the Town of Lee, Mass.
- ISBN 3386812686: James Hinton: Life and letters of James Hinton
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- ISBN 3386812716: Stopford Augustus Brooke: Life and letters of Frederick W. Robertson
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- ISBN 3386812724: Mary Swift Lamson: Life and Education of Laura Dewey Bridgman: The Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Girl
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- ISBN 3386812732: Life: Life and adventures of an unfortunate author, by himself
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- ISBN 3386812740: Henry Sumner Maine: Lectures on the early history of institutions
- ISBN 9783386812740: Henry Sumner Maine: Lectures on the early history of institutions
- ISBN 3386812759: Carroll Dunham: Lectures on materia medica
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- ISBN 3386812767: Henry Enfield Roscoe: Lessons in Elementary Chemistry: Inorganic and Organic
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- ISBN 3386812775: James Brown: Life of John Eadie
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- ISBN 3386812783: Emily Jolly: Life and letters
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- ISBN 3386812791: Scotland Court Of Session: Leading ecclesiastical cases, decided in the Court of Session, 1849-1874
- ISBN 9783386812795: Scotland Court Of Session: Leading ecclesiastical cases, decided in the Court of Session, 1849-1874
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- ISBN 9783386812801: Joseph Tassé¿: Les Canadiens de l'Ouest
- ISBN 3386812813: Rudolf Maurits Klinckowström: Le comte de Fersen et la cour de France
- ISBN 9783386812818: Rudolf Maurits Klinckowström: Le comte de Fersen et la cour de France
- ISBN 3386812821: Richard Chenevix Trench: Lectures of medieval church history: delivered at Queen's College, London
- ISBN 9783386812825: Richard Chenevix Trench: Lectures of medieval church history: delivered at Queen's College, London
- ISBN 338681283X: Richard Chenevix Trench: Lectures on medieval church history, being the substance of lectures delivered at Queen's College, London
- ISBN 9783386812832: Richard Chenevix Trench: Lectures on medieval church history, being the substance of lectures delivered at Queen's College, London
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- ISBN 3386812856: Célestin Hippeau: L'instruction publique en Russie
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- ISBN 3386812864: Daniel Dunglas Home: Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism
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- ISBN 3386812872: Marie Gertrude Provane de Leyni: Life of Sister Jeanne Bénigne Gojos, lay-sister of the Visitation of Holy Mary, who died in the odour of sanctity in the Monastery of Turin, in 1692
- ISBN 9783386812870: Marie Gertrude Provane de Leyni: Life of Sister Jeanne Bénigne Gojos, lay-sister of the Visitation of Holy Mary, who died in the odour of sanctity in the Monastery of Turin, in 1692
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- ISBN 3386812902: Charles Grandison Finney: Lectures to professing Christians
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- ISBN 3386812910: Herbert De Losinga: Life, letters, and sermons, the letters being incorporated with the life and sermons
- ISBN 9783386812917: Herbert De Losinga: Life, letters, and sermons, the letters being incorporated with the life and sermons
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- ISBN 9783386812924: Edward Bulwer Lytton: Leila; or, The siege of Granada; Calderon the courtier; and The pilgrims of the Rhine
- ISBN 3386812937: Samuel Wilks: Lectures on diseases of the nervous system: delivered at Guy's Hospital
- ISBN 9783386812931: Samuel Wilks: Lectures on diseases of the nervous system: delivered at Guy's Hospital
- ISBN 3386812945: George Ticknor: Life, letters, and journals of George Ticknor
- ISBN 9783386812948: George Ticknor: Life, letters, and journals of George Ticknor
- ISBN 3386812953: John Todd: Lectures to children: familiarly illustrating important truth
- ISBN 9783386812955: John Todd: Lectures to children: familiarly illustrating important truth
- ISBN 3386812961: John Robert Seeley: Life and times of Stein: or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age
- ISBN 9783386812962: John Robert Seeley: Life and times of Stein: or, Germany and Prussia in the Napoleonic age
- ISBN 338681297X: Theodor Billroth: Lectures on surgical pathology and therapeutics
- ISBN 9783386812979: Theodor Billroth: Lectures on surgical pathology and therapeutics
- ISBN 3386812988: Edward White: Life in Christ; a study of the scripture doctrine on the nature of man, the object of the divine incarnation, and the conditions of human immortality
- ISBN 9783386812986: Edward White: Life in Christ; a study of the scripture doctrine on the nature of man, the object of the divine incarnation, and the conditions of human immortality
- ISBN 3386812996: Robert Braithwaite: Life and letters of Rev. William Pennefather, B.A.
- ISBN 9783386812993: Robert Braithwaite: Life and letters of Rev. William Pennefather, B.A.