ISBN beginnend mit 9783388203
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3388203008: Samuel Royce: Deterioration and the Elevation of Man Through Race Education
- ISBN 9783388203003: Samuel Royce: Deterioration and the Elevation of Man Through Race Education
- ISBN 3388203016: E. Pusey: Lenten Sermons
- ISBN 9783388203010: E. Pusey: Lenten Sermons
- ISBN 3388203024: Francis Underwood: Lord of Himself
- ISBN 9783388203027: Francis Underwood: Lord of Himself
- ISBN 3388203032: John Papworth: An Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms
- ISBN 9783388203034: John Papworth: An Alphabetical Dictionary of Coats of Arms
- ISBN 3388203040: Leopold von Ranke: Die Osmanen und die Spanische monarchie im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
- ISBN 9783388203041: Leopold von Ranke: Die Osmanen und die Spanische monarchie im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
- ISBN 3388203059: Anonymous: Supplement to the Calcutta Gazette
- ISBN 9783388203058: Anonymous: Supplement to the Calcutta Gazette
- ISBN 3388203067: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Don Quixote de la Mancha
- ISBN 9783388203065: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra: Don Quixote de la Mancha
- ISBN 3388203075: James Fergusson: A History of Architecture
- ISBN 9783388203072: James Fergusson: A History of Architecture
- ISBN 3388203083: John David Chambers: Divine worship in England in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries contrasted with and adapted to that in the nineteenth
- ISBN 9783388203089: John David Chambers: Divine worship in England in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries contrasted with and adapted to that in the nineteenth
- ISBN 3388203091: Arthur Wellesley Wellington: Despatches, correspondence and memoranda of field marshal Arthur duke of Wellington
- ISBN 9783388203096: Arthur Wellesley Wellington: Despatches, correspondence and memoranda of field marshal Arthur duke of Wellington
- ISBN 3388203105: George Craik: A Manual of English Literature
- ISBN 9783388203102: George Craik: A Manual of English Literature
- ISBN 3388203113: Hermann von Helmholtz: Die Lehre von der Tonempfndungen als physiologische grundlage fur die Theorie der Musik
- ISBN 9783388203119: Hermann von Helmholtz: Die Lehre von der Tonempfndungen als physiologische grundlage fur die Theorie der Musik
- ISBN 3388203121: Gustav Emil Burkhardt: Dr. G.E. Burkhardt's Kleine Missions-Bibliothek
- ISBN 9783388203126: Gustav Emil Burkhardt: Dr. G.E. Burkhardt's Kleine Missions-Bibliothek
- ISBN 338820313X: Berthold Fernow: Documents relating to the history of the Dutch and Swedish settlements on the Delaware River
- ISBN 9783388203133: Berthold Fernow: Documents relating to the history of the Dutch and Swedish settlements on the Delaware River
- ISBN 3388203148: J. Scharf: The Chronicles of Baltimore
- ISBN 9783388203140: J. Scharf: The Chronicles of Baltimore
- ISBN 3388203156: T. Harper: Peace Through the Truth
- ISBN 9783388203157: T. Harper: Peace Through the Truth
- ISBN 3388203164: Indiana General Assembly: Documentary journal of Indiana 1876
- ISBN 9783388203164: Indiana General Assembly: Documentary journal of Indiana 1876
- ISBN 3388203172: Arnold Hague: Descriptive geology
- ISBN 9783388203171: Arnold Hague: Descriptive geology
- ISBN 3388203180: Benjamin H. Haines: Digest of the American law register: comprising all the leading articles reported in full; editorial annotations and comments
- ISBN 9783388203188: Benjamin H. Haines: Digest of the American law register: comprising all the leading articles reported in full; editorial annotations and comments
- ISBN 3388203199: Samuel Holmes White: Education and crime; a paper read before the Illinois State Teachers' Association, December 30, 1875
- ISBN 9783388203195: Samuel Holmes White: Education and crime; a paper read before the Illinois State Teachers' Association, December 30, 1875
- ISBN 3388203202: Simon Newcomb: Elementary theorems relating to the geometry of a space of three dimensions and of uniform positive curvature in the fourth dimension
- ISBN 9783388203201: Simon Newcomb: Elementary theorems relating to the geometry of a space of three dimensions and of uniform positive curvature in the fourth dimension
- ISBN 3388203210: Stephen Alexander: Examination in astronomy, May 1877
- ISBN 9783388203218: Stephen Alexander: Examination in astronomy, May 1877
- ISBN 3388203229: Burlington Fine Arts Club: Exhibition of the works of Hans Sebald Beham, born 1500, died 1550, and Barthel Beham, born 1502, died 1540
- ISBN 9783388203225: Burlington Fine Arts Club: Exhibition of the works of Hans Sebald Beham, born 1500, died 1550, and Barthel Beham, born 1502, died 1540
- ISBN 3388203237: John Bingham Roberts: Excision of the lower end of the rectum, in cases of cancer: read before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, April 11, 1877
- ISBN 9783388203232: John Bingham Roberts: Excision of the lower end of the rectum, in cases of cancer: read before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, April 11, 1877
- ISBN 3388203245: Amédée Gréhan: Exhibits of articles generally used in Siam and of samples of trade of Siamese origin
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- ISBN 3388203261: George Whitaker: Episcopal elections: a letter to the Ven. Archdeacon Whitaker, M.A., prolocutor of the Provincial Synod of Canada by John Travers Lewis, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Ontario
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- ISBN 9783388203270: Francis Frith: Evangelicalism: From the Stand-point of the Society of Friends
- ISBN 3388203288: George Freeman: England's duty in the present crisis
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- ISBN 9783388203294: Orsamus Holmes Marshall: Expedition of the Sieur de Champlain against the Onondagas in 1615
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- ISBN 3388203326: Alfred Austin: England's Policy and Peril: A Letter to the Earl of Beaconsfield
- ISBN 9783388203324: Alfred Austin: England's Policy and Peril: A Letter to the Earl of Beaconsfield
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- ISBN 9783388203331: A. S. Hunt: Education Office investigation: Mr. Hunt's charges against Mr. Archibald
- ISBN 3388203342: George Edgeworth Fenwick: Excision of the knee joint
- ISBN 9783388203348: George Edgeworth Fenwick: Excision of the knee joint
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- ISBN 9783388203355: Lochinvar: Encouragements for such as shall have intention to bee under-takers in the new plantation of Cape Briton, now New Galloway, in America
- ISBN 3388203369: Samuel Edward Dawson: Episcopal elections: ancient and modern: a study in ecclesiastical polity
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- ISBN 9783388203379: Helwich, Hartwig: Etymologisch-Identische Wörter mit verschiedener Bedeutung im Deutschen und Englischen | Hartwig Helwich | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 64 S. | Deutsch | 2024 | Antigonos Verlag | EAN 9783388203379
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- ISBN 9783388203393: William Mcsherry: Excerpta ex diversis litteris missionariorum. Ab anno 1638, ad annum 1677. Extracts from different letters of missionaries. From the year 1638 to the year 1677
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- ISBN 9783388203430: S. B. Mukerjee: Elements of jurisprudence, being the substance of a few lectures based on Austin's Principles of Jurisprudence, delivered to the law class of the Punjab University College
- ISBN 338820344X: E. Harold: Enumeration des Lamellicorn coprophages rapportes de l'Archipel Malais, de la Nouvelle Guinee et de l'Australie boreale par M.M.J.Doria, O.Beccari et L.M.D'Albertis
- ISBN 9783388203447: E. Harold: Enumeration des Lamellicorn coprophages rapportes de l'Archipel Malais, de la Nouvelle Guinee et de l'Australie boreale par M.M.J.Doria, O.Beccari et L.M.D'Albertis
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- ISBN 9783388203478: Louise Creighton: England a continental power. from the conquest to magna charta 1066-1216 / by Louise Creighton ; authorized by the Minister of Education
- ISBN 3388203482: Robert. Hadfield: Elijah Ward of New York.
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- ISBN 3388203490: Ontario Ministry of Education: Examination Papers First, Second, and Third Class Provincial Certificates July
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- ISBN 3388203520: Anonymous: Brief History of England
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- ISBN 9783388203546: George Melville Baker: Elocution simplified
- ISBN 3388203555: Sara Sigourney Rice: Edgar Allan Poe: a memorial volume
- ISBN 9783388203553: Sara Sigourney Rice: Edgar Allan Poe: a memorial volume
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- ISBN 9783388203560: Jakob Schipper Alexius: Englische Alexiuslegenden aus dem XIV. und XV. jahrhundert
- ISBN 3388203571: Epigrams: Epigrams: original and selected
- ISBN 9783388203577: Epigrams: Epigrams: original and selected
- ISBN 338820358X: Richard Morris: English grammar
- ISBN 9783388203584: Richard Morris: English grammar
- ISBN 3388203598: Thomas Prendergast: The Mastery Series Hebrew
- ISBN 9783388203591: Thomas Prendergast: The Mastery Series Hebrew
- ISBN 3388203601: Anna Theresa Sadlier: Ethel Hamilton; or, Lights and shadows of the war of independence
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- ISBN 338820361X: Francis R. Reed: Experience of a New York clerk
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- ISBN 3388203628: James Hamblin Smith: Elementary hydrostatics
- ISBN 9783388203621: James Hamblin Smith: Elementary hydrostatics
- ISBN 3388203636: George Shann: Elementary treatise on heat in relation to steam and the steam-engine
- ISBN 9783388203638: George Shann: Elementary treatise on heat in relation to steam and the steam-engine
- ISBN 3388203644: Rufus Usher: Essays on the dwellings of the poor, and other subjects
- ISBN 9783388203645: Rufus Usher: Essays on the dwellings of the poor, and other subjects
- ISBN 3388203652: Maxwell Sommerville: Engraved gems: their place in the history of art
- ISBN 9783388203652: Maxwell Sommerville: Engraved gems: their place in the history of art
- ISBN 3388203660: G. Rodwell: The Birth of Chemistry
- ISBN 9783388203669: G. Rodwell: The Birth of Chemistry
- ISBN 3388203679: Robert Hamilton: Book-Keeping
- ISBN 9783388203676: Robert Hamilton: Book-Keeping
- ISBN 3388203687: Lp Meredith Md: errors of speech
- ISBN 9783388203683: Lp Meredith Md: errors of speech
- ISBN 9783388203690: Meredith, L. P.: Every-day errors of speech / L. P. Meredith / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Englisch / 2024 / Antigonos Verlag / EAN 9783388203690
- ISBN 3388203709: George Mary Searle: Elements of geometry
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- ISBN 3388203717: James Stocken: Elements of dental materia medica and therapeutics, with pharmacopaia
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- ISBN 3388203725: Peter Burn: English Border Ballads
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- ISBN 3388203733: N. D'Anvers: English Echoes of German Song
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- ISBN 3388203741: Stopford Augustus Brooke: English literature
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- ISBN 338820375X: James Miln: Excavations at Carnac (Brittany), a record of archaeological researches
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- ISBN 3388203768: Egerton Ryerson: Elements of political economy: or, How individuals and a country become rich
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- ISBN 3388203776: Anonymous: King Edward the Sixth on the Supremacy
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- ISBN 3388203784: George Peirce Hays: Every-day reasoning
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- ISBN 3388203792: Anonymous: Bible Witnesses from Bible Lands
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- ISBN 3388203822: Anonymous: American Municipal Bonds as Investments
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- ISBN 9783388203836: Albert Ensign Church: Elements of destructive geometry, with its applications to spherical projections, shades and shadows, perspective and isometric projections
- ISBN 3388203849: Mansfield Merriman: Elements of the Method of Least Squares
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- ISBN 3388203857: George D. Wood: Essays on mental culture
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- ISBN 3388203865: Henry De Worms Pirbright: England's Policy in the East
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- ISBN 3388203873: Edward Olney: Elements of Trigonometry: Plane and Spherical
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- ISBN 3388203881: Thomas Kirkland: Elementary statics, principally designed for the use of candidates for first and second class certificates. and for the intermediate examination, with numerous examples and exercises
- ISBN 9783388203881: Thomas Kirkland: Elementary statics, principally designed for the use of candidates for first and second class certificates. and for the intermediate examination, with numerous examples and exercises
- ISBN 338820389X: K. Buist: Birds their Cages and their Keep
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- ISBN 3388203903: Alexander Bain: Mind and Body
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- ISBN 3388203911: James Hamblin Smith: Elements of geometry: containing books I to IV with exercises and notes
- ISBN 9783388203911: James Hamblin Smith: Elements of geometry: containing books I to IV with exercises and notes
- ISBN 9783388203928: Niewoehner, H.: Evangelisches Choral-Buch für Kirche, Haus, und gemischten Chor
- ISBN 3388203938: William Ballingall: Edinburgh Past and Present: Its Associations and Surroundings
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- ISBN 3388203946: James Hamblin Smith: Elementary trigonometry
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- ISBN 3388203954: John Angell: Elements of magnetism and electricity
- ISBN 9783388203959: John Angell: Elements of magnetism and electricity
- ISBN 3388203962: Alexander Balloch Grosart: English Jacobite ballads, songs & satires, etc. From the mss. at Towneley hall, Lancashire
- ISBN 9783388203966: Alexander Balloch Grosart: English Jacobite ballads, songs & satires, etc. From the mss. at Towneley hall, Lancashire
- ISBN 3388203970: Ralph Waldo Emerson: Essays: first and second series
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- ISBN 3388203989: T. Nichols: Behaviour
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- ISBN 3388203997: Beatrice May Butt: Eugénie
- ISBN 9783388203997: Beatrice May Butt: Eugénie