ISBN beginnend mit 9783540960
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3540960007: Herman H. Shugart: A theory of forest dynamics - the ecolog. implications of forest succession models
- ISBN 3540960023: Michel Chipot: Variational inequalities and flow in porous media
- ISBN 3540960031: Jack Carl Kiefer. Publ. with the co-operation of the Inst. of Mathemat. Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown ...: Collected papers: 1., Statistical inference and probability : (1951 - 1963)
- ISBN 354096004X: Jack Carl Kiefer. Publ. with the co-operation of the Inst. of Mathemat. Statistics and ed. by Lawrence D. Brown ...: Collected papers: 3., Design of experiments
- ISBN 3540960074: Milton H. Saier, Gary R. Jacobson: The molecular basis of sex and differentiation - a comparative study of evolution, mechanism, and control in microorganisms
- ISBN 3540960082: Linda S. Siegel: Cognitive development in atypical children - progress in cognitive development research
- ISBN 3540960139: al-Ḥasan Ibn-al-Ḥasan Ibn-al-Haiṯam: Ibn-al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics
- ISBN 3540960155: Larry Smith: Linear algebra
- ISBN 3540960171: Neal Koblitz: P-adic numbers, p-adic analysis, and zeta-functions
- ISBN 3540960201: Diane Griffin Saphire: Estimation of victimization prevalence using data from the national crime survey
- ISBN 3540960228: R. E. Shostak: 7th International Conference on Automated Deduction
- ISBN 3540960252: H. James Armbrecht: Nutritional intervention in the aging process
- ISBN 3540960295: Neal Koblitz: Introduction to elliptic curves and modular forms
- ISBN 3540960309: Roger Cooke: The mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya
- ISBN 3540960317: Pradeep K. Gupta: Advanced dynamics of rolling elements
- ISBN 3540960325: Kenneth O. Emery, Elazar Uchupi: The geology of the Atlantic ocean
- ISBN 3540960333: Emery, K. O.: The geology of the Atlantic ocean.
- ISBN 3540960341: James W. Moore, Subramaniam Ramamoorthy: Organic chemicals in natural waters - applied monitoring and impact assessment
- ISBN 354096035X: Rudolf Lidl, Günter Pilz: Applied abstract algebra
- ISBN 3540960368: Daniel S. Freed, Karen K. Uhlenbeck: Instantons and four manifolds
- ISBN 3540960376: Andrew Majda: Compressible fluid flow and systems of conservation laws in several space variables
- ISBN 3540960392: T. Subba Rao, M. M. Gabr: An introduction to bispectral analysis and bilinear time series models
- ISBN 3540960406: Emanuel Parzen: Time series analysis of irregularly observed data - proceedings of a symposium held at Texas A & M Univ., College Station, Texas, February 10 - 13, 1983
- ISBN 3540960414: ed. by Jack M. Fein and Eugene S. Flamm: Cerebrovascular surgery: Cerebrovascular surgery
- ISBN 3540960457: Jack C. Fisher: Manual of aesthetic surgery
- ISBN 3540960473: Kōsaku Yoshida: Operational calculus - a theory of hyperfunctions
- ISBN 3540960481: Kathleen Jensen, Niklaus Wirth, Andrew B. Mickel: Pascal user manual and report - rev. for the ISO Pascal standard
- ISBN 354096049X: Roger H. Farrell: Multivariate calculation - use of the continuous groups
- ISBN 3540960503: William H. Hallenbeck, Kathleen M. Cunningham-Burns: Pesticides and human health
- ISBN 3540960511: Richard Gleaves: Modula-2[two] for Pascal programmers
- ISBN 354096052X: Richard S. Ellis: Entropy, large deviations, and statistical mechanics
- ISBN 3540960538: W. M. Mason: Cohort Analysis in Social Research – Beyond the Identification Problem
- ISBN 3540960562: Shun'ichi Amari: Differential geometrical methods in statistics
- ISBN 3540960600: Claude George: Exercises in integration
- ISBN 3540960619: Eugene Wong, Bruce Hajek: Stochastic processes in engineering systems
- ISBN 3540960635: D. P. Parent: Exercises in number theory
- ISBN 3540960643: Charles J. Brainerd: Basic processes in memory development - progress in cognitive development research
- ISBN 3540960651: William H. Gaddes: Learning disabilities and brain function - a neuropsycholog. approach
- ISBN 354096066X: K. W. Chang, Frederick A. Howes: Nonlinear singular perturbation phenomena - theory and applications
- ISBN 3540960678: Didier Dacunha-Castelle: Probability and statistics: Probability and statistics
- ISBN 3540960694: T. M. Liggett: Interacting Particle Systems
- ISBN 3540960724: ed. Roscoe R. Robinson. Assoc. ed. Vincent W. Dennis ...: Nephrology: Nephrology
- ISBN 3540960767: Michael Pressley: Cognitive learning and memory in children - progress in cognitive development research
- ISBN 3540960775: Bayly Brian: Metamorphic reactions - kinetics, textures, and deformation
- ISBN 3540960791: Shiing-shen Chern: Seminar on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
- ISBN 3540960805: Brian Davies: Integral transforms and their applications
- ISBN 3540960813: Jawahar L. Tiwari, Paul I. Terasaki: HLA and disease associations
- ISBN 3540960821: L. C. Grove: Finite Reflection Groups
- ISBN 3540960864: Serge Lang, William Fulton: Riemann-Roch algebra
- ISBN 3540960880: William K. Blake: Recent advances in aeroacoustics - proceedings of an internat. symposium held at Stanford Univ., August 22 - 26, 1983
- ISBN 3540960902: Joseph P. Forgas: Language and social situations
- ISBN 3540960910: Kenneth J. Gergen: The social construction of the person
- ISBN 3540960929: Eliot Stellar, James R. Stellar: The neurobiology of motivation and reward
- ISBN 3540960945: Peter D. T. A. Elliott: Arithmetic functions and integer products
- ISBN 354096097X: Paul B. Basan: Coastal sedimentary environments
- ISBN 3540960988: James O. Berger: Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis
- ISBN 3540960996: Stephen D. Brookes: The Carnegie Mellon curriculum for undergraduate computer science - this curriculum and its description were developed during the period 1981 - 1984