ISBN beginnend mit 9783639179
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783639179002: Katie A. Farina: Situational Crime Prevention on College Campuses
- ISBN 9783639179026: CARMEN POPESCU: Humour in Language Education
- ISBN 9783639179033: Andrew Lewis: Parallel Optimisation Algorithms
- ISBN 9783639179040: J. W. Anderson: Multiple Sclerosis and Family Functioning
- ISBN 9783639179057: Lascurain Fernandez, Carlos F.: The Performance of the Mexico-U.S. Environmental Regime
- ISBN 9783639179064: Stephan Werner: Die Bewertung von Personengesellschaften
- ISBN 9783639179088: Charbel Fares: VAST: Virtual Arthroscopic Surgery Trainer
- ISBN 9783639179095: Kevin Castro-Convers: Contact Experiences Influencing Positive Attitudes toward Gay Men
- ISBN 9783639179101: Joseph Ongeri: Teaching Economics From a Learner-Centered Perspective
- ISBN 9783639179118: Bertita Graebner: A New Tree of Knowledge
- ISBN 9783639179125: Kerstin Schmidt: Die Schuldnerberatung
- ISBN 9783639179132: Torben Ulber: Einsatz eines Content Management Systems
- ISBN 3639179145: Halvar Myrmo: Game Console security
- ISBN 9783639179149: Halvar Myrmo: Game Console security
- ISBN 9783639179156: Andreas Schlichtinger: Pauschallohnverträge in Östereich
- ISBN 3639179161: Young, John Riddington: POETRY, PHYSICK, PESTILENCE AND POX
- ISBN 9783639179163: Young, John Riddington: POETRY, PHYSICK, PESTILENCE AND POX
- ISBN 9783639179170: Ermias Weldeyohannes: Anti Retroviral Treatment: Its Social and Religious Challenges
- ISBN 9783639179200: Abdulaziz M. Alwathainani: INVESTOR OVERREACTION: Patterns of Past Financial Performance Measures
- ISBN 3639179218: Beverly Lomer: Hildegard of Bingen
- ISBN 9783639179217: Beverly Lomer: Hildegard of Bingen
- ISBN 9783639179224: Maia Chankseliani: Procrustean Decisions in Higher Education Admissions
- ISBN 9783639179231: Agnieszka Rakowicz: Ambiguous Invitations
- ISBN 9783639179248: Babaheidari, Said M.: Evaluating Information Systems
- ISBN 9783639179255: Virendra Gomase: Mass Spectrometric Biotechnology
- ISBN 9783639179262: Mohamed Moaaz: Studies on red tilapia production under different rearing systems
- ISBN 9783639179279: Kyung-Taek Lim: Chiral Extension of Lattice Field Theory with Ginsparg-Wilson Fermions
- ISBN 9783639179286: Buni Yani: Reporting the Maluku Sectarian Conflict
- ISBN 9783639179293: Tomas Navratil: Biogeochemistry of the II.A group elements in a forested catchment
- ISBN 9783639179316: Yi-Chen Wu: Social relations,knowledge management,and organizational performance
- ISBN 9783639179323: Andres Vesilind: A Diversified Set of Quantitative Active Investment Models -
- ISBN 9783639179330: Oliver Gocev: Combinative and participative aspects of leadership style
- ISBN 9783639179354: Bhoj Raj Aryal: Consumer's Impact through Electronic Media Advertising: Case of Nepal
- ISBN 9783639179385: Doris Schwarz: Erfolgsfaktor Glück?
- ISBN 9783639179392: Barry van Wyk: The Balance of Power and the transition to democracy in South Africa
- ISBN 9783639179415: Gunnar Brechtken: The Dynamics of Interest Rates in CEE-3
- ISBN 9783639179422: Barbara Krainer: Synergien in interkulturellen Teams
- ISBN 9783639179439: Huang Yi-Cheng: School Political Education in Taiwan
- ISBN 9783639179446: Roberto Furfaro: Radiative Transfer in Vegetation Canopies
- ISBN 9783639179453: Sabrina Weber: Architektur im Tourismus
- ISBN 9783639179460: Thomas Wohoska: Wertorientierte Kennzahlen in der Unternehmensberichterstattungspraxis
- ISBN 9783639179477: Ramy Tannious: Spectrally-Efficient Protocols for Wireless Relay Networks
- ISBN 9783639179484: Nathan Tumazi: Concerns of Human Reality
- ISBN 9783639179491: Anja Kugelstadt: Selbstbild und Fremdbild des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens
- ISBN 9783639179507: Todd Rappold: Predesign Educational Planning for School Construction in Ohio
- ISBN 363917951X: Joseph McGraw: Toxicoepidemiological Insights into PCB Metabolism and Human Health
- ISBN 9783639179514: Joseph McGraw: Toxicoepidemiological Insights into PCB Metabolism and Human Health
- ISBN 3639179528: Eric Chan-Tin: Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- ISBN 9783639179521: Eric Chan-Tin: Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
- ISBN 9783639179538: Andreas Deutschle: Zur Wirkung emotionaler Kundenansprache im Handel
- ISBN 9783639179545: Lois Tucker: Dismantling the Hierarchies
- ISBN 3639179552: Milo Stojmenovi: Measuring conic properties and shape orientations
- ISBN 9783639179552: Milo Stojmenovi: Measuring conic properties and shape orientations
- ISBN 3639179560: Francis Chia: E-learning objects as complimentary tool for teaching
- ISBN 9783639179569: Francis Chia: E-learning objects as complimentary tool for teaching
- ISBN 9783639179576: HueyChing Chong: The MPO Composers Forum
- ISBN 9783639179590: Nilanjan Ghosh: Economics of Hostile Hydropolitics over Transboundary Waters
- ISBN 9783639179606: Eliyahu Dremencov: Dynamical mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs
- ISBN 9783639179613: Kenenisa Beressa: Using L1 in EFL Classroom
- ISBN 9783639179620: Daniel Rothamel: Native und quervernetzte Kollagenmembranen in der oralen Implantologie
- ISBN 9783639179637: Luigi Iannone: Cross-Layer Routing and Mobility Management In Wireless Mesh Networks
- ISBN 9783639179644: Thomas Glaser: Zwischen Altruismus und Eigennutz?
- ISBN 9783639179651: BILGE NIHAL ZILELI ALKIM: Camus and Beckett on Human Condition
- ISBN 9783639179668: Daniel Ritter: Schöpferische Liebe
- ISBN 9783639179675: Açalya Allmer: TOWARDS A DRAPED ARCHITECTURE
- ISBN 9783639179682: Elise Langan: Student Mobility in France: A Study of Three Institutions
- ISBN 9783639179699: Jessica Casiro: Angels In Hell: Argentina's Willing Altruists?
- ISBN 9783639179712: Bakke, Kristine Ohrem: A Muggle's Study of Harry Potter's Magical World
- ISBN 3639179722: Khan, Mohammed Sadique: Service Quality Evaluation in Indian Service Industries
- ISBN 9783639179729: Khan, Mohammed Sadique: Service Quality Evaluation in Indian Service Industries
- ISBN 9783639179736: Joseph Bozek: Sayyid Qutb
- ISBN 9783639179743: Silvia Colovic: Das Newsvendor Modell
- ISBN 9783639179750: Christina Francoeur: Deirdre's Delimma is Decoding
- ISBN 9783639179767: Stephan Schultheis: Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerke (P2P)
- ISBN 9783639179774: Sema Taskin: The Uses of The Promethean Myth in P.B.Shelley and Ted Hughes
- ISBN 9783639179781: Kelly McNeal: Accreditation,Teacher Education,and Virtual For- Profit Universities
- ISBN 9783639179798: Kathrin Schuller: Vorteile und Nutzen von Personalentwicklung
- ISBN 9783639179804: Cara Rabe-Hemp: Does Gender Matter?
- ISBN 9783639179828: Christian Vogel: Marktmodellkonvergenzen im organisierten Kapitalmarkt
- ISBN 9783639179835: Alejandro Cañadas: INEQUALITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ARGENTINA DURING 1991-2002
- ISBN 3639179846: JungHee Park: A Performer's Perspective
- ISBN 9783639179842: JungHee Park: A Performer's Perspective
- ISBN 3639179854: Bacherman, David: Using Students First Language in a Computer-Based ESL Class
- ISBN 9783639179859: Bacherman, David: Using Students First Language in a Computer-Based ESL Class
- ISBN 3639179862: Martin Fichter: David Bordwell on the Planet of the Apes
- ISBN 9783639179866: Martin Fichter: David Bordwell on the Planet of the Apes
- ISBN 3639179870: Pierre Fallavier: Participation as an End versus a Means
- ISBN 9783639179873: Pierre Fallavier: Participation as an End versus a Means
- ISBN 3639179889: Jeremy Mason: Disulfide/Dithiol redox titrations of proteins
- ISBN 9783639179880: Jeremy Mason: Disulfide/Dithiol redox titrations of proteins
- ISBN 9783639179897: Verena Förster: Dyadisches Coping und Zwangsstörungen
- ISBN 9783639179903: Chante' Wellington: African American Perceptions of Psychological Services with Children
- ISBN 9783639179910: Sudmann, Tobba Therkildsen: En)gendering Agency and Body Politics
- ISBN 9783639179927: Diane Howard: MAKING DO WITH WHAT WE HAVE
- ISBN 3639179935: Shoba Bandi-Rao: Rule Learning in Second Language
- ISBN 9783639179934: Shoba Bandi-Rao: Rule Learning in Second Language
- ISBN 9783639179958: Ernesto San-Blas: Entomopathogenic nematodes
- ISBN 9783639179965: Eric Holowka: Copolypeptide Vesicles: Size Control for Intracellular Drug Delivery
- ISBN 9783639179972: Guy Matalon: Unconscious Immortality
- ISBN 3639179986: Daniel Ngugi: Formal and Informal Financial Markets in Developing Countries
- ISBN 9783639179989: Daniel Ngugi: Formal and Informal Financial Markets in Developing Countries
- ISBN 3639179994: Darcy Simmons: Sustaining Appreciative Cultures
- ISBN 9783639179996: Darcy Simmons: Sustaining Appreciative Cultures