ISBN beginnend mit 9783639515
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783639515008: Danny Weyns: An Architecture-Centric Approach for Engineering Multiagent Systems
- ISBN 3639515013: Michelle Paranto: Writing and Transformation in College Composition
- ISBN 9783639515015: Michelle Paranto: Writing and Transformation in College Composition
- ISBN 9783639515022: Raimundo Socorro: Achievement Motivations of Police Officers
- ISBN 9783639515039: Muhsin Akbas: The Problem of Evil and Theodicy
- ISBN 9783639515046: Imran Farooq: Private Partnership for Public Benefit
- ISBN 9783639515053: Kamil Mohamed Hassan: Osteoporosis Biochemical Markers in Diabetic Postmenopausal Women
- ISBN 9783639515060: Cassandra Jeyaram: Repeated Resistance to New Technologies
- ISBN 9783639515077: Hua Fang: Targeting Tumor Cell Apoptosis for Anticancer Therapy Development
- ISBN 9783639515084: Siaan Ansori: Policy formulation processes in Malaysia and Australia
- ISBN 9783639515091: Hana Moghrabi: Perceptual Control Model of Hypnosis
- ISBN 9783639515107: Takashi Sagara: Green Cars and Emission Standards
- ISBN 9783639515114: Hoda Azizi: Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture for Menopausal Symptoms
- ISBN 9783639515121: Ashish Aggarwal: Antioxidants And Chemoprevention
- ISBN 9783639515138: Joseph Wafula: ICT Policy and Strategies
- ISBN 9783639515145: Bansilal, Trivedi Hiren Kumar: Study on Water Quality of Dungarpur
- ISBN 9783639515152: Chandramani Gajbhiye Satyaprakash Nikose: Citation Analysis of Dissertations
- ISBN 9783639515169: Mahmoud Gaber: The Alienated Self in the Plays of Brian Friel
- ISBN 9783639515176: Amin Mannani: Synthesis of Communication Protocols: A Supervisory Control Approach
- ISBN 9783639515183: Nagesh Nalawade: Poverty, Hunger and Exploitation in Indian English Novels
- ISBN 3639515196: Hussain, Faisal;Abid, Muhammad;Shaukat, Syed Shahid: Fungal Diseases of Chilli Crop and Their Control
- ISBN 9783639515190: Hussain, Faisal;Abid, Muhammad;Shaukat, Syed Shahid: Fungal Diseases of Chilli Crop and Their Control
- ISBN 9783639515206: Aravind Suppiah: Auto-immunity in Colorectal Cancer: Anti-p53 and anti-hTERT antibody
- ISBN 9783639515213: Bishun Deo Prasad: Aspartic Protease-mediated Disease Resistance Signaling
- ISBN 9783639515220: Sharmila Khopade Mala Dixit Baburaj Safal Sable: Obesity: A Modifier For Periodontal Healing In Postmenopausal Women
- ISBN 9783639515237: Richard Heslop: Superconductivity and the vortex lattice
- ISBN 9783639515244: Adrienne Yingling Oxley: Semiconductor Nanocrystals
- ISBN 9783639515251: Niema Aboluion: The construction of DNA codes using a computer algebra system
- ISBN 9783639515268: Amaninder Singh Simranjeet Kaur D. P. Singh: An Overview of Dental Implants
- ISBN 9783639515275: Seyedeh Fatemeh Mohajeri: Investigating Learning Disorders
- ISBN 9783639515282: Jean-Marc Guillemette: Using Participatory Design for Workplace Learning
- ISBN 9783639515299: Nderitu Ruth Wanjiru Ayub Macharia Ndaruga Kungu James B.: Role Of Secondary School Based Club In Addressing Nile Basin Threats
- ISBN 9783639515305: Surendran Arumugam Balaji S Janarthanan Senthil Kumar Subramanian: Land-use Strategies and Livelihood Preferences
- ISBN 3639515315: Leta Melkamu Jifar: Structured programming in MPI
- ISBN 9783639515312: Leta Melkamu Jifar: Structured programming in MPI
- ISBN 9783639515329: Harsh Chaturvedi: Optical effects in functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes
- ISBN 9783639515336: Cuckoo Mahapatra: Role of lysosomal enzymes during anuran tail regression
- ISBN 363951534X: Margie Marie Neal: Reading in the Chicago Public Schools: The IRA and IRC as Case Studies
- ISBN 9783639515343: Margie Marie Neal: Reading in the Chicago Public Schools: The IRA and IRC as Case Studies
- ISBN 9783639515350: Lucia Alba-Ferrara: emotional prosody processing in the schizophrenia spectrum
- ISBN 9783639515367: Bibiana Njogo: FDI Determinants In Pre And Deregulated Nigerian Economy
- ISBN 3639515374: Kevin Modesto: Not by Faith Alone
- ISBN 9783639515374: Kevin Modesto: Not by Faith Alone
- ISBN 3639515382: Sei-Young Lee: Pathways To Homelessness
- ISBN 9783639515381: Sei-Young Lee: Pathways To Homelessness
- ISBN 9783639515398: Diether W. Beuermann: Rural Development in Peru and Russia
- ISBN 9783639515404: Mohammad Mehrmohammadi: Pulsed Magneto-motive Ultrasound Imaging
- ISBN 9783639515411: Dar, Bilal;Qureshi, T. A.: Antioxidants as Metal Mitigator in Fish
- ISBN 3639515420: Andrea De Simone: The Measure Problem in Eternal Inflation
- ISBN 9783639515428: Andrea De Simone: The Measure Problem in Eternal Inflation
- ISBN 9783639515435: K¿oda, Karolina: Genes polymorphisms and transplantation
- ISBN 3639515447: Syed Zahidur Rashid: Face Detection and Recognition
- ISBN 3639515455: Charles De Ledesma: The Psytrance Party
- ISBN 9783639515459: Charles De Ledesma: The Psytrance Party
- ISBN 9783639515466: Ravuri Jaya Madhuri: Pesticide Microbiology
- ISBN 3639515471: Olugbode, Ayodele: Social Problems
- ISBN 9783639515473: Olugbode, Ayodele: Social Problems
- ISBN 9783639515480: Suzie S. Weng: Informal Support Network in an Asian American Community
- ISBN 3639515498: Zixia Hu: Advanced Technologies for Digital Radio Broadcasting
- ISBN 9783639515497: Zixia Hu: Advanced Technologies for Digital Radio Broadcasting
- ISBN 9783639515503: Polina Novichenok: Biochemical Studies of Fatty Acid Biosynthesis Enzymes
- ISBN 9783639515510: Debra Lawrence: How Public Investment Contributes to Quality Early Childhood Programs
- ISBN 9783639515527: Laura Cecilia Porro: Dismissivism in Metaphysics
- ISBN 9783639515534: Parth Patel Kinjal Patel: Cefixime Trihydrate Sustained Release Matrix Tablet
- ISBN 9783639515541: Brian Kozy: Chord Bearing Capacity in Long-span Tubular Trusses
- ISBN 9783639515558: Hend Mohammed El Sayed Saad Hesham Mohamed Mohamed Mansour Moustafa Aziz Abdel Wahab: Analysis of Reactivity Induced Accidents in Power Reactors
- ISBN 9783639515565: Kerstin Pfliegner: Participatory Forest Management - Panacea or Pretence?
- ISBN 9783639515572: Serena Ruggeri: Advanced robotic applications
- ISBN 3639515587: Gandhi, Atul R.: Role of Son in Old Age Security
- ISBN 9783639515589: Gandhi, Atul R.: Role of Son in Old Age Security
- ISBN 3639515595: Jerome Teelucksingh: Labour and Party Politics in Trinidad and Tobago1925-1938
- ISBN 9783639515596: Jerome Teelucksingh: Labour and Party Politics in Trinidad and Tobago1925-1938
- ISBN 3639515609: Shaimaa Hassan Abd-Elrahman: Heavy metals distribution in degraded soils irrigated with waste water
- ISBN 9783639515602: Shaimaa Hassan Abd-Elrahman: Heavy metals distribution in degraded soils irrigated with waste water
- ISBN 3639515617: Philip Acheampong: Employers' Perception of Graduates with Entry-Level Technical Skills
- ISBN 9783639515619: Philip Acheampong: Employers' Perception of Graduates with Entry-Level Technical Skills
- ISBN 9783639515626: Jason D. Harper: Low-Temperature Plasma Probes for Ambient Sampling of Chemicals
- ISBN 9783639515633: Verinder Singh Bali: Awareness and Marketing of ULIP Plans among Indian Middle Class
- ISBN 9783639515640: Laura Boeri Cesare Danesino: Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia
- ISBN 9783639515657: Wee Eng Kim, Vincent: New Media In Advertising
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- ISBN 9783639515688: Thejaswini C. Halethimmanahally: Atmospheric-Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge
- ISBN 9783639515695: Ahmed El Antably: Experiencing the Past
- ISBN 9783639515701: Adib Kabir Chowdhury: Discrete Characteristic Probability Distribution Theorem
- ISBN 9783639515718: Vinitha Moolchand Thadhani: Semisynthesis and Bioactivities of Lichen Metabolites
- ISBN 9783639515725: Yunzhen Liu: Heritage and Non-Heritage Chinese Students' Learning Strategy
- ISBN 9783639515732: Mabruk Gheryani: A New Design of Adaptive MIMO Wireless Communication Systems
- ISBN 9783639515749: Blaine Robin: The Politics of Lupus: an ethnographic study of living with Lupus
- ISBN 9783639515756: Mazen Hussein: Container Handling Algorithms and Outbound Heavy Truck Modeling
- ISBN 9783639515763: Yonghwan Bang: Pursuing campus internationalization
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- ISBN 9783639515787: Jason Caudill: The Online Program Economic Risk Assessment Model
- ISBN 9783639515794: Abdurrazak Peler, Gökçe Yükselen: The Tense-Aspect-Mood/Modality System of the Turkish Spoken in Cyprus
- ISBN 9783639515800: Claudio Capelli: Modeling Cardiovascular Devices: Engineering and Clinical applications
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- ISBN 9783639515817: K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy: C & E Characteristics Of DI Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel
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- ISBN 9783639515824: Mali, Babasaheb;Yadav, Dadabhau;Deokate, Tai: WTO and Indian Agriculture
- ISBN 9783639515831: Aburaida, Khalid Mohamed Mustafa: Role of Indigenous Financial Organizations in Poverty
- ISBN 9783639515848: Muhammad Adnan Ali: Capital Dynamics and Impact: Unveiling Insights from Pakistan
- ISBN 9783639515855: Fouad Zaro Mohammad Abido Ibrahim El-Amin: Power Quality Events:Detection and Mitigation
- ISBN 9783639515862: Fred Olwendo: Quasi-Unconditionality: Higher Call to the Virtue of Forgiveness
- ISBN 9783639515879: Fredrik Ludvigsen: Play-create-share gameplatform for the iPad
- ISBN 9783639515886: Jonghoek Kim Magnus Egerstedt Fumin Zhang: Simultaneous Cooperative Exploration and Networking
- ISBN 9783639515893: Karunathevy Sivaji: ESL writing and Corrective Feedback
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- ISBN 9783639515916: Nuwar Mawlawi Diab: A Comparison of Peer- versus Self-Feedback on L2 Writing Skills
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- ISBN 9783639515930: Nuno Manuel Teotónio: Gamification model for SME
- ISBN 9783639515947: Kumbhar, Jyotiba: Resource Efficiency and Price Parity of Principal Crops in Maharashtra
- ISBN 3639515951: Natalie Rublik: Investigating the Role of Culture and the Development of Oral Fluency
- ISBN 9783639515954: Natalie Rublik: Investigating the Role of Culture and the Development of Oral Fluency
- ISBN 9783639515961: Soloshenko, Mikhail: The Effect of Soloshenko-Yanchilin - Gravitation and Time
- ISBN 9783639515978: Osama Haraz: Ultra-Wideband Antennas and Components
- ISBN 9783639515985: Irandegani, Mohammad Ali: Presenting Abnormal Lateral Load Patterns
- ISBN 9783639515992: Vitaly Bulatov: Mathematical Modeling of Complex Systems