ISBN beginnend mit 9783659347
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659347009: Ilhem Mortad-Serir: Literary Dialect in the Victorian Novel
- ISBN 9783659347016: Naveen Chauhan Avneet Gupta: Bioavailability And Bioequivalence Study Of Gabapentin
- ISBN 9783659347023: Babu, G. Prasad: Utilization of ICT for Empowerment by Farming Community in India
- ISBN 9783659347030: Alexandru Sârbu: The Business Environment in Sub-Saharan Africa
- ISBN 9783659347047: Hoda El-Garhy Ahmed Bahieldin Ibrahiem El-Shwaf: Production of wheat lines resistant to some unfavorable conditions
- ISBN 9783659347054: Hindol Roy: Green Marketing In Emerging Economies - An Indian Perspective
- ISBN 365934706X: Masresha Yilma: Factors Affecting Quality in Primary Schools of Addis Ababa City
- ISBN 9783659347061: Masresha Yilma: Factors Affecting Quality in Primary Schools of Addis Ababa City
- ISBN 9783659347078: Gagandeep Singh: Biodegradation of animal carcasses
- ISBN 9783659347085: Mohammad Azim Manoj Kumar Subramanian: Global Financial Crisis, Directors Remuneration and Performance
- ISBN 9783659347092: Chad Rezsnyak: Reactions of Gold(III) Complexes With Alkenes in Aqueous Solution
- ISBN 9783659347108: Izbrannye Metody Yadernoy Astrofiziki
- ISBN 9783659347115: Chinyama, Jonathan: Pulmonary Tuberculosis in HIV+ adults and its Neurocognive Effects
- ISBN 9783659347122: Rajeshwar Chawla: TONGUE-'A mirror of health and disease'
- ISBN 9783659347139: Gupta, Charu: Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for Bacteriocin Production
- ISBN 9783659347146: Ekta Patel: Stem cell and Cell line: A Little Science & Lots of Hope
- ISBN 9783659347153: Tanziman Ara Rafiul Islam Monzur Hossain: Varietal Improvement in Strawberry
- ISBN 9783659347160: Realizatsiya Natsional nykh Proektov I Ekonomicheskaya Bezopasnost Rossii
- ISBN 9783659347177: Hifz-ul Rahman Jalees Ahmed Bhatti Muhammad Saadullah: Effect of Processed Alfalfa on the Performance of Lohi Lambs
- ISBN 9783659347184: Renald Blundell: p21 regulation in lung epithelial cells
- ISBN 9783659347191: Asok Ghosh Ishita Saha Archishman Adhikary: Palynotaxonomical study of some species of Rosaceae and Polygonaceae
- ISBN 9783659347207: Melkamu Kassie: Problems of case investigation and prosecution in Bahir Dar city
- ISBN 9783659347214: Elena Utochkina: Formirowanie sposobnosti studentow k professional'noj samoocenke
- ISBN 9783659347221: Lucian-Vasile Szabo: The facts in the case of E. A. Poe
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- ISBN 9783659347245: Muhammad Mushtaq: Modeling of Family Income & Savings Using Interval Regression
- ISBN 9783659347252: Hailu Gebremedhen: Ethiopian Lowland bamboo for particleboard manufacturing
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- ISBN 9783659347276: Dina Jaccob: Regional and Inter-regional Financial Integration
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- ISBN 9783659347283: Ajman Musina: Funkcional'nye osobennosti organizma pri informacionnyh nagruzkah
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- ISBN 9783659347290: Lilian Mpinga: Tomato Grafting for Improved Yield and Quality in Tanzania
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- ISBN 9783659347450: David Mrema: Long Range Wireless Sensor Network Employing UAV as a Relay Station
- ISBN 9783659347467: Nisar, Javaria: Seed Storage Protein Profiling-A measure of wheat bread making quality | Javaria Nisar (u. a.) | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 68 S. | Englisch | 2013 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing | EAN 9783659347467
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- ISBN 9783659347634: Khan, Muhammad Irshan: Design and Development of Indoor Positioning System | For Portable Devices | Muhammad Irshan Khan | Taschenbuch | Paperback | 108 S. | Englisch | 2013 | LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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