ISBN beginnend mit 9783659422
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659422003: Michail Pazarskis: Mergers & Acquisitions in Greece
- ISBN 9783659422010: Amr Kotb: Auditing Practice and Education in the Information Age
- ISBN 9783659422027: Gipoxiya desny
- ISBN 9783659422034: Manoj Kumar Sain: Lean Manufacturing Implementation in Garment Industry
- ISBN 9783659422041: Girmay Kalayu: Bacterial Interactions with Heavy Metals and Antibiotics
- ISBN 9783659422058: Pankaj Kumar Singh: Analysis of Rainfall variability of Rainfed Rice over Eastern India
- ISBN 3659422061: Tarek El-Desouky: Decontamination of mycotoxins contaminated wheat grain using ozone gas
- ISBN 9783659422065: Tarek El-Desouky: Decontamination of mycotoxins contaminated wheat grain using ozone gas
- ISBN 365942207X: M. Jamal Uddin: Socioeconomic Impact of Hill Farming on Indigenous Farmers¿ Livelihood
- ISBN 9783659422072: M. Jamal Uddin: Socioeconomic Impact of Hill Farming on Indigenous Farmers¿ Livelihood
- ISBN 9783659422089: Vilas Renge Chhaya Renge: Mass transfer studies in a venturi scrubber
- ISBN 9783659422096: Vasilica Negrut Mirela Arsith: Designing and Implementing Competency-Based Curriculum
- ISBN 9783659422102: Zhirnow, Nikolaj: Politicheskaq kul'tura: arhetipy w russkoj nacional'noj modeli
- ISBN 3659422118: Tat'qna Alawerdowa: Razwitie obrazowatel'noj sredy malogo predprinimatel'stwa
- ISBN 9783659422119: Tat'qna Alawerdowa: Razwitie obrazowatel'noj sredy malogo predprinimatel'stwa
- ISBN 3659422126: Yisau Abiodun Babalola: Analysis of Capital Structure & Effectiveness of Business Enterprises
- ISBN 9783659422126: Yisau Abiodun Babalola: Analysis of Capital Structure & Effectiveness of Business Enterprises
- ISBN 9783659422133: Moses Emetere: Heat and Thermodynamics:A precise course for Beginners
- ISBN 9783659422140: Ibrar Khan: Methods in Medicinal Plants Research
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- ISBN 9783659422164: Akm Moinul Haque Meaze: Neutron Cross-sections: Measurements & Evaluations
- ISBN 9783659422171: Beatriz Cebolla Garrofé Arne Bjoernberg: The Euro HIV Index 2009
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- ISBN 9783659422201: Metodologiya standartizatsii v sudebnoy meditsine
- ISBN 9783659422218: Alexandr Chernow: Voewodina: politiko-geograficheskaq specifika awtonomii Serbii
- ISBN 3659422223: Kh. S. Karimov: Applications of nano and organic composites based devices
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- ISBN 3659422231: Syed Sauban Ghani: The Chemistry of Nitrogen Donor Synthetic Macrocyclic Complexes
- ISBN 9783659422232: Syed Sauban Ghani: The Chemistry of Nitrogen Donor Synthetic Macrocyclic Complexes
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- ISBN 9783659422423: Alexandra Gambarqn: Razrabotka zhiwyh wakcin protiw grippa H5N1 dlq weterinarii
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- ISBN 9783659422461: Swetlana Sidorkina: Praktika uprawleniq chislennost'ü neproizwodstwennogo personala
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- ISBN 9783659422485: Pritam Singh: Anthropometric Characteristics of Long Distance Runners and Throwers
- ISBN 9783659422492: Ahmed Ghaleb Aisha Gjam Hosni Abdusalam: Boundary integrals in plane elasticity with mixed boundary conditions
- ISBN 9783659422508: Emmanuel Osoka: Rate Modelling of Starch Gelatinisation Under Strong Alkali Conditions
- ISBN 9783659422515: Eric Doe: Cocoa Agroforestry Investment In Buffer Zones Of A Forest Reserve
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- ISBN 9783659422539: Patrick Kwasi Brobbey: The Effects of Chieftaincy Disputes in Ghana
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- ISBN 9783659422546: Boris Rudnew: Processy teploobmena w kamere sgoraniq dizel'nyh dwigatelej
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- ISBN 9783659422638: Alexandr Sedel'nikow: Gosudarstwenno-obschestwennoe uprawlenie obrazowaniem
- ISBN 9783659422645: Drokina, Kristina: Issledowanie rossijskogo rynka truda: tendencii,problemy i perspektiwy / Monografiq
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- ISBN 9783659422911: Krishna Giri: Fish Distribution Pattern And Status Of Fisher Community In Phewa Lake
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- ISBN 9783659422942: Syed Mahmud-ul-Islam: Sustainable River Basin Management of the Buriganga River
- ISBN 9783659422959: Farai Razano: SADC Shared Watercourses Management: Towards A Comprehensive Protocol
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- ISBN 9783659422973: Nidhi Manaktala: Artefacts in Oral Pathology
- ISBN 3659422983: Alexey Mikhaylov: Asset allocation in investment funds
- ISBN 9783659422980: Alexey Mikhaylov: Asset allocation in investment funds
- ISBN 9783659422997: Y. Chandrakala: A Sociological Study of Rural Women of Vadamalpet of Chittoor Dt, A.P.