ISBN beginnend mit 9783659475
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659475009: Liliana Lopes Monteiro: Body, Power & Discourse: Film Noir as a site of Symbolic Contestation
- ISBN 9783659475016: Alisha Adelman: The grass ceiling
- ISBN 9783659475023: Levan Kakhishvili: The Role of Kin-States in Ethnic Relations within Host-States
- ISBN 3659475033: Muhammad Umar Ali: Study of Occupational EHS Practices at Fertilizer Producing Industries
- ISBN 9783659475030: Muhammad Umar Ali: Study of Occupational EHS Practices at Fertilizer Producing Industries
- ISBN 9783659475047: Vinayak Shirsekar Ajay Bhoosreddy: Lasers in Oral Medicine
- ISBN 9783659475054: Octavian-George Cimpu: R&D for Smart TV
- ISBN 9783659475061: Nader Bokhari: Nerve Blocking and the Brachial Plexus Sheath
- ISBN 9783659475078: Deepak Kumar: Remote Sensing Applications for Planetary Surfaces
- ISBN 9783659475085: Rooppreet Sohal: The Exploitive Nature of Prostitution and Sex Trafficking in India
- ISBN 9783659475092: Alhassan A. Husein: Processability Theory and Arabic Language Acquisition
- ISBN 3659475106: Asta Muratowa: Jekonomika, osnowannaq na znaniqh.
- ISBN 9783659475108: Asta Muratowa: Jekonomika, osnowannaq na znaniqh.
- ISBN 3659475114: Tulsi Gurjar: Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients on Alphonso mango
- ISBN 9783659475115: Tulsi Gurjar: Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients on Alphonso mango
- ISBN 9783659475122: Charles P Chen Tatijana Busic: Optimal Life-Careers
- ISBN 9783659475139: George Aluzimbi: Alcohol use in HIV care programs
- ISBN 9783659475146: Ahmad Mohseni Marziyeh Rabiee: Socioeconomic Status and Language Learning Strategies
- ISBN 9783659475153: In-Soo Han: LCD Industry in East Asia
- ISBN 3659475165: Nataliq Anatol'ewna Senognoewa: Testy uchebnoj deqtel'nosti: innowacionnaq pedagogicheskaq tehnologiq
- ISBN 9783659475160: Nataliq Anatol'ewna Senognoewa: Testy uchebnoj deqtel'nosti: innowacionnaq pedagogicheskaq tehnologiq
- ISBN 9783659475177: Vinodh Subramani: Studies on Integrated nutrient management in celosia
- ISBN 3659475181: K. Yadhari: Bacterial Foraging Approach To Profit Based Unit Commitment
- ISBN 9783659475184: K. Yadhari: Bacterial Foraging Approach To Profit Based Unit Commitment
- ISBN 9783659475191: M. Veeraselvam: Health, diseases and environmental enrichments in captive sloth bears
- ISBN 3659475203: Sara Setayesh: Criticism of Naive Innocence: A Study of Blake's Beulah Poems
- ISBN 9783659475207: Sara Setayesh: Criticism of Naive Innocence: A Study of Blake's Beulah Poems
- ISBN 9783659475214: Abhijeet Alok: Nanotechnology
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- ISBN 9783659475221: Jurij Kashuba: Bol'nye osuzhdennye: ispolnenie nakazanij bez lisheniq swobody
- ISBN 9783659475238: Krishna Moorthy: Production Technology of Major Spices
- ISBN 9783659475245: Zobair Ullah: Understanding Array & Function in C++
- ISBN 9783659475252: Galina Zuewa: Urbanoflora Elabugi w ocenke äkologicheskogo sostoqniq goroda
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- ISBN 9783659475313: Robert Hamd: Generous Neighbors?
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- ISBN 9783659475320: Mahreen Iftikhar: Socio-Economic and Psychological Problems of Retirees
- ISBN 9783659475337: Salvatore Alessandro Sarcia': Definition and improvement over time of mathematical estimation models
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- ISBN 9783659475474: Boris Maximow: Polozhenie, dejstwiq rossijskih rabochih i profsoüzow w period peremen
- ISBN 9783659475481: Mustapha Baba Ibi: Teaching Practice and Supervision
- ISBN 9783659475498: Francis Njoroge: Youth In Mount Elgon Conflict In Kenya
- ISBN 9783659475504: Zainab Al-Ars: Compressive Audio Blakley Secret Sharing Using Transform Coding
- ISBN 9783659475511: Deepak Thomas: Shear Bond Strength Of Zirconia
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- ISBN 9783659475528: M. N. Dubowik: Domennye granicy w plenkah s odnoosnoj ploskostnoj anizotropiej
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- ISBN 9783659475535: Bahareh Azad: Testing Liberal Humanism: The East in David Hare¿s Plays
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- ISBN 9783659475542: Vqcheslaw Kalekin: Porshnewye rasshiritel'nye mashiny s samodejstwuüschimi klapanami
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- ISBN 9783659475641: Branislava Batos: Picea omorika /Pan¿./Purkyn¿ - Balkan Endemic and Tertiary Relict
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- ISBN 9783659475672: Ol'ga Antonowskaq: Metod tochechnyh otobrazhenij w zadachah nelinejnoj dinamiki
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- ISBN 9783659475863: Marwan A. Ibrahim: Effect of Heavy Metals on Haematological and Testicular Functions
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- ISBN 9783659475887: Hlazo Mkandawire: Press Freedom and the Role of the State in Zambia
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- ISBN 9783659475917: Azhar Khanjar: Speeding-up Fractal Audio Compression Using Moment Descriptors
- ISBN 9783659475924: Muhammad Naeem Iqbal: Prevalence Of Angina Pectoris
- ISBN 3659475939: Giuseppina Simone: Protocols and pipelines to fabricate microgels in microfluidics
- ISBN 9783659475931: Giuseppina Simone: Protocols and pipelines to fabricate microgels in microfluidics
- ISBN 3659475947: Farhan Hyder Sahito: Advancing Forensic Interrogation Techniques To Combat Terrorism
- ISBN 9783659475948: Farhan Hyder Sahito: Advancing Forensic Interrogation Techniques To Combat Terrorism
- ISBN 9783659475955: Ioanna Karypidou: Corruption and Environmental Policy
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- ISBN 9783659475979: Vijay Pal: Responses of Irrigation Scheduling and I.N.M. on Scented Rice
- ISBN 9783659475986: Abdulrasaq Oladimeji Akanbi: Analysis of Senior School Students Errors in Physics Examination
- ISBN 9783659475993: Lalit Saxena: Lecture Notes in C/C++ Programming Language