ISBN beginnend mit 9783659510
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 3659510009: Edisson Sávio de Góes Maciel: Applications of TVD Algorithms in 2D and 3D
- ISBN 9783659510007: Edisson Sávio de Góes Maciel: Applications of TVD Algorithms in 2D and 3D
- ISBN 9783659510014: Hiraman Aher: Thin Solid films of Sb-Se, Bi-Se and Ag-Se
- ISBN 9783659510021: Deepali Sharma: Healthy Learning
- ISBN 9783659510038: Polqkow, Alexandr: Nenormatiwnye ätnonimy w russkom qzyke
- ISBN 9783659510045: S. P. Nikam P.K. Singh: Geomorphology of Watershed
- ISBN 9783659510052: Peter Dok Tindan: Forest Fringe Livelihoods at the Edge of Deforestation in Ghana
- ISBN 9783659510069: Kesava Reddy Chirra: 4 Stroke Diesel Engine Noise Using Different Blends Of Pongamia Oil
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- ISBN 9783659510076: Nikolaj Orlin: Tualetnoe mylo kak himicheskij produkt
- ISBN 9783659510083: Zyri Bajrami: An Essay on Modular Biology
- ISBN 9783659510090: Muritala Alade Amidu Adewale Dosunmu: Risk Assessment of Abandoned Logging Sources in Nigerian Oil Wells
- ISBN 3659510106: Elena Akulowa: Metodika sociologicheskih issledowanij
- ISBN 9783659510106: Elena Akulowa: Metodika sociologicheskih issledowanij
- ISBN 9783659510113: Chris Ogbechie: Key Determinant of Effective Boards - Evidence from Nigeria
- ISBN 9783659510120: Samrad Ismayilov: Sustainable Development in the Food Supply Chain
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- ISBN 9783659510144: Kozulin, Sergej: O beskonechnyh gruppah Frobeniusa i Mp-gruppah
- ISBN 9783659510151: Adaptivnye vozmozhnosti miometriya posle jexperimental noj travmy
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- ISBN 9783659510175: Evrim Özkaynak Kanmaz: Subcritical Water Extraction
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- ISBN 9783659510199: Yazyk, myshlenie i deystvitel nost v filosofii Bkhartrikhari
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- ISBN 9783659510212: Trening sotsial noy kompetentnosti dlya podrostkov
- ISBN 9783659510229: Abdur Rahman Talat Naseer Pasha Ms. Saima: Broiler Nutrition- Effects of Enzymes and Organic Acids
- ISBN 9783659510236: Eilén Askeland Olsen: Grammar Teaching in the EFL Classroom
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- ISBN 9783659510250: Ahmed Mohsen Al-Baidhani: The Effects of Corporate Governance on Bank Performance
- ISBN 9783659510267: Jun Wang: People, Institutions, and Pixels
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- ISBN 9783659510274: Mihail Klejmenow: Modeli wzaimodejstwiq obschnostej w sisteme sel'skogo zdrawoohraneniq
- ISBN 9783659510281: Naresh Manandhar: Determinants of primary school dropout in Terai districts of Nepal
- ISBN 3659510297: Swetlana Stankewich: Mikroälementnyj sostaw grudnogo moloka zhenschin, prozhiwaüschih w gorode
- ISBN 9783659510298: Swetlana Stankewich: Mikroälementnyj sostaw grudnogo moloka zhenschin, prozhiwaüschih w gorode
- ISBN 9783659510304: Somiya Gutbi Salim Mohammed: Dieting practices among Ahfad University for Women Students
- ISBN 9783659510311: Rummana Zaheer: Economic Integration Among SAARC countries
- ISBN 9783659510328: Chjornye i zeljonye shheloka v sul fatnom proizvodstve celljulozy
- ISBN 3659510335: Mariq Frolowa: Vybor optimal'noj modeli izdeliq medicinskoj tehniki
- ISBN 9783659510335: Mariq Frolowa: Vybor optimal'noj modeli izdeliq medicinskoj tehniki
- ISBN 9783659510342: Viktor Osowcew: Proektirowanie sistem logisticheskoj podderzhki rossijskoj äkonomiki
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- ISBN 9783659510397: Mariam Abbas Soharwardi: Economy of Nomad Pastoralists and their Migration Cycle
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- ISBN 9783659510427: Alessio Langiu: Optimal Parsing for Dictionary-Based Compression
- ISBN 9783659510434: Belachew Asteray: Construction Delays
- ISBN 9783659510441: Afanas'ewa, O. G.: Agropromyshlennyj komplex PFO Rossii: itogi i problemy
- ISBN 9783659510458: Drahomír Schmidt: Pavement Friction as an Input Parameter for Modelling Accident Process
- ISBN 9783659510465: Konstrukcionnye materialy dlya yaderno-jenergeticheskih ustanovok
- ISBN 9783659510472: Mona Fayed: Interest Rate Spreads & Efficiency in the Egyptian Banking Market
- ISBN 9783659510489: Vozmozhnye mekhanizmy funktsionirovaniya kolonok v zritel noy kore mozga
- ISBN 3659510491: Ol'ga Gennad'ewna Strusowskaq: Cochlearia Soloweckih ostrowow
- ISBN 9783659510496: Ol'ga Gennad'ewna Strusowskaq: Cochlearia Soloweckih ostrowow
- ISBN 9783659510502: Okislitel naya modifikaciya belkov plazmy krovi suslikov
- ISBN 9783659510519: Anindita Dewan Dilip K. Kakati: Vanadium Polyoxomatelate: An oxidant for Oxidative Transformation
- ISBN 9783659510526: Osobennosti fenologii i reprodukcii eli
- ISBN 9783659510533: Maryam Khalid Rabia Rafiq Anum Haider: Evaluation of Biomedical Waste Management System
- ISBN 9783659510540: K. O. Butenko: Nematody rastenij i pochw Mongolii
- ISBN 3659510556: Alena Lawrent'ewa: Detektirowanie pozharow po sputnikowym dannym serii Spot
- ISBN 9783659510557: Alena Lawrent'ewa: Detektirowanie pozharow po sputnikowym dannym serii Spot
- ISBN 9783659510564: Upravlenie innovacionnymi strukturnymi processami
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- ISBN 9783659510588: Robert Nyamao Nyabwanga: Working Capital Management Practices And Financial Performance
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- ISBN 9783659510649: David Simmons: Random iteration of rational functions
- ISBN 9783659510656: Sahar Javaid: Heathcliff's Neurosis
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- ISBN 9783659510670: Usama Abdelmenam: Feed Additives in Rabbit Diets Under Heat Conditions
- ISBN 9783659510687: Anahita Bhesania Hodiwala: Mupirocin Resistant MRSA - A New Threat in Management
- ISBN 9783659510694: Peter Anabire Asungre: The Ghanaian Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum, (L), R.Br] Landrace
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- ISBN 9783659510731: Santosh Kadam: SWOT Analysis of Engineering College Libraries
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- ISBN 9783659510779: Suresh Jain: Formulation And Evaluation of IDDS For Depression; A NDDS
- ISBN 9783659510786: Prasant Kumar Misra: Acoustical localization techniques
- ISBN 9783659510793: Meena Wadhwani: Photochemical oxidation of some carbohydrates
- ISBN 9783659510809: Ka Lok Chan: Nitrogen Dioxide Measurements in Hong Kong using Long Path DOAS
- ISBN 9783659510816: Pragnesh Parmar: Estimation of stature from extremities
- ISBN 9783659510823: Suman Singh: Gold Nanoparticles in Biosensing
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- ISBN 9783659510977: Pragya Mishra: Indianizing Hollywood: Inspiration or Infringement?
- ISBN 9783659510984: Anjani Kumar Singh: Genetic Parameters and Stability Analysis in French Bean
- ISBN 9783659510991: Vnutriorganizacionnyj marketing vertikal no-integrirovannyh struktur