ISBN beginnend mit 9783659803
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659803000: Ayushi Gupta: Smoking: Poisonous Haze
- ISBN 9783659803017: Jenergeticheskaya politika KNR na rubezhe XX-XXI vv.
- ISBN 9783659803024: Bamatraf, Amjed: A Fragment of Pedagogical English Grammar / The Noun from a Wider Perspective
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- ISBN 9783659803031: Williams Nwachukwu: Profitability and Efficiency of SAMPEA-11 Variety of Cowpea Production
- ISBN 3659803049: Cynthia Okoro-Shekwaga: Sewage sludge liquor treatment and revenue creation using Microalgae
- ISBN 9783659803048: Cynthia Okoro-Shekwaga: Sewage sludge liquor treatment and revenue creation using Microalgae
- ISBN 9783659803055: Razvitie rechetvorcheskoj deyatel nosti starsheklassnikov sredstvami jexp
- ISBN 9783659803062: Ali Alhaj: A Study of Metonymic Words in Quran Translation
- ISBN 3659803073: Mahdi Farashiani: Analiz äffektiwnosti funkcionirowaniq korporatiwnaq seti
- ISBN 9783659803079: Mahdi Farashiani: Analiz äffektiwnosti funkcionirowaniq korporatiwnaq seti
- ISBN 3659803081: Amal Hamed: Wild Cotton in Egypt
- ISBN 9783659803086: Amal Hamed: Wild Cotton in Egypt
- ISBN 9783659803093: Mitja Velikonja: Titostalgia - A Study of Nostalgia for Josip Broz
- ISBN 9783659803109: Hussain Rangwala: Intangible parallels between Music and Architecture
- ISBN 9783659803116: Gunay Sadixova: International News Coverage:Nagorno Karabakh Conflict in NYT newspaper
- ISBN 365980312X: Romany Thabet: Adenosine Versus Theophylline Toxicity
- ISBN 9783659803123: Romany Thabet: Adenosine Versus Theophylline Toxicity
- ISBN 9783659803130: Mosha, Faustin: Walking in Transforming African Housing Cityscapes
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- ISBN 9783659803147: Alla Viktorowna Gatilowa: Jekologicheskij audit - innowacionnyj trend prirodoohrannoj deqtel'nosti
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- ISBN 9783659803154: Leonid Andreewich Kotkow: Vnedrenie special'noj ocenki uslowij truda w organizacii
- ISBN 9783659803161: Psihologo-pedagogicheskoe soprovozhdenie razvitiya samostoyatel nosti
- ISBN 9783659803178: Adel Abdel-Moneim: Cancer Metabolism and Natural Management
- ISBN 9783659803185: Rol modeli organizacionnogo povedeniya v upravlenii personalom
- ISBN 9783659803192: Kim, Young Duk: Exploration of Connectivity between urban plaza and mixed-use building
- ISBN 9783659803208: Sultan, Rasel A: Renewable Micro Hydro Power Generation / A comprehensive analysis & construction of Renewable Micro Hydro Power Generation project
- ISBN 3659803219: Tanusree Sen: Study on mitochondrial dysfunction, DNA damage and apoptosis in aging
- ISBN 3659803227: Oniovosa Okumoku-Evroro: Development of an Online Repository & Search Engine for College Alumni
- ISBN 9783659803222: Oniovosa Okumoku-Evroro: Development of an Online Repository & Search Engine for College Alumni
- ISBN 9783659803239: Alexej Vashhenko: Metody municipal'nogo upravleniya na primere municipal'nogo obrazovaniya
- ISBN 9783659803246: Suhrawardy, Faroha: A Case Study of Community Radio Policy in Bangladesh
- ISBN 9783659803253: Leonid Shmulenson: Raschety metallokonstrukcij gruzopod#emnyh kranow / Analiz konstrukcij i primery raschetow. Sprawochnik / Leonid Shmulenson / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / EAN 9783659803253
- ISBN 365980326X: Kabtamu Ayele: Knowledge about HIV/AIDS, Risk Reduction Behaviors and Readiness to VCT
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- ISBN 9783659803277: Nikita Patel: Fundamental Immunology
- ISBN 3659803286: Panu Pratumnopharat: Fatigue Data Editing for Blades of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
- ISBN 9783659803284: Panu Pratumnopharat: Fatigue Data Editing for Blades of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines
- ISBN 9783659803291: Sergej Zelinskij: Vliqnie na psihiku cheloweka s pomosch'ü tehnologij manipulirowaniq
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- ISBN 9783659803314: Sarah Olivo: Rocking the Boat: Exhibition Methods in Storytelling Experience
- ISBN 9783659803321: Abdellatief, Tamer: An Environmental Gasoline / Enhancing the Properties of the Gasoline Through Modified Blending Operations / Tamer Abdellatief (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 120 S. / Englisch / 2015
- ISBN 3659803332: Venera Gudachi: Comparison Spain vs Macedonia¿Links between HRM and Business Strategy
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- ISBN 9783659803383: Vladimir Voroncow: Uprawlenie bezopasnost'ü dwizheniq poezdow
- ISBN 9783659803390: Fatemeh Masumi: The Comparative Effect of Focus on Form vs. Focus on Forms Instruction
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- ISBN 9783659803406: Sachin Pujari: Ethics of Engineering Students towards Teachers
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- ISBN 9783659803420: Sara Sayed: Impact of some inorganic fertilizers on freshwater snails
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- ISBN 9783659803444: Birhanu Hailu: Epidemiology and Financial Loss Of LSD in Cattle Farming of Ethiopia
- ISBN 9783659803451: Misbah Nazir: Electrochemical study of Copper-Histidine complex
- ISBN 3659803464: Chittluri Narasimha Rao: Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Parameters
- ISBN 9783659803468: Chittluri Narasimha Rao: Statistical Analysis of Water Quality Parameters
- ISBN 9783659803475: Allan Mann: Static and Dynamic Finite Element Analysis Using Parallel Programming
- ISBN 9783659803482: Okumu¿, Kübra: EPOSTL for Reflective Teaching / European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages / Kübra Okumu¿ / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 160 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659803505: Tyshkowskij, Alexandr Vladimirowich: Praktikum po psihologii cheloweka w organizacii: Chelowecheskij kapital / Alexandr Vladimirowich Tyshkowskij (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / Russisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659803529: Vladimir Arzybow: Izwestkowanie wyschelochennyh chernozemow
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- ISBN 9783659803543: Issa Ali Umar Al-Qaderi: Pragmatics in Arabic
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- ISBN 9783659803574: Elsayed Zaki: Beneficial Role Of Surfactants in Petroleum Applications
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- ISBN 9783659803642: Elena Yashnewa: Zooplankton nekotoryh malyh rek Kostromskoj oblasti
- ISBN 9783659803659: Priyanka, Jannatul Hamida: "Tradition and the Individual Talent": A Critical Study / Jannatul Hamida Priyanka / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 56 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing / EAN 9783659803659
- ISBN 9783659803666: Norris, John Mark: A Program for Persistent Integration of Faith and Learning Online
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- ISBN 9783659803758: Iqbal Hossain: Establishment and Management of Tea Nurseries / Way to Producing Qualitative Tea Plants / Iqbal Hossain / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 116 S. / Englisch / 2015 / LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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- ISBN 9783659803802: Elena Shamraeva: Postroenie komp'juternyh modelej cherepnyh implantatov po RG-i KT-dannym
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- ISBN 9783659803819: Lakshmi Prasanna Pagadala: A Study Of Corporate Governance In Liberalized Economy
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- ISBN 9783659803833: Blasius Agha-ah Chatoh (Ed.: Recreating Centers and the Politics of Nationalism
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- ISBN 9783659803840: Mariq Korzina: Dizajn-proektirowanie internet-sajtow
- ISBN 3659803855: Bishal Poudel: Performance Analysis of PAPR Reduction in MIMO and OFDM Systems
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- ISBN 3659803863: Pradeek Mooliyil: Quality Management of Nursing care in a tertiary care setting
- ISBN 9783659803864: Pradeek Mooliyil: Quality Management of Nursing care in a tertiary care setting
- ISBN 3659803871: Tiago Soares: The effects of R&D intensity and tax incentives on firms¿ growth
- ISBN 9783659803871: Tiago Soares: The effects of R&D intensity and tax incentives on firms¿ growth
- ISBN 9783659803888: Hala Sakr: GATS Potential Impact on Tourism
- ISBN 3659803901: Olivier Lamberts: Power-to-Gas: study of the conversion efficiency & process integration
- ISBN 9783659803901: Olivier Lamberts: Power-to-Gas: study of the conversion efficiency & process integration
- ISBN 365980391X: Guillermo Andres Idarraga Alarcon: The influence of rail lubrication in wheel/rail contact
- ISBN 9783659803918: Guillermo Andres Idarraga Alarcon: The influence of rail lubrication in wheel/rail contact
- ISBN 3659803928: Sharwari Chavan: Paper Waste at Institute
- ISBN 9783659803925: Sharwari Chavan: Paper Waste at Institute
- ISBN 3659803936: M. Bhupathi Rayalu: Medicinal Uses of our Backyard Plants
- ISBN 9783659803932: M. Bhupathi Rayalu: Medicinal Uses of our Backyard Plants
- ISBN 9783659803949: Tehnologiya realizacii showreel proektov
- ISBN 3659803952: Muhammad Ijaz: Study of berseem hay and green berseem on growth of buffalo calves
- ISBN 9783659803956: Muhammad Ijaz: Study of berseem hay and green berseem on growth of buffalo calves
- ISBN 9783659803963: Nosheen Aslam: Advanced Medical Biochemistry
- ISBN 9783659803970: Hasanuzzaman, Md.: Cropland Agroforestry Practices / Selection of Tree Species for Sustainable Cropland Agroforestry Practices / Md. Hasanuzzaman (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 256 S. / Englisch / 2015
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