ISBN beginnend mit 9783659807
Seit Anfang der 70er Jahre werden die meisten Bücher mit einer ISBN (International Standard Book Number) herausgegeben. Anfangs noch 10-stellig, wurde 2005 die 13-stellige ISBN eingeführt, die heute Standard ist. Die ISBN finden Sie meist hinten auf dem Buchumschlag bzw. Buchdeckel oder innen auf dem Vorsatz. In unserem Sortiment finden Sie auch alte und vergriffene Titel ganz einfach mithilfe der ISBN. Diese Seite gibt einen Überblick über alle ISBN-Titel, die Sie bei uns bestellen können.
- ISBN 9783659807008: Alebel Weldesilassie: Climate Resilient Primary Export Commodities
- ISBN 365980701X: Sana Fakir: Survey on poverty in selected groups and regions
- ISBN 9783659807015: Sana Fakir: Survey on poverty in selected groups and regions
- ISBN 9783659807022: Alina Stoica: History of the European Idea
- ISBN 9783659807039: Metin Güner: Para-Sasakian Manifoldu
- ISBN 3659807044: Elena Even-Simkin: Synonyms as a Pathway to Consciousness
- ISBN 9783659807046: Elena Even-Simkin: Synonyms as a Pathway to Consciousness
- ISBN 9783659807053: Richter, Igor: Rectal cancer / The prognostic significance of change of the epidermal growth factor receptor expression in patients with rectal cancer
- ISBN 3659807060: Nadia Wardeh: The Problematic of Turath in Contemporary Arab Thought
- ISBN 9783659807060: Nadia Wardeh: The Problematic of Turath in Contemporary Arab Thought
- ISBN 9783659807077: Tazeen Zehra Naqvi: Recipe of Crucibles: A look inside Pakistan's female leadership
- ISBN 3659807087: Valerij Mischenko: Izmerenie parametrow älektricheskih kabelej swqzi
- ISBN 9783659807084: Valerij Mischenko: Izmerenie parametrow älektricheskih kabelej swqzi
- ISBN 9783659807091: Giovanni Alcocer: Numerical Solution of Equations and the Polynomial Interpolation
- ISBN 9783659807107: Muhammad Ajmal: Community Participation in Education
- ISBN 9783659807114: Himadris Chattopadhyay: Corporate Social Responsibility: Perception of MBA Students of Kolkata
- ISBN 9783659807121: Jesse Acker-Johnson: Interpreting John Dowland's lute works on the classical guitar
- ISBN 9783659807138: Shareefa AlGhamdi: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and drug toxicity
- ISBN 3659807141: Mohamed El-Shimy: Dynamic Security of Interconnected Electric Power Systems ¿ Volume 2
- ISBN 9783659807145: Mohamed El-Shimy: Dynamic Security of Interconnected Electric Power Systems ¿ Volume 2
- ISBN 365980715X: Zepiur Ipranosian: Phonics Instruction
- ISBN 9783659807152: Zepiur Ipranosian: Phonics Instruction
- ISBN 9783659807169: Florence Ibeh: The Factors That Influence Adults Learning
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- ISBN 9783659807176: Alla Borowickaq: Muzykal'noe wospitanie kak sredstwo korrekcii detej-autistow w Izraile
- ISBN 9783659807190: Nabil Aboushady, Reda Mohamed und Amel Dawod Kamel Gudia: Management Of Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage: Risk Factors, Preventive Measures ,and nursing responsibility for women anticipating primary postpartum hemorrhage
- ISBN 9783659807213: Abderrahman Ismaili-Alaoui: The Use of ICT in Education: Implications for the Moroccan Context
- ISBN 3659807222: Aramesh Seif: Degradation of GPS Signals in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- ISBN 9783659807220: Aramesh Seif: Degradation of GPS Signals in the Equatorial Ionosphere
- ISBN 3659807230: Kamal Prasad Khanal: IOs and Transmission of Global Higher Education Trends
- ISBN 9783659807237: Kamal Prasad Khanal: IOs and Transmission of Global Higher Education Trends
- ISBN 9783659807244: Noushia Parveen: Library consortia: A complete guide
- ISBN 9783659807251: Oladejo, Babayemi: Mech. of Adaptive Immunity in Rats Against E. coli O157:H7 Infection
- ISBN 3659807265: Evany Nithya: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Hilly Region
- ISBN 9783659807268: Evany Nithya: Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for Hilly Region
- ISBN 3659807273: Rohan Amare: Critical Heat Flux Enhancement using NanoFluids
- ISBN 9783659807275: Rohan Amare: Critical Heat Flux Enhancement using NanoFluids
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- ISBN 9783659807282: Nilanjan Patra: Long-run Relationship between Real Exchange and Real Interest Rates
- ISBN 9783659807299: Saadet Ela Pelenk: letmelerde Kurumsal Yöneti¿im Bilinci
- ISBN 9783659807305: Kivoi, Douglas: Informal Justice Mechanisms and Formal Courts in Kenya / Lessons from the Gacaca system in Rwanda / Douglas Kivoi (u. a.) / Taschenbuch / Paperback / 56 S. / Englisch / 2015 / EAN 9783659807305
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- ISBN 9783659807336: Mrika Kotorri: An Investigation into Economic Migration
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- ISBN 9783659807367: Raid Jawaad: Nanofiltration Membrane For Recycling sodium sulphat From Aluminum
- ISBN 9783659807374: Social no-pedagogicheskaya profilaktika besprizornosti
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- ISBN 9783659807381: Tesfaye Mekonnen: Determinants of Loan Repayment:Study in Development Bank of Ethiopia
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- ISBN 9783659807428: Amit Sharma: Implementation of Line of Balance in bridge project
- ISBN 9783659807435: Mallik, Seema: Emerging Issues In Climate Change: Indian and American Perspectives
- ISBN 9783659807442: Tradiciya i modernizaciya
- ISBN 9783659807459: Zarema Magomedowa: Jododeficit: geohimicheskie predposylki
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- ISBN 9783659807466: Afsal Rayaroth: Theories and practices of Human Resource Management From Quran
- ISBN 3659807478: Renimadugu Padmavathi: Care and support to HIV infected mothers
- ISBN 9783659807473: Renimadugu Padmavathi: Care and support to HIV infected mothers
- ISBN 3659807486: Benedict Toroitich: Dynamics of Internet usage on corporate communication in Kenya
- ISBN 9783659807480: Benedict Toroitich: Dynamics of Internet usage on corporate communication in Kenya
- ISBN 3659807494: Najma Lashkarian Yazd: Medical Authority and Governance of the Body in Contemporary Iran
- ISBN 9783659807497: Najma Lashkarian Yazd: Medical Authority and Governance of the Body in Contemporary Iran
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- ISBN 9783659807565: Jelena Janjic: Learning in inclusive education
- ISBN 9783659807572: Mokrowa, Xeniq: Nadezhnost' älektrosnabzheniq w tarife na uslugi peredachi älektroänergii
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- ISBN 9783659807596: Betsy Joseph: Optical spectroscopic techniques in the management of periodontitis
- ISBN 9783659807602: Issledovanie v zhurnalistike Problemy teorii i metodiki
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- ISBN 9783659807633: Muhammad Hussein Noure Elahi: Modern Restructuring of Today¿s Management and Leadership
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- ISBN 3659807656: Stefan Buzarnescu: The Chinese Model of sustainable development
- ISBN 9783659807657: Stefan Buzarnescu: The Chinese Model of sustainable development
- ISBN 9783659807664: Nikhil Patel: Lesion Sterilization and Tissue Repair-"LSTR"
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- ISBN 9783659807695: Saadat Mamedowa: Diffuzionnye pokrytiq i PAV dlq zaschity ot korrozii stal'nyh izdelij
- ISBN 9783659807701: Sherif Sakr: The Arab "Spring" of Egypt
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- ISBN 9783659807732: Onotina Olorunfemi: The Representation of Women in Western Nigerian Lifestyle Magazine Ads
- ISBN 3659807745: Noor-un-Nisa: Estimation of Helminths in Field Rats and Effect on Farming Community
- ISBN 9783659807756: Etraj¿I¿, Jovan: Phonon Engineering Theory of Crystalline Layered Nanostructures
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- ISBN 9783659807855: Yasser Arafat Tackie: Economic Impact of Small Skill Mining on Rural Communities
- ISBN 3659807869: Hans E. Alagoa: A Primer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- ISBN 9783659807862: Hans E. Alagoa: A Primer to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
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- ISBN 9783659807893: Ahmed Tufeiru: The Effect of Microfinance on Labor Migration
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- ISBN 9783659807909: Subhajit Ghosh: Forensic Accounting: An Emerging Weapon to Curb White-Collar Crime
- ISBN 9783659807916: Mansour Abohatem: In vitro date palm somatic embryo from cell suspension culture
- ISBN 3659807923: Erica Kjellman: Could 3D printers be used for reconstruction of societal functions?
- ISBN 9783659807923: Erica Kjellman: Could 3D printers be used for reconstruction of societal functions?
- ISBN 3659807931: Sepideh Faramarz: Student Teams Achievement Division
- ISBN 9783659807930: Sepideh Faramarz: Student Teams Achievement Division
- ISBN 365980794X: Alborz Safari: Impact of Knowledge oriented leadership on innovation performance
- ISBN 9783659807954: Juliana Suarez Cortes: Getting an International Quality Standard Improves Exports?
- ISBN 9783659807961: Karim Khallout: The Impact of Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion on the Brain
- ISBN 3659807974: Sanh Sharif: The Referendum on the Independence of Kurdistan Region in Iraq
- ISBN 9783659807978: Sanh Sharif: The Referendum on the Independence of Kurdistan Region in Iraq
- ISBN 9783659807985: Kim Echeverria: Preceptor's Preceptions of New Nurses Ability to Perform Basic Skills
- ISBN 3659807990: Jomar Aban: Awareness, Perspectives and Practices on Multifaceted Pedagogies
- ISBN 9783659807992: Jomar Aban: Awareness, Perspectives and Practices on Multifaceted Pedagogies